1000字范文 > 数量统计 Statistics英语短句 例句大全

数量统计 Statistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-25 22:40:48


数量统计 Statistics英语短句 例句大全



2)counting statistic计数统计量

3)statistical data quality统计数据质量

1.Thatstatistical data quality managed by government is one of the most important parts of the public management policies.政府对统计数据质量的管理是公共管理政策中的一个重要组成部分。

2.Along with the information of statistics becoming more important for the management of socialism market economy, social public gives more concerns to thestatistical data quality, putting forward the higher request.随着统计信息对我国社会主义市场经济管理作用的增强,社会各界对统计数据质量给予更多的关注,提出了更高的要求。


1.Strengthening Statistical Data Management Improving Statistical Data Quality;加强统计数据管理 提高统计数据质量

2.On the Quality of China s Demographic Data;对我国人口统计数据质量的几点认识

3.The Reason to Cause the Issue of the Statistic Data s Quality and the Countermeasure;统计数据质量问题产生的原因及对策

4.On Technical QC System for Official Statistic Data;浅论政府统计数据质量控制技术体系

5.A new idea to study the qualit of statistical data\_\_Error study;统计数据质量研究新思路——误差研究

6.Set Up Quality Standard of Statistical Data and Intensify Awareness of Whole Quality;制定统计数据质量标准 强化全面质量管理意识

7.An Evaluation Method of Statistical Data Quality Based on the Classical Econometric Model基于经典计量模型的统计数据质量评估方法

8.Analysis of Statistical Data Quality Under Hospital Information System医院信息系统下基础统计数据质量分析

9.Ideas about Improving Foodstuff Statistic;提高全社会粮食统计数据质量的若干思考

10.The Influencing Factors and Countermeasures of Universities Statistic Data Quality;论影响高校统计数据质量的因素及其对策

11.The statistical data quality in China from the angle of managerial study;从管理学角度看我国政府统计数据质量

12.Thought on the Quality and Reliability of Statistical Data for Land and Resources Survey;国土资源大调查统计数据质量与可靠性之我见

13.Reflections on How to Improve the Quality of Chinese Government Statistical Data提高中国政府统计数据质量的几点思考

14.On the Causes of Influencing the Quality of Statistical Data and Countermeasures;影响统计数据信息质量的原因及对策

15.A Database Design on the Evaluating System to the Present-stituation of the Enviromental Quality;环境质量现状评价系统的数据库设计

16.Viewing the Improvement of the Data Quality from the Angle of "the Building of Statistic Eco-environment";从“统计生态环境建设”看提高统计数据的质量

17.Finish the quality report, taking data analysis and statistics.完成每日、周、月的质量报表并进行数据统计、分析。

18.The Design and Realization of Quality Check System for Fundamental Geographic Information Data;基础地理信息数据质量检查系统设计与实现


counting statistic计数统计量

3)statistical data quality统计数据质量

1.Thatstatistical data quality managed by government is one of the most important parts of the public management policies.政府对统计数据质量的管理是公共管理政策中的一个重要组成部分。

2.Along with the information of statistics becoming more important for the management of socialism market economy, social public gives more concerns to thestatistical data quality, putting forward the higher request.随着统计信息对我国社会主义市场经济管理作用的增强,社会各界对统计数据质量给予更多的关注,提出了更高的要求。

4)statistical energy parameter统计能量参数

5)Nonparametric statistics非参数统计量

1.Nonparametric statistics method is used to measure the regional testing data of group 1 corn hybrid strains of Henan Province, the density of which is 4000/667m~2.应用非参数统计量对2002年河南省玉米杂交种区域试验4000株/667m2密度(一)组的资料进行了度量。

6)fractional lower order statistics分数低阶统计量

1.Based on thefractional lower order statistics theory,the deterministic averaging method and two lemmas introduced and proved,this paper gives an analysis of the convergence property of the DLMP algorithm theoretically.本文基于分数低阶统计量的原理 ,根据确定性平均方法 ,结合文中给出并证明的两个引理 ,对DLMP算法的收敛性能进行了理论分析和证明 。

2.Considering the effect of α-stable distributed noises for the classical second order statistics,combiningfractional lower order statistics theory and chirp Z transformation(CZT),a novel multi-source time delay estimation method in impulsive noise environment is proposed.同时考虑到α稳定分布噪声会降低基于二阶统计量的传统方法的性能,依据分数低阶统计量理论并引入线性调频Z变换(CZT),提出了一种脉冲噪声环境条件下的多源时延估计新方法,仿真表明该方法可有效解决脉冲噪声环境中多源时延估计的高精度问题,其性能优于常用的共变法。

3.According to the theory of thefractional lower order statistics and the characteristics of ship radiate noises,this paper proposed a new noise model of underwater acoustic signals,recalled general LMS metnod,analyzed performance degradation reason for non-gaussian noise model,and presented the fractional lower order lp-norm based approaches of adaptivef filter for underwater acoustic signals.依据分数低阶统计量理论和舰船辐射噪声信号特性,建立了水声信号新的噪声模型,回顾了常规LMS滤波方法,并分析在非高斯噪声下性能退化的原因,提出了一簇基于分数低阶P-范数的LMP水声信号自适应降噪滤波新方法,理论分析和计算机仿真结果表明这种方法在高斯和非高斯(α稳定分布)条件下都具有良好的韧性。


分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)fenbu he tezhengliang tongjj分布和特征量统计见统计分析。
