1000字范文 > 德国古典哲学 German classical philosophy英语短句 例句大全

德国古典哲学 German classical philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-03 19:55:52


德国古典哲学 German classical philosophy英语短句 例句大全

德国古典哲学,German classical philosophy

1)German classical philosophy德国古典哲学

1.The Influence of German Classical Philosophy on Contemporary Western Philosophy;论德国古典哲学对现当代西方哲学的影响

2.As a inaugurator of theGerman classical philosophy,the position and meaning of Kant s philosophy are obvious.作为德国古典哲学的开创者,康德哲学的地位和意义是显而易见的。


1.Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结

2.Marx s Understanding of the Legacy of Classical German Philosophy;论马克思对德国古典哲学遗产的解读

3.On the Classification of Humanism in German Classic Philosophy;德国古典哲学中人本主义的类型划分

4.“Practice is prior”principle in German classical philosophy;论德国古典哲学的“实践优先”原则

5.The Influence of German Classical Philosophy on Contemporary Western Philosophy;论德国古典哲学对现当代西方哲学的影响

6.On the Turn of Western Modern Philosophy and the Characteristics of German Classical Philosophy;论西方近代哲学的转向与德国古典哲学的性质

7.The Historical Course of Liberation of Human Reason: From Ancient Greek Philosophy to German Classic Philosophy;人的理性解放历程:从古希腊哲学到德国古典哲学

8.Sublation:Max Carried Through Radical Alteration and Criticism to German Classical Philosophy;辩证批判:马克思对德国古典哲学的扬弃

9.On the Reflective Construction of "Ego" in German Classical Philosophy;试论德国古典哲学关于“自我”的思辨构建

10.Criticism.Inheritance and Innovation;批判 继承 创新——《路德维希·费尔巴和德国古典哲学的终结》学习体会

11.An analysis of the realistic guiding significance of The End of Ludeweixi.F and Germany Cl assical Philosophy;浅析《路德维希·费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学终结》的现实指导意义

12.Recent Advances on the Study of German Classical Philosophy in China Since the Reform and Opening;改革开放以来我国关于德国古典哲学研究的新进展

13.On Marx and Engels s Criticism and Inheritance of German Classical Philosophy in Their Environmental Theory;试论马克思恩格斯的环境理论对德国古典哲学的批判和继承

14.Restating the Wayout of German Classical Philosophy:an Interpretation of the Historical Time,Approaches and Experience of the Conservatism;重述德国古典哲学的出路:对保守主义的历史时间经验方式的阐释

15.On Marx s Ethical Infection all of Classical Philosophy of Germany, Historical School of Thought and the Ideology of Young Hegel School;德国古典哲学以来的经济伦理思想及其对马克思的影响

16.The Logic Relationship between Classical Philosophy of German and Modern Thinking Paradigm -On the Original Contribution of Hegel;德国古典哲学与现代思维范式的逻辑关联——论黑格尔的独到贡献

17.Absolute Subject:Spiritual Presupposition of the Market Economy--A Reflection on the Market Economy Mover from the Perspective of the Classical German Philosophy;绝对主体:市场经济之精神前提——从德国古典哲学重新反思市场经济之“推动者”

18.Spirit producing:the extension and transcendence of human nature --The historical analysis on the theory of spirit producing in Germanic classical philosophy;精神生产:人性的张扬与超越——对德国古典哲学精神生产理论的历史分析


German classic philosophy德国古典哲学

3)classical German philosophy德国古典哲学

1.However,after a careful philosophical consideration of the market economy mover in theclassical German philosophy,we find that the market economy is not a means but a product of the absolute subject s self-definition.然而,当我们通过德国古典哲学对市场经济之"推动者"——绝对主体——进行深入的哲学透视之后发现,市场经济原本不是手段,而是绝对主体"自我规定"的产物。

4)german classic rational philosophy德国古典理性主义哲学

5)Classical Chinese philosophy中国古典哲学

6)classical philosophy古典哲学

1.The 1990s proses assimilate the intrinsic broadmindedness of Taoism and the Confucianistclassical philosophy of responsibility.20世纪90年代文化散文较多的吸收了古典哲学中道家"逍遥以游"的旷达超脱和儒家"以天下为己任"的千秋情怀的精神内核。

2.Christianity comes into being in the fertile soil ofclassical philosophy.古典哲学乃基督教赖以生根发芽之精神沃土。

3.From the aesthetic angle, the deep effects of Chineseclassical philosophy thoughts on the forming and developing course of Wushu were discussed.从审美视角,探讨了中国古典哲学思想对武术运动在形成和发展过程中的深远影响,中国传统文化是武术运动审美特征产生的根源。


