1000字范文 > 雅思口语素材灵活运用之衣服


时间:2023-05-22 00:12:22



提起衣服类话题,原本在part1部分考查很高频的话题现在看来似乎不多,但是也会偶尔出现,而近期在part2部分会考到“别人送的衣服”,其实这也可以利用这这些素材。首先,我们来看看衣服类话题一般会问到哪些点,以part1问题为例:1. What kind of clothes do you love to wear? 你喜欢穿哪种衣服?通常问到这样的问题,考生会说穿具体的款式和风格,其实也可以看看下面的回答:Fashionable and unique款式新颖独特的, I think I have good taste in clothes对衣服很有品位. I know what suits me and what doesn"t! 知道什么适合我什么不适合我I always wear clothes and never let clothes wear me.我总是让衣服来衬托我而不是我衬托衣服 People say clothes speak one"s personality. I couldn"t agree more. I love chic clothes;丨 am vibrant, sparkling and fashionable.人们说衣服能够说明一个人的性格特征,我在同意不过,我喜欢时髦的衣服,而我充满活力……这里只是简单概述自己的风格,以及穿衣的特点。而我们可以把这一的素材用到part2中,对整体的话题进行一个简单的描述,是一个很好的开头段,而且一定能够吸引考官。

其实对于上述问题,还有一种具体的问法,例如:What kind of pattern of clothes, stripes, plaids or flowers you like? 你喜欢衣服的哪种形式呢,条纹、格子,花色……?这里问的是具体的哪一款,列举之后让你选择,那么回答的方式自然不像上面那么笼统概括,但是只要我们话锋一转,仍然可以运用上述的内容来作答,这就是素材通用的好处,例如,我们可以这样,首先说明Well, I can"t say one particular kind is my favorite. I mean, a nice piece of clothing is definitely not just about stripes, plaids or flowers. The color, design and style are all important factors. So I like Fashionable and unique……;其实也是很完整的,如果想要再简短一点回答,也可以将上述内容进行概括,例如:……The color, design and style are all important factors. And the key to bring a piece of clothing to life is not what you wear, but how you wear it. In other words, you should wear the clothes, not let the clothes wear you.这样回答也是很完整的,而且丝毫没有拉低分数的感觉。

下面和大家分享一个适用的问题内容,:Which factor do you consider more when you buy clothes, the utility or the design? 当你没衣服的时候哪些因素是你考虑的,实用性和款式?这不仅适用于part3的回答,而且适用于part2的进一步阐述,非常切合实际:

It depends on how much they are. If they are designer clothes and very expensive, I will definitely consider the utility more. I don"t want to spend thousands of RMB on something that I can only wear one season. But if they are in my price range, I will put the design in first place, i mean, even if it is out quickly,i won"t regret spending the money. After all, fashion changes so fast that something which is in this season would be totally out in the blink of an eye.
