1000字范文 > 竞争心理 Competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

竞争心理 Competitiveness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-09 07:01:55


竞争心理 Competitiveness英语短句 例句大全



1.A Relative Study BetweenCompetitiveness and Big Five Model of Personality of University Students;大学生竞争心理与人格特征的相关研究

2.Examines the correlation between competitiveness and locus of control using theCompetitiveness Scale of University Students and the Internal-External Locus of Control Scale to a sample of 324 undergraduates.运用大学生竞争心理量表和内F外控制量表(ANSIE)对324名大学生的竞争心理与心理控制源之间的关系进行团体测试,并进行了相关分析、回归分析和路径分析。

3.By using the competitiveness scale of university students , 1306 students were tested, in the purpose of revealing their differences on the various levels in competition, which are also reflected on the difference of grades, gender, family residence and family’s economic conditions, etc.使用自编的大学生竞争心理量表对1306名大学生被试正式测量,比较他们在竞争心理各层面上的差异以及在年级、性别、家庭所处区域和家庭经济状况等方面表现的竞争心理特点。


1.The Correlation Between Competitiveness and Locus of Control of University Students;大学生竞争心理与控制源的相关研究

2.On Relationships between Knowledge Management, Core Competence and Competitive Advantage;知识管理、核心竞争力与竞争优势三者关系研究

3.Chinese Enterprises" Competitive Advantage Based on Core Competence基于核心竞争力理论的我国企业竞争优势分析

4.To Innovate the Managing Idea and Improve the Core Competitive Capacity of Enterprise;创新管理理念提高企业的核心竞争力

petition and progress of two major theories of psychometrics;运动心理测量两大理论的竞争与发展

6.A Study on Ma Steel s the Ability of Core Competition Based on Management;基于管理角度的马钢核心竞争力研究

7.Discussion on Promoting the Core Competitive Competence of DNMC by Knowledge Management;以知识管理提升DNMC核心竞争力的探讨

8.Core Competence Management Based on Organizational Structure;基于企业组织结构的核心竞争力管理

9.Research on the Core Competence for Supervision Enterprises in Shan Xi;陕西省工程监理企业核心竞争力研究

10.Research on Brand Management Based on Core Competence of the Corporation;基于企业核心竞争力的品牌管理研究

11.Research on the Forming of Enterprise Core Competence Based on Knowledge Management;基于知识管理的企业核心竞争力研究

12.Their core competitiveness of the theoretical framework of accounting;企业核心竞争力会计的理论架构探析

13.Research on the Cultivation of Core Competition in Fund-management Company;基金管理公司核心竞争力构成与培育

14.On the Theory and Practice of Regional Economies Core Competition;刍议区域经济核心竞争力理论与实践

15.Information Disclosure Strategic Management Based on Core Competitiveness;基于核心竞争力的信息披露管理研究

16.Applying green management to develop the core-competed power of enterprises;实施绿色管理,提升企业核心竞争力

17.Reinforce the Tech-management for Upgrading the Core Competitiveness of the Enterprises;强化技术管理,提高企业核心竞争力

18.Improvement of the Core Competence of Manufacturing Enterprises by Means of Knowledge Management;以知识管理提升制造业的核心竞争力


psychological competition心理竞争

3)management of core competence核心竞争力管理

4)core competence核心竞争

1.In order to meet the new competitive situation affter China enters WTO,this paper dicusses the na- ture and function of thecore competence,studies nurturing ways ofcore competence.为了适应中国加入世界贸易组织的竞争新形势,讨论了企业核心竞争力的特征和功能,着重研究了核心竞争力的培育方法。

5)competitive state of mind竞争心态

1.Heightening the guatity of the people under the circumstances of socialist market economy,the first task is to heighten the psychological guatity,so that the states of mind can meet the needs of socialist market economy,these are coUeetive state of mind,ratio- nat state of mind,competitive state of mind and opening state of mind.在社会主义市场经济条件下,要提高人的素质,首先就是要提高人的心理素质,使人具有与社会主义市场经济相适应的心态:集体心态、理性心态、竞争心态和开放心态。

6)the core of competition竞争核心


竞争机制的心理效应竞争机制的心理效应psychological effect of competition system竞争机制的心理效应(psychologiealeffect of competition system)在人才管理中引进竞争机制,实行机会均等、公开竞争、优胜劣汰,可产生如下心理效应:(l)激励人们奋发进取,追求真才实学。人才竞争是能力的角逐,智慧的竞争,打破人们只凭资历、文凭取胜的心理,也有利于抑制拉关系、走后门等腐败现象滋生。(2)有利于激发人才的强烈事业心、责任感和革命热忱。讲竞争,就会诱发大量人才冲破“出头的椽子先烂,、“枪打出头一鸟”的传统观念,勇敢加入竞争的行列。(3)有利于打破人才的人身依附,产生内在的解放感、自由感。这样,有利于人才的潜能得以充分的发挥,实现其最高社会价值。竟争要讲优胜劣汰,但竟争失败者并不一定都是劣,甚至可能是很有潜力的人才。领导者还要注意防止和消除竞争失利人才的心理失衡,这也是对人才心理保护的任务之一。 (李军撰王树茂审)
