1000字范文 > 南通蓝印花布 Nantong blue calico英语短句 例句大全

南通蓝印花布 Nantong blue calico英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-16 17:18:15


南通蓝印花布 Nantong blue calico英语短句 例句大全

南通蓝印花布,Nantong blue calico

1)Nantong blue calico南通蓝印花布

1.Nantong blue calico has a rich local color.南通作为“中国蓝印花布之乡”,较完好的保存了传统蓝印花布的制作工艺和艺术风格,南通蓝印花布具有浓厚的乡土气息,图案艺术性强,是中国蓝印花布的典型代表,是全国研究、开发、生产和传承民间蓝印花布的重点地区。

2.Nantong blue calico is a practical blue-print,highly decorative folk art,which,in general reflects the purpose of sexual orientation and shows a good desire to good fortune,it is a good behavior and the will of the performance.南通蓝印花布是一种实用性、装饰性极强的民间艺术,它在总体倾向和目的性上都表现出了一种吉祥美好的愿望,它是一种善和美的行为和意志的表现。


1.Study of Nantong Blueprint Cloth and the Auspicious Pattern-Gods of He-He南通蓝印花布及其吉祥图案和合二仙考

2.On the History and Characteristics of the Blue-Printing Cloth in Nantong;古朴清雅赋蓝白 巧染棉布寄乡情——南通蓝印花布的历史与特色

3.On Craft Inheritance and Innovation of Nantong Blue Cloth with Design in White江海之滨,终朝采蓝——南通蓝印花布工艺的传承与创新

4.Thoughts on Chinese Arts & Crafts and its Possible Development in Contemporary Age-"Zhengze Embroidery"and Blue Printed Cloth in Nantong Demonstrated as the Examples;中国工艺美术及其在当代发展的可能性断想——以“正则绣”与南通蓝印花布为例

5.Modern Social Value of Nantong Traditional Blue Printed Cloth刍议南通传统蓝印花布及其在现代社会的价值

6.The Research of Blue Calico Design Traveling Souvenir Development in Jiangnan江南蓝印花布旅游纪念品设计开发研究

7.Investigation of Blue Calico-Making Craft of "Feng Tong Yu"对“丰同裕”蓝印花布制作工艺的考察

8.Charm of Blue Cloth with design in white;集点成花,意韵无穷——谈蓝印花布的艺术语言

9.Appreciation and Consideration on Chinese Blue Calico;中国蓝印花布纹样赏析及其现状的思考

10.Thinking on recovery of Handicraft of Liangping Blue Calico Making梁平蓝印花布制作工艺恢复传承的思考

11.Digital Ink-Jet Printing of Cotton and Silk Fabrics with Reactive Turquoise Blue活性翠蓝墨水在棉布和丝绸上的数码喷墨印花

12.Applications of happening color in Chinese blue calico′s innovative design偶发性色彩在蓝印花布创新设计中的应用

13.camouflage print伪装印花布,迷彩印花布

14.The roots of the blues are in the cotton fields of the South where slaves would sing to keep the blue devils at bay.布鲁斯起源于南部的棉花地里,那里的奴隶们通过歌唱阻止蓝魔鬼的到来。

15.A biennial Eurasian plant(Echium vulgare)naturalized as a weed in eastern North America and having usually blue flowers.蓝蓟分布于欧亚两大陆的两年生植物(蓝蓟蓝蓟属),被引种到北美洲东部,花通常为蓝色

16.I wore a blue cloth hat Mama had made for me. There were small flowers printed on it. I remember.戴着妈妈给我缝的一顶小帽儿,蓝布的,上面印着小小的花,我记得。

17.A printed and glazed cotton fabric, usually of bright colors.摩擦轧光印花棉布一种通常为鲜亮颜色的轧光印花棉织物

18."chintz:a printed and glazed cotton fabric, usually of bright colors."摩擦轧光印花棉布:一种通常为鲜亮颜色的轧光印花棉织物.


blue calico蓝印花布

1.Thinking on recovery of Handicraft of Liangping Blue Calico Making梁平蓝印花布制作工艺恢复传承的思考

2.Theblue calico is an exquisite article in traditional folk arts in our country.蓝印花布是我国传统民间工艺中的精品,它是实用与审美结合的产物,以简便的制作工艺、清新明朗的艺术风格、丰富深刻的文化内涵、完美生动的纹样造型深受人们的喜爱。

3.As a traditional and folk handicrafts,blue calico was deeply loved by many people, in the Qing Dynasty to its peak.蓝印花布作为一种传统民间手工艺制品,深受民众喜爱,在清代发展到鼎盛时期。

3)blueprint cloth蓝印花布

1.Nantong is an important producing area ofblueprint cloth.蓝印花布是我国古老的手工印染纺织品之一,南通是蓝印花布的一个重要产地。

4)indigo blue resist prints蓝白印花布

5)Blue calico costume蓝印花布服饰

6)printed blue nankeen毛蓝印花土布


