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运行 operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-18 14:52:45


运行 operation英语短句 例句大全



1.Design andoperation of Daye"s waste acid treatment plant;大冶污酸处理装置的设计和运行

2.Summary on F-4112 membraneoperation;F-4112膜运行总结

3.Adjustment and Control of Activated Sludge System Operation(Ⅰ);活性污泥系统运行的调节与控制(上)


1.(of a machine,etc)function;work;operate(指机器等)运行,工作,运转

2.code and go FORTRAN编码及运行FORTRAN

3.&Minimize on run运行时最小化(&M)

4.7. Robust performance of the banking system.7.金融平稳运行。

5.I checked my baggage in the baggage section.我在行李房托运行李。

6.JIT (Just-In-Time)运行时编译执行的技术

7.Planets roll on their courses.行星在轨道上运行。

8.parallel diagramming of trains列车平行辅画运行图

9.You can run the backup now or schedule it for later.可现在运行备份或计划以后再运行。

10.Jobs can run one time or be recurring.作业可以运行一次,也可以重复运行。

11.Standard functions include program operation and other high precision functions.搭载程控运行等多种高精度运行功能。

12.The Common Language Runtime could not run the given program.公共语言运行库未能运行给定程序。

13.China s Regional Economy: from“ Outside Operation” to“ Inside Operation”;中国区域经济:从“局外运行”到“局内运行”

14.Research on Simulating the Tracing Operation of Trains in Condition of Running Disterbances运行干扰条件下的列车追踪运行仿真

15.re-route traffic, shipping, freight, luggage按新规定的路线行驶、 航行、 运送货物、 寄运行李

16.stop operating or functioning.停止运行或失去功能。

17.scientific run-time library routine科学运行时间库存程序

18.shareable run-time program可共享运行时间程序



1.Analysis and summary on therunning of NIRO two-stage fluidized bed dryer;NIRO两段流化床干燥器运行情况分析和总结

2.Analysis onrunning data of Sino-Japanese cooperated 200 kW PAFC power station in Panyu;中日合作番禺200kW磷酸燃料电池运行数据分析

3.Start-up summary andrunning analysis of 1.2 Mt/a diesel hydrofining unit of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company;兰州石化1.2Mt/a柴油加氢装置开车及运行分析


1.Depurating water quality of bottled drinking natural mineral water andrunning manage;瓶装饮用天然矿泉水水质净化及运行管理

2.The brief summary of industrial gas turbinerunning and overhauling;工业用燃气轮机运行和检修

3.Study on characteristics of UBF during start-up andrunUBF反应器启动及运行特性研究


1.Application of oil-fired boiler into Coal-Water-Slurry-fired one in the Oil Refinery and studies on severaloperating questions;某化工项目炼油厂65T/h燃油锅炉改烧水煤浆的运行情况及相关问题的探讨

2.Economic Operating of Medium and Small Size Three Phase Induction Motors;谈中小型三相异步电动机经济运行

3.How enhances the air compressor equipment theoperating efficiency,to saves the electrical energy and reduces the production cost to have the count for much significance.如何提高空压机设备的运行效率,对节约电能和降低生产成本有着非常重要的意义。


1.Analysis on the Over-water Lifesaving System and Its Functional Law;游泳救生系统及其运行分析

2.The establish andfunction of the Land Reserving System;土地储备制度的建立与运行

3.Framework and Function of Conservation and Breeding System for Tianzhu White Yak天祝白牦牛保种繁育体系构架与运行


1.According to the viewpoint of system theory and taking scientific propaganda as a system,the author made a analysis in detail on the structure of scientific propaganda system and gave a preliminary study on themotion of scientific propaganda system.运用系统思想和方法对科学宣传作了系统研究 ,详细分析了科学宣传系统的结构 ,对科学宣传系统的运行作了初步探

2.The paper mainly deals with two motive mechanisms of quality management system in distance education and considers that the building of ideology, purposes, personnel and environment can provide a powerful guarantee for themotion and development of quality management system.本文通过对远程教育质量管理体系运行的两种动力机制进行分析阐述,认为可以从思想、目标、人员、环境的塑造和建设等方面,为质量管理体系的运行和发展提供有力的保证。


运行1.周而复始地运转。 2.犹活动。 3.世运;命运。
