1000字范文 > 木兰属 Magnolia英语短句 例句大全

木兰属 Magnolia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-04 13:50:47


木兰属 Magnolia英语短句 例句大全



1.The utility of matK gene in the phylogenetic analysis of the genusMagnolia;用matK序列分析探讨木兰属植物的系统发育关系

2.Pollen Morphology of Five Species fromMagnolia;五种木兰属植物的花粉形态


1.The Resource Collection of the Magnolia Species and the Study on the Seedings Characteristics and Adaption of M. Amoena木兰属植物资源收集和天目木兰种苗特性与抗性研究

2.A deciduous Chinese tree(Magnolia heptapeta)often cultivated for its large, cup - shaped, fragrant white flowers.玉兰一种中国落叶树(玉兰木兰属),因其芳香的杯状大白花而常被栽种

3.precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias.例如某些木兰属品种的、在叶子之前出现的早成花。

4.Study on Anatomical Characters and Garden Application of Several Species in Magnolia L.;木兰属(Magnolia L.)一些植物的形态解剖与园林应用探讨

5.small genus of trees or shrubs of New Zealand and New Caledonia.新西兰和新的苏格兰的乔木或灌木的小的属。

6.small genus of shrubs and trees of Australia and New Zealand.产于澳大利亚和新西兰的一个灌木和乔木小属。

7.The flannel bush.佛里蒙特属的植物法兰绒灌木

8.RAPD and ISSR Analysis of 20 Species in 6 Genera from Magnoliaceae;木兰科6属20种植物的RAPD和ISSR分析

9.The Cross-genus Transferability of EST-SSR from Liriodendron Tulipifera Linn. and the Implications for the Phylogeny of Magnoliaceae;鹅掌楸EST-SSR在木兰科属间通用性及系统学探讨

parative Study on Leaf Anatomy of Selected Genera of Magnoliaceae from China;中国木兰科部分属叶的比较解剖学研究

11.evergreen shrubs or small trees of Australia and New Zealand.一个常绿灌木或小乔木属,产于澳大利亚和新西兰。

12.white close-grained wood of a tree of the genus Agathis especially Agathis australis.贝壳杉属的树木(尤指新西兰贝壳杉)白色的纹理细密的木材。

13.cedar wood雪松属木料, 杉木

14.large tree of Queensland Australia having cream-colored flowers blotched with red inside; sometimes placed in genus Sterculia.澳洲昆士兰地区的高大乔木,花浅黄色,内侧有红斑;有时归入苹婆属。

15.small genus of Australian woody vines with small violet flowers; closely related to genus Kennedia.长有小的紫罗兰的花的澳大利亚的木质的藤的小的属。

16.Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Two Extracts Isolated from Illicium两种八角属木兰科植物提取物抗炎镇痛作用的比较(英文)

17.Any of various orchids of the genus Cypripedium, such as the lady"s slipper.杓兰属植物一种杓兰属的兰花,如杓兰属植物

18.any of several tall New Zealand trees of the genus Nothofagus; some yield useful timber.假山毛榉属的几种高大新西兰乔木的任何一种;有些生产有用的木材。


Magnolia L木兰属

1.The study on pollen submicroscopic morphology ofMagnolia L.;木兰属(Magnolia L.)植物花粉亚微形态特征研究

2.Study on Anatomical Characters and Garden Application of Several Species inMagnolia L.;木兰属(Magnolia L.)一些植物的形态解剖与园林应用探讨


4)magnolia genus plant木兰属植物

1.In this paper,the species,morphology,distribution,usage and cultivation method ofmagnolia genus plants in the Shandong coastal area are introduced,which will provide scientific basis for protecting and developingmagnolia genus plant resources and meeting the demands of medical departments in the coastal area.分述了山东省沿海地区木兰科、木兰属植物的种类、形态特征、分布状况及用途。

5)Kmeria (Pierre) Dandy单性木兰属

1.Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Kmeria (Pierre) Dandy (Magnoliaceae);单性木兰属(木兰科)植物的分类学订正


1.Advances in researches on Germplasm Resources ofParakmeria Plants and their Propagation Technology;拟单性木兰属种质资源及其繁育技术研究进展

2.Study on Morphological and Chemical Identification ofParakmeria Seeds;拟单性木兰属种子形态、化学鉴别的研究

3.Phylogeny ofParakmeria (Magnoliaceae) and Its Related TaxaInferred from themat K Gene Sequence;拟单性木兰属近缘植物matK基因的序列分析


