1000字范文 > 基因互补 mutual complement of gene英语短句 例句大全

基因互补 mutual complement of gene英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-16 19:56:16


基因互补 mutual complement of gene英语短句 例句大全

基因互补,mutual complement of gene

1)mutual complement of gene基因互补


1.Ethereal and Unrestrained Beauty:Intepreting the Mutuality Between Chuanshan s Aesthetics and Hu-Xiang Culture Gene;船山美学湖湘文化基因互补现象解读

2.The Functional Complemention and RNAi Analysis of EUI2(t) Gene in Rice;EUI2(t)基因的功能互补验证及RNAi分析

3.The absence of complementation suggests that they are in the same gene.凡是没有互补作用的,就说明它们属于同一基因。

4.Genetic Analysis and Study on the Complementation Function of OsELF3水稻OsELF3基因的遗传效应和功能互补的初步研究

5.Unexpectedly, the two genes from the actinomorphic cultivar are identical to those from the zygomorphic in DNA sequence, respectively.因此,这两个基因应具有正常功能,是功能上互补的冗余基因。

plementation between viruses may occur, owing to the interaction between their gene products.病毒与病毒之间由于它们的基因产物相互作用的结果能发生互补。

7.Map-based Cloning, Complementation and Function Study of RFC3 in Arabidopsis Thaliana;拟南芥RFC3基因位图克隆和遗传互补检测与基因功能研究

8.The Complementarity Constraint and Complementarity Connectedness on the Multi-factor Variance Model关于多因子方差模型的互补约束和互补连通性

9.Therefore, massage complements with acupuncture and becomes an essential method in acupuncture treatment.因此,推拿与针灸治疗可以互补,并成为一种基本的治疗方法。

10.By using the complementation test an unknown mutant can be rapidly assigned to a particular gene.采用互补测验可迅速地将某一未知突变型归属于某一特定基因。

11.This hereditary unit comprises a single complementation group, or in other words a single gene.这个遗传单位由一个互补群,也就是一个基因所组成。

12.The Basic Position of Reciprocal Principle in Quantum Theory From the Argument Between Einstein and Bohr从玻尔与爱因斯坦的争论看量子力学中互补性原理的基础地位

13.Two Complementary Dominant Genes Controlling Apomixis in Genus Citrus and Poncirus两对互补的显性基因控制着柑桔属和枳属的无融合生殖

plementary Transformation of Rice Mutant with OsWRKY10, and Its Preliminary Function Study in Transgenic Tobacco;OsWRKY10基因的水稻突变体互补转化及在烟草中的初步功能分析

15.Of or relating to a group of genes that act in concert to produce a specific phenotype.互补基因的指一组基因共同作用而产生某种特殊表现型的或与之有关的

16.To put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation.相互联系建立或使…发生互为因果、相互补充、平行或互惠的关系

17.Hence, both of them should closely coordinate and complement each other.因此,它们两者应紧密协调相互补充。

18.Analysis of Motives and Results ofAdvantage complementary Merger;企业“优势互补”并购的动因及后果分析


complementary genes互补基因

3)intergenic complementation基因间互补

4)intragenic complementation基因内互补

5)complementary dominant genes显性互补基因

6)functional complementation基因功能互补

1.Here, by means of the analyses of bioinformatics,functional complementation and yeast two-hybrid screening, results of the two genes TRPTl and PGL29 isolated from human are reported as follows.本论文正是基于这样的背景之下,通过生物信息学分析,利用基因功能互补分析方法和酵母双杂交等技术,对来自人体的两个新基因TRPT1和PGL29的结构、功能及表达定位等方面进行了初步探讨。


基因内互补基因内互补intragenic complementation指带有处于反式(即相斥)状态的两个拟等位基因的个体呈现接近正常表型的现象。可能是由于两个突变基因所产生的失活产物结合而成为具有活性的蛋白质的结果。如果将两个有关的同质结合子的抽提物混合时可以看到互补现象,叫离体互补。
