1000字范文 > 绵羊毛 wool英语短句 例句大全

绵羊毛 wool英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-17 01:24:34


绵羊毛 wool英语短句 例句大全



1.Quantitative analysis method of cashmere/wool blending yarn;山羊绒/绵羊毛混纺纱的定量分析

2.In this paper the scale structures of raw cashmere, yak hair andwool collected from the places of origin have been observed and analyzed using scanning electron microscope, which has played an effective role in settlement of trade bother of cashmere content.利用扫描电镜观测法,通过对产地采集的山羊原绒、牦牛绒和绵羊毛进行鳞片结构的观察和分析,对解决商贸中的羊绒含量纠纷可起到有效的鉴别作用。

3.In recent years, the textile manufacturers have developed and produced a variety of different blends of sheepwool fiber or modified sheepwool or mohair or camel hair with cashmere in order to rationally use of cashmere sources and adjust the product structure.近些年来,纺织生产企业为了合理利用山羊绒资源、调整产品结构等目的,开发并生产了多种不同混纺比的山羊绒与绵羊绒、改性绵羊毛、马海毛、驼绒等混纺产品。


1.washed {Hailar} spring clipped sheep wool水洗海拉尔春剪绵羊毛

2.washed {Shantung} fine autumn sheep wool水洗山东细秋绵羊毛

3.willowed Inner Mongolian autumn clipped sheepwool过轮内蒙古秋剪绵羊毛

4.washed {chengtze} spring clipped sheep wool水洗城字春剪绵羊毛

5.washed {yingtze} spring clipped sheep wool水洗营字春剪绵羊毛

6.handshaken {yingtze} spring clipped sheep woo手抖营字春剪绵羊毛

7.willowed {hada} autumn clipped sheepwool过轮哈达秋剪绵羊毛

8.Saxony electoral merino萨克森美利奴绵羊毛

9.The Research of Technique Used in Identification of Cashmere and Sheep Wool Fiber山羊绒和绵羊毛纤维鉴别的技术研究

10.Woolen sweaters are made of wool. Wool comes from sheep.羊毛衫是由羊毛作的。羊毛来源于绵羊。

11.The wool shorn at one shearing, as of sheep.一次剪下的羊毛,如绵羊

12.These sheep have fine thick fleeces.这些绵羊的毛又细又厚.

13.A sheep"s fleece is clipped off for wool.绵羊的毛被剪下做成羊毛。

14.Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow .玛丽有只小羊羔,小绵羊,小绵羊。玛丽有只小绵羊,毛儿白如雪。

15.a wool obtained from sheep of the Shetland islands.设得兰群岛的绵羊所产的羊毛。

16.NZ"s famous sheep gets TV haircut新西兰绵羊成明星 电视直播剪羊毛

17.as a sheep among the shearers仿佛落在剪羊毛工人手里的绵羊。

18.The short wool or hair on the rump and hind legs of a sheep, goat, or dog.短毛绵羊、山羊或狗的臀部及后腿上的短羊毛或毛发


fine wool绵羊毛

1.The analysis of shape feature of cashmere andfine wool;山羊绒和细绵羊毛纤维的形态特征分析

2.This paper txpounds the present situation of the research on the mierostructure (three grades) offine wool and eashmere tibres at home and abroad,and analyses the differences in property between the two kinds of fibres that result from the differences in strueture,thereby pointing out the field for further study.本文阐述了国内外对细支绵羊毛、山羊绒三级微观结构的研究现状,分析了两种纤维由于结构差异而引起的性能差异,并指出今后进一步研究的方向。

3.Objective To obtain the methods for identification of sheepfine wool and cashmere.绵羊毛鳞片结构多数呈不规则的环状、斜环状、大瓦块状、龟裂状。

3)sheep wool-like仿绵羊毛

1.The process of producingsheep wool-like fabric with PET fiber and the points to pay attention in production were discussed in this paper.文章简述了用涤纶丝生产仿绵羊毛面料的工艺流程和生产过程中应注意的问题。

4)wool fine yarn细绵羊毛

1.Effect on the properties ofwool fine yarn modified by nanotechnology;纳米化学改性处理对细绵羊毛纱线性能的影响

5)Ovine Wool follicles绵羊毛囊

6)coarse sheepwool粗绵羊毛


炒绵羊丝【菜名】 炒绵羊丝【所属菜系】 粤菜【特点】 此菜青、褐、红、白、黄色,鲜、嫩、脆、爽、滑、鲜、辣。【原料】用料:绵羊肉丝200克,笋丝250克、湿香菇25克、青红辣椒红25克、鸡蛋白15克、粉丝15克。调料:姜丝1.5茶匙,深色酱油、葱丝各3茶匙,胡椒粉、麻油各1茶匙,绍酒、湿淀粉各0.5汤匙,植物油500克。【制作过程】1.绵羊肉丝放入盆内,加入鸡蛋白、一半湿淀拌匀浆好。 2.将湿淀粉放碗中,放入芝麻油、胡椒粉、深色酱油、一半湿淀粉,调成汁待用。 3.炒锅置旺火上,烧热下入植物油,烧至五成热时,放入粉丝炸透,倒在漏勺里,沥去油,盛在盘中。 4.锅内放油0.5汤匙烧至五成热时,将绵羊丝放入油中浸至熟,倒入漏勺中。 5.炒锅内放油少许烧四成热下入姜丝、葱丝、青红辣椒丝、笋丝、香菇丝炒透,加入绵羊丝,烹绍酒,调入芡汁,搅拌匀后,加熟油少许匀装盘,炸粉丝伴边即成。
