1000字范文 > 人教版初二下册英语配套练习册答案


时间:2021-06-24 08:55:59



Unit 2 How do you study for a test?

Section B Part 2

1—5 CBABB 6—10 ACCCD Part 4

1—5 BDABC Reading Part 2

1—5 BCACA 6—10 Part 3

1. English. 2. say3. about. “


4.used, don’t play 5.is used 6.has changed 7.to ride 8.riding 9.bought 10.will buy B 1.are not interesting in 2.used to 3.is afraid of 4.playing the piano C 1—5 CCBBC 6—10 BABCC Section B Part 2

1—5 BDBAC 6—10 DCBAB Part 4

1—5 ABABC Reading Part 2

1—5 CDBAD 6—10 ABCDB Part 3

1. felling frightened when you’re

around other people 2. More than 80% of them

3. Because of their life experiences


Unit 1 Have you ever been to an

amusement park?

Section A Part 3

A 1.have,been,have been to

2.has gone to 3.has been in 4.Have,been to 5.has,been B 1.Have,cleaned,have done, did 3.has Finished 6.gave C 1—8 BCBACBAC Section B Part 2

1—8 Part 4

1—6 DDDADC 1—5 —10 Part 3

2.那个人把帽子和大衣拉的越紧。 3.took off

4.If you can do that more quickly than I. 5.One day the sun and the wind a qua- rrel.
