1000字范文 > 中国教育 Chinese education英语短句 例句大全

中国教育 Chinese education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-26 16:00:53


中国教育 Chinese education英语短句 例句大全

中国教育,Chinese education

1)Chinese education中国教育

1.ISO9000 ofChinese educational field;中国教育领域的ISO9000

2.A necessity of the study of the contemporaryChinese education of modernity;应重视中国教育早期现代化问题研究

3.The prosperous periods ofChinese education and their implications;中国教育的辉煌时期和给人们提出的思考


1.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)

2.China Education Association for International Exchange中国教育国际交流协会

3.China"s education system is shifting from exam- oriented mode to diathesis mode.中国教育体制正在从应试教育向素质教育转变。

4.Adult education is an important type of education in China.成人教育是中国教育的一种重要形式。

5.Current Education Reform in China:Seen from the Concept of "Life Being Education";从“生活即教育”看当代中国教育改革

6.Civic Education:A Historic Choice of the Contemporary Chinese Education;公民教育:当代中国教育的历史选择

7.The Problems and Countermeasures in the China s Undergraduate Education of Educational Technology;中国教育技术本科教育的问题与对策

8.Overview on the Quality Education Discussion Organized by China Education Newspaper;《中国教育报》“素质教育大讨论”综述

9.The Study on Relationship between Educational Threory And Educational Practice in China;试论中国教育理论与教育实践的关系

10.International Centre for Studies in Religious Education国际宗教教育研究中心

11.Olympic education and Chinese university students P.E.;奥林匹克教育与中国大学生体育教育

12.Institutes of Education in China s Teacher Training System;我国现代教师教育体系中的教育学院

13.The Missionary Preschool Education and the Modernization of China"s Prechool Education教会学前教育与中国学前教育近代化

14.The Role of Traditional Chinese Painting in the Educational System of Knowledge;中国画教育在知识教育体系中的作用

15.China Needs a New Educational Philosophy: From Quality Education to Life Education;中国需要新的教育哲学:从素质教育到生活教育

16.On Science Education and Humanistic Education in Our Country’s Higer Education;论我国高等教育中的科学教育与人文教育

17.Internationalization of HE and Cultivation of Influence-Emitting Forces of HE of China;高等教育国际化与中国高等教育施化力培育

18.Introduction to China s Actual Situation in the course of Chinese Revolution;《中国革命史》教学中必须加强国情教育


education in China中国教育

3)China"s Education中国教育

4)China education中国教育

1.After China s entry into the WTO,such factors as China s educational commitment,transnational school-runnig and the internationalization of education resources are exercisig ever deeper influence onChina education.加入WTO之后,我国对教育服务的部分承诺,生源的国际流动、跨国办学、教育资源的国际化、外企的“人才本土化”,都深刻影响着中国教育。

5)China Education Network中国教育网

paritive studies on the topological structure ofChina Education Network;中国教育网拓扑结构比较研究

2.The model of computer virus epidemic is constructed,and the evolving process of virus spreading is simulated on theChina Education Network.在中国教育网中对病毒的传播和控制进行了演化模拟,提出了在资源有限的条件下复杂网络控制病毒传播的有效策略。

6)pedagogy in China中国教育学

1.Thepedagogy in China experienced the rapidest and most fruitful development during the 30 years of Reform and Opening-up.改革开放30年,是中国教育学百年历程中发展最快、成果最多的时期。

2.The original discourse ofpedagogy in China should respond to the innovative context and the difficulty from pedagogy itself now.论文通过反思教育学的困境,揭示了中国教育学百年发展中教育理论思维的缺位,阐释了教育理论思维的建构对中国教育学原创性研究的重大意义。


