1000字范文 > 烫漂 Blanching英语短句 例句大全

烫漂 Blanching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-09 19:02:44


烫漂 Blanching英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the frozen quality of Chinese toona by blanching and frozen storage time;烫漂及冻藏时间对速冻香椿品质的影响

2.The effect of different blanching time on the quality of vacuum fried soybean during processing;不同烫漂时间对真空油炸毛豆仁品质的影响

3.The effect of blanching and drying methods on chemical compositions in leafy vegetables;烫漂和干制方法对蔬菜某些化学成分的影响


1.Optimization of Blanching of Quickly Frozen Purple Sweet Potato by Response Surface Method响应曲面法优化速冻紫甘薯的烫漂工艺

2.Effects of scalding of buckwheat Seedling on rutin content荞麦幼苗烫漂处理对其芦丁含量的影响

3.A Study on the Optimum Blanching Time in Quick-frozen Processing for Vegetable Soybean Tongdou-5通豆5号鲜食大豆速冻加工适宜烫漂时间研究

4.Effects of blanching on water distribution and water status in sweet corn investigated by using MRI and NMR用低场核磁研究烫漂对甜玉米水分布和状态影响

5.A research into blanching s effects on papaw s chemical substance;漂烫对木瓜主要化学组成的影响研究

6.Studies on the Optimization of Pretreatment Technology for Lentinus Edodes Prefreezing Heating & Blanching香菇速冻前漂烫预处理工艺优化研究

7.We have many kinds of permanent: regular, cold perm, straight perm, and foam.我们有很多种烫法:普通烫、冷烫、直发烫和泡沫烫。

8.Do you want a permanent wave or a cold wave?你想电烫还是冷烫?

9.Would you like me to iron your trousers for you ?要我帮你烫一烫裤子吗?

10.I"ll give my suit a press.我要把西装烫一烫。

11.The tea is steaming hot.茶滚烫滚烫地冒着热气。

12.A: Oh, we have quite a varity: regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam.啊,我们能烫很多种类:普通的、烫、发烫、发和泡沫烫。

13.Press seams open using a seam roll. For hard-to-reach seam allowances on collars and lapels, press them open over a point presser.然后用袖烫垫烫开缝线。领子与驳头上难以烫到的缝份,用小烫板烫。

14.Oh, we have quite a regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam.哦,我们有很多种:普通的,冷烫,直发烫,卷发烫和泡沫烫。

15.Hairdresser: Oh, we have quite a variety: regular, cold perm, straight perm, and foam.美发师:?哦,我们有很多种:一般烫发、烫、板烫及泡沫烫。?

16.scalding water, fat, etc滚烫的水、 油等.

17.clean(pans,etc)with boiling water用沸水烫洗(锅等).

18.Tailor"s Ham: used for pressing and molding curved areas.烫凳:用于熨烫和塑造弯曲部位。



1.The paper mainly discussed restrained activities of PPO,POD and quality of fast frozen kidney bean byscalding using “Jiadouwang” as materials,and also studied the effects of different packing methods on stored quality of fast frozen kidney bean.对“架豆王”菜豆的速冻保鲜工艺进行了研究,探讨了烫漂处理对速冻菜豆中多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和菜豆感官品质的影响,以及抽真空和常压不同包装处理对速冻菜豆贮后品质的影响。

2.The changes of POD(Peroxidase)activity at differentscalding temperature and time ,and the effects ofscalding and freezing preservation on POD activity,amino acid,mineral elements,vitamins and amino acid nitrogen in Russula virescens were studied.研究了在不同的烫漂温度和烫漂时间下青头菌过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)活性的变化,烫漂及冻藏对青头菌过氧化物酶活性、氨基酸、矿质元素、维生素及氨基酸态氮等成分的影响。

3.The sensorial quality of Asparagus had been main-tained well and the most affected part byscalding was the stalk of Asparagus.0min的烫漂处理显著地抑制了多酚氧化酶(PPO)和过氧化物酶(POD)的活性,较好地保存了芦笋的感官品质。


1.Study on Blanching of the Immediately-edible Dehydrated Vegetables;即食型脱水蔬菜杀青、漂烫工艺初步研究

2.The optimum process and technology parameter of heat air dehydrated process wereblanching temperature 100℃,blanching time 150s, dipping in 15% dextrin, drying temperature at 80℃.通过正交试验,开展菊花脑热风干燥工艺研究,结果表明:菊花脑热风干燥的优选工艺参数为漂烫温度100℃、漂烫时间150s、浸泡处理配方15%糊精浸泡、干燥温度80℃。

3.It introduced different experiments aboutblanching technology of ginger before quick-freezing.对速冻籽姜冻结前的热烫工艺进行了研究,分析了漂烫温度、时间对原料过氧化物酶活性、Vc含量及感官品质带来的影响,确定了漂烫工艺的最佳参数。


1.Affection of Scalding and Fast Frozen Process on the Nutrient Ingredients of White Asparagus;漂烫处理和速冻处理对白芦笋营养成分的影响

2.The results show that the period of quick- freezing storage of okra can be 9 months afterscalding.结果表明:黄秋葵经漂烫处理后进行速冻保鲜其保鲜期可达9个月,其中,漂烫时间以0。

3.The principle and function,method,and extent control ofscalding and the two important factors which influence pre treatment effect,i.漂烫是冻干蔬菜的重要预处理工序,文章以黄瓜为例,对漂烫原理与作用、漂烫方法、漂烫程度控制以及影响预处理效果的两个主要因素———漂烫温度和漂烫时间进行了试验研究,得到了冻干蔬菜预处理的合理工

5)blanching time烫漂时间

1.The result indicates that the optimumblanching time is 1.通过对乌塌菜速冻工艺的研究,确定了其适宜烫漂时间为:整棵乌塌菜1。

6)Blanching temperature烫漂温度


漂漂 漂 中药炮制法之一。将药物置宽水或长流水中浸渍一段时间,并反复换水,以除去其毒性、盐分、杂质、腥味。如海藻漂去盐分,紫河车漂去腥味等。
