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阴性 Negative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-13 03:05:48


阴性 Negative英语短句 例句大全



1.Negative CT urography technique;输尿管压迫阴性CT尿路造影技术

2.Clinical analysis of 55 SLE patients with ANA negative;ANA阴性的系统性红斑狼疮55例临床分析

3.The value of FAB classification and immunophenotype to diagnose the acute leukemia with negative reaction of POX;FAB分型及免疫表型在POX阴性急性白血病中的诊断价值


1.The passive, female cosmic principle in Chinese dualistic philosophy.阴中国阴阳学中的被动、阴性的宇宙要素

2.dominant negative显性阴性的,显性失活的

3.Vagina is masculine as well, while the word masculinity is feminine.阴道也是阳性,而阳性这个词倒是阴性的。

4.doctor sweet gasoline博士试验阴性的汽油

5.The test for Bacteria was negative.细菌试验结果是阴性的。

6.the masculine [feminine, neuter, common] gender阳 [阴,中,通] 性

7.The female genital organs.阴道,阴部女性生殖器官

8.cunt:The female genital organs."阴道,阴部:女性生殖器官."

9.The external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina.外阴女性外部生殖器官,包括大阴唇、小阴唇、阴蒂和阴道前庭

10.functional vaginismus功能性阴道痉挛 功能性阴道痉挛

11.The vaginal micro-flora of aerobic vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis需氧菌阴道炎、细菌性阴道病阴道菌群分析

12.Vaginal reconstruction with penile-scrotal flap in the plastic surgery treatment of male-to-female transsexuals应用阴茎阴囊皮瓣再造阴道的男变女变性手术

13.Study on inherent immunity in vagina infected with vulvovaginal candidiasis外阴阴道假丝酵母菌性阴道病阴道局部固有免疫机制研究

14.Insertion of the penis into the vagina or anus.(性交时)将阴茎插入阴道或肛门

15.Study on the Candida infection of vulvo-vagina and its resistance外阴阴道念珠菌感染与耐药性的研究

16.Recurrent Extramammary Paget"s Disease of the Penis and Scrotum: Clinical Analysis of 18 Cases复发性阴囊阴茎Paget病18例临床分析

17.contagious granular vaginitis牛传染性结节性阴道炎

18.Study of the Relationship between Local Immune Condition of Vagina and Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis;阴道局部免疫环境与复发性外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病的相关性研究


active cathode活性阴极

1.Preparation and characterization of a new typeactive cathode material;一种新型活性阴极材料的制备和性能

2.Study on rare earth metal-containingactive cathodes;含稀土合金活性阴极的研究

3.This paper introduces the chlor-alkali industry in the development ofactive cathode, and through an alloy electrodes prepared by electrodeposition.介绍了氯碱工业中活性阴极的发展现状,并通过电沉积法制备了一种合金电极,对其电镀工艺进行了探讨,得出了最佳工艺条件:镍∶钐=1∶1;电镀时间为120min;温度为20℃;pH值=4。

3)false negative假阴性

1.Survey offalse negative Gram-negative bacillus in application of Bact /Alert 240 automated blood cul -ture system.;使用BacT/Alert 240全自动血培养仪与革兰阴性杆菌假阴性的分析

2.The potential factors resulting infalse negative and false positive were investigated.本文主要依据本实验室的研究结果分析了Ames测试中测试菌株、统计回复子数目的时间及2倍判定标准给测试结果带来的不确定性,对影响Ames测试结论存在假阳性及假阴性的因素做了进一步分析与讨论。

3.But the accuracy of the result is influenced by many factors, which leads to the higher ratio of false positive andfalse negative in the diagnosis of CHD.影响平板运动试验准确性的因素很多,导致其假阳性和假阴性的比例比较高。

4)activated cathode活性阴极

1.Application of modified diaphragm electrolyzer withactivated cathode process;活性阴极改性隔膜电槽的使用

2.Economic feasibility analysis ofactivated cathode electrolyzer revamping;活性阴极电解槽改制可行性经济分析

3.Development and application of nano-activated cathodes for diaphragm electrolyzers;隔膜电解槽纳米活性阴极的开发与应用

5)negative control group阴性对照

1.Cultivave Vicia faba with the water from Wei River Xinxiang passage,fix its root tips,observe its micronucleus rate after hydrolysis and dyeing and at the same time establishnegative control group and positive control group to demonstrate contrast.用卫河新乡河段各段河水培养蚕豆,根尖经固定,水解,染色后观察其微核率,同时设阴性对照和阳性对照组,经与对照组比较显示,经河水培养的蚕豆根尖细胞微核率高于阴性对照组,有的河段的微核率与阳性对照组接近。

6)inert cathode惰性阴极

1.The TiB_2 asinert cathode material for aluminum electrolysis, was electrodeposited successfully on carbon cathode as a coating by way of molten salts electrolysis at 800℃ for 3 hours with a current density 0.采用熔盐电解法在碳阴极上电镀TiB2铝电解用惰性阴极材料,电解温度800℃,电解质组成(质量分数,%)为KCl4。

2.Sample of compact TiB 2-MoSi 2inert cathode is prepared by cold-pressing and sintering.用冷压烧结法制造了TiB2 -MoSi2 惰性阴极 ,得到致密的二硼化钛基惰性阴极试样。

3.Some materials,including metal anodees and oxide anodes in the inert anodes and titanium diboron material in theinert cathodes,were especially focused on.重点介绍了惰性阳极材料中的金属阳极和氧化物阳极以及惰性阴极材料中的二硼化钛材料 ,指出了电解铝用的惰性电极材料的研究方向和应用前景。


阴性1.诊断疾病时进行某种试验或化验结果的表示方法。说明体内没有某种病原体存在或对某种药物没有过敏反应﹐例如注射结核菌素后并无红肿等反应时叫做结核菌素试验阴性。 2.语言学名词。某些语言里名词(以及代词﹑形容词)分别阴性﹑阳性﹐或阴性﹑阳性﹑中性。
