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脑瘫 cerebral palsy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-13 08:28:46


脑瘫 cerebral palsy英语短句 例句大全

脑瘫,cerebral palsy

1)cerebral palsy脑瘫

1.Therapeutic effects of Hufschmidt electrical stimulation of the lower limb in children with spasticcerebral palsy;Hufschmidt电刺激在痉挛型脑瘫儿童中的应用

2.Dynamic plantar pressure characteristics of children with spasticcerebral palsy in gait;痉挛型脑瘫儿童步行时的动态足底压力特征


1.Features of Surface Electromyographic Signal in Cerebral Palsy Children with Spasticity Diplegia痉挛双瘫型脑瘫患儿表面肌电特征的研究

2.An Investigation Report on School-Aged Cerebral Palsy Children s Enrollment;我国学龄脑瘫儿童入学情况调查报告

3.Research on Present Situation and Future of the Cerebral palsy Child;国内脑瘫儿童康复研究的现状及趋势

4.Clinical and Experimental Research on Jin Three-needle Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy靳三针治疗小儿脑瘫临床与实验研究

5.The Study on Quality of Life of Children’s Parents with Cerebral Palsy脑瘫对患儿父母生存质量的影响研究

6.Normal-cerebral Palsy Twins Differences in Gene Expression Profiling正常-脑瘫双生子基因表达谱差异研究

7.Early Oral-motor Exercising:An Important Aspect of Children with Cerebral Palsy脑瘫患儿早期口运动训练的疗效观察

8.Nosocomial Infection in 1272 Cerebral Palsy Children1272例脑瘫患儿医院感染调查分析

9.Meta Analysis of the Clinical Efficiency of Gangliosides on Children With Cerebral Palsy.神经节苷脂对脑瘫患儿疗效的meta分析

10.The high risk factors related and complications of children with Cerebral palsy小儿脑瘫危险因素与合并症相关分析

11.Gait Characteristics of Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy Children双侧痉挛型脑瘫患儿的步态特征分析

12.Observation on therapeutic effect of treatment for children with cerebral palsy by acupuncture聪脑通络法针刺治疗小儿脑瘫疗效观察

13.CT of Cerebral palsy and analysis of clinical symptom脑性瘫痪CT表现与临床症状的分析

14.bigous spinothalamic paralysis syndrome疑核脊髓丘脑性瘫痪综合征

15.A case of hearing loss and quadriplegia after a pontine hemorrhage脑桥出血后听力丧失及四肢瘫痪1例

16.He was having a stroke that paralyzed the right side of his body.馆野泉突发脑溢血,从此右半身瘫痪。

17.The Clinical Study of the Early Intervention in Cerebral Pasly High-risk Infants;脑性瘫痪高危儿早期干预的临床研究

18.Clinical and CT Scanning Analysis of 42 Cases of Cerebral Hemorrhage with no Hemiplegia;无偏瘫型脑出血的临床与CT42例分析


cerebral palsy脑性瘫痪

1.Case-control study of the risk factors forcerebral palsy in children;小儿脑性瘫痪危险因素病例对照研究

2.Clinical Application of Local Intramuscular Injection of Botulinum Toxin A and Rehabilitation Training in the Treatment of Spastic Cerebral Palsy;A型肉毒毒素结合康复训练治疗儿童痉挛型脑性瘫痪的疗效观察

3.Differences of gross motor dysfunction in children with spastic and athetoidcerebral palsy;不同类型脑性瘫痪儿童粗大运动功能的差异及对策

3)cerebral palsy(CP)脑性瘫痪

1.Objective To observe the effect of meridian-thumbing therapy on flexion deformity on knees of children with cerebral palsy(CP).目的观察拨经疗法(指拨法)治疗小儿脑性瘫痪膝关节屈曲畸形的疗效。

2.Objective To find a new way in the treatment of cerebral palsy(CP)to improve cerebral blood flow.目的 探讨提高脑性瘫痪患儿脑底动脉的血流量,改善颅内血供及治疗小儿脑性瘫痪的新途径。

4)cerebral palsy脑瘫患儿

1.Primary evaluation of effects on cerebellar electric stimulation or the seal therapy forcerebral palsy;电刺激小脑、全身封闭治疗对脑瘫患儿康复作用的疗效观察

2.Observation on the levels of bone mineral density and serum PTH CT in the children withcerebral palsy;脑瘫患儿骨矿含量血甲状旁腺激素降钙素水平的观察

5)cerebral paralysis脑性瘫痪

1.Objective To survey the kinetic function of articulating organs in children withcerebral paralysis.目的探讨儿童脑性瘫痪构音器官运动特点,为临床制定儿童脑性瘫痪构音器官运动功能检查量表以及制定科学的治疗计划提供理论依据。

2.Objective:To observe the clinical effect of scalp acupuncture combined with muscle-targeted injection on infantile spasticcerebral paralysis.目的:观察头针配合肌肉定位注射治疗小儿痉挛型脑性瘫痪的临床疗效。

6)cerebral palsy小儿脑瘫

1.Bolulimum toxin A in adjunctive treatment of childrencerebral palsy;A型肉毒毒素辅助治疗小儿脑瘫

2.Objective:To study the therapeutic effects of combined treatment with Chinese and western medicine in children withcerebral palsy(CP).目的:探讨中西医结合综合治疗小儿脑瘫的疗效。

3.Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of abdominal acupuncture in the treatment ofcerebral palsy in children.目的:探讨腹针为主治疗小儿脑瘫的临床疗效。


