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取势 orientations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-10 23:21:06


取势 orientations英语短句 例句大全




1.Energy in Language & Seizing Energy in Language:The Study of Pound s Translation of Qing Qing He Pan Cao;语势与取势:庞德《青青河畔草》译诗研究

2.The only thing to do is to make the best use of the situation and guide the struggle to victory.只能因势利导,夺取胜利。

3.give play to advantages and ensure success By quality发挥优势,以质取胜

4.Be on the defensive against Hunan with its comparatively strong ruling power, and take the offensive against Kiangsi with its comparatively weak ruling power.对统治势力比较强大的湖南取守势,对统治势力比较薄弱的江西取攻势;

5.From Comparison Advantage to Competitive Advantage:Strategic Orientation of the Textile Industry Development;纺织业发展的战略取向——从比较优势到竞争优势

6.Momentum for Distant View and Essence for Close-shot --Teaching Essay on Freehand Figure Painting from Life;远取其势 近取其质——写意人物画写生教学随感

7.Beware of the inpidual who is pushy or coming on too strong.小心那些人,谁有进取心,谁来势凶猛。

8.The artist asked his model to take a recline posture画家要求模特儿取斜倚著的姿势

9.The artist ask his model to take a recline posture.画家要求模特儿取斜倚着的姿势。

10.Immediate action must be taken on to stop the fire spreading.为了防止火势蔓延,必须立即采取行动。

11.Immediate action must be take to stop the fire spread必须立即采取行动阻止火势蔓延

12.China Adopts Measures to Maintain the Momentum of Economic Growth中国采取措施保持经济发展势头

13.This is symptomatic of the general movement for women"s rights.这反映了争取妇女权利的总的趋势。

14.Can this, too, be described as being on the defensive and not firing "the first shot"?难道这也是取守势和未放“第一枪”吗?

15.The present situation calls for entirely new measures.当前的形势要求采取完全新的措施。

16.The team was thrown on(to) the defensive as their opponents rallied.该队在对手重整旗鼓後, 被迫采取守势.

17.In the American Civil War the Confederate state took the offensive.美国南北战争中,南军采取攻势。

18.won by a plumping majority.以绝大多数的优势取得胜利。


situation sampling态势取样

1.Through analyzing the target-detection,the situation information in the target-detection was described,thesituation sampling process was analyzed.从复杂背景下机载雷达的目标探测模型出发,分析了探测过程中的各种态势信息,研究了态势取样的过程。

3)trend extraction趋势提取

1.Two important algorithm of Qualitative Trend Analysis (QTA) for process fault diagnosis was systematically introduced—trend extraction algorithm and trend identification algorithm.系统介绍用于过程故障诊断的定性趋势分析(Qualitative Trend Analysis,QTA)两个重要算法:趋势提取算法和趋势识别算法。

2.The first section summarizes the background and up-to-date development of Qualitative Trend Analysis(QTA);Then effective methodologies intrend extraction and some major problems in trend identification of Qualitative Trend Analysis(QTA) are proposed.首先概述国外QTA的产生背景和发展情况;其次提出有效的QTA趋势提取策略和趋势识别的若干重要问题。

4)composing of pictures at the optimum time and occasion取势得意

5)selecting material from the posture因形取势

6)Advantage Outsourcing优势外取


取势1.得到利益。 2.谓借以取得好的姿势。
