1000字范文 > 体制 system英语短句 例句大全

体制 system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-29 02:53:20


体制 system英语短句 例句大全



1.Development of Baoning vinegar after thesystem innovation;保宁醋体制创新带来的新发展

2.Consideration and suggestion of thesystem,mechanism and independence creative of work safety in China;我国安全生产工作的体制、机制和自主创新的若干思考及建议

3.System Reform for Environmental Monitoring Organization;环境监测机构体制改革设想


1.Institutional Development Funds体制发展基金(体制基金)

2.On the System of the Whole Nation and Innovation of Chinese Physical Education System;论“举国体制”与我国体育体制和制度的创新

3.economic system经济体制,经济制度

4.Institutional reform体制改革,制度改革

5.clearing-house mechanism [UNEP]资料交换所机制体制

6.big contract fiscal system“大包干”财政体制

7.Its basic organizational structures can be categorized into the general headquarters/departments, the services and arms and the military area commands.它的组织体制,按基本组织结构分为总部体制、军兵种体制、军区体制。

8.We must lose no time in working out overall planning for cultural restructuring.抓紧制定文化体制改革的总体方案。

9.Bilingualism is a farsighted educational policy.双语体制是很有远见的体制。

10.The Multilateral Trading System under the Impact of the Regional Trading System;区域贸易体制冲击下的多边贸易体制

11.Discussion on Governmental Regulation System in the Industry of Professional Sports in America;美国职业体育产业政府规制体制探析

12.The Interaction of Institutional Improvement and Institutional Transform Paths;体制改良路径与体制变革路径的互动

13.A Comparative Study on Court System between USA and China;美国法院体制与中国法院体制之比较

14.Research on the management system and operational mechanism of sport agent;体育经纪人管理体制与运作机制研究

15.Jiachong--an individual under the collision of the dictatorial system;贾充:专制体制下矛盾冲突的悲剧个体

16.Research on sports management system and operation mechanism in Hongkong;香港竞技体育的管理体制及运行机制

17.On the Innovation System: the Fusion of Mechanism and System, Efficiency and Benefit;创新体系:体制、机制与效率、效益的融合

18.Citizen Political Participation: System Stagnation and System Intake公民政治参与:体制迟钝与体制吸纳



1.On The Commercial Pattern of the Broadcasting Institution in the Contemporary West;当代西方广播电视体制商业模式研究

2.Theinstitutional content of China s industrial park under globalization context;中国开发区体制国际接轨的涵义

3.Survey on the Institutional Obstacles Factors of Logistics Industry in China——Report of Jiangsu Province;中国物流业发展中的体制性障碍因素调查——江苏省实地调查报告


1.The mechanism is the core problem that restricts press to develop healthily;体制是制约我国报业健康发展的核心问题

2.Construction of an AppropriateMechanism for Collegiate Employment Guidance;构建适合我国国情的高校就业指导体制

3.There are many problems in the existing salary allocation mechanism in railway enterprises, which don t match the requirements of modern enterprise system.铁路企业现行工资收入分配体制存在诸多问题 ,难以适应现代企业制度的要求。

4)system of organization体制

1.Establishing the newsystem of organization mechanism and legal system of disaster prevention and reduction of our country is necessary.我国灾害和安全事故严重,灾害和安全事故多样、复杂、连锁性强、破坏性大,而现有的防灾救灾体制、机制和法制不能适应防灾救灾的需要,现阶段重点加强的应急管理制度不能代替防灾救灾体制、机制和法制的完善,完善防灾救灾体制、机制和法制适应我国现阶段经济社会发展需要。

2.The crux of this problem is the lack of specificsystem of organization.从社会学角度看 ,农民负担重的体制原因在于社会对农民的偏离 ;农民负担不公的主要缘由是随经济发展而产生的农民阶层分化 ;而农民负担重的症结在于具体制度的缺

3.It is regarded that factors such as political leader, power,system of organization, institution, home and abroad environment, political consciousness have supportive function to science & technology system, especially the key factors ofsystem of organization and institution, at the same time, inter-action between political and science & technology system is discussed.认为政治系统中政治精英、权力、体制、制度及政治意识等要素会对科技系统有支持作用,其中核心要素体制和制度对科技系统的支持作用尤其显著,并且探讨了政治系统与科技系统的互动关系。


1.Thesystems analysis of the predicament of the rurallaborers employment;农村劳动力就业困境的体制分析

2.The contents and focuses of the reforms in administration business separation, enterprise reorganization, marketing, investment and financialsystems are discussed.从宏观角度分析了我国铁路现行体制上存在的弊端。

3.With the entrance to WTO,we must establishsystems and laws to fight against it.非法行政性垄断严重破坏了社会主义市场经济秩序,妨碍了公平竞争,在加入WTO后,更应从体制上、立法上进行规制。

6)System and mechanism体制机制

1.This paper establishes the comprehensive evaluation index system of regional system and mechanism,and studies the influence of system and mechanism on economic development of every province in China through Principal Component Analysis.从深层次上看,欠发达地区发展滞后的原因主要在于体制机制的束缚。

2.In accordance with the requirements of democratic governance,to establish and perfect the system and mechanism of village governance in the new rural construction is an important element and necessary guarantee for the construction of new socialist countryside,and also an urgent need to build a harmonious socialist society.按照管理民主的要求,建立和完善新农村建设中的乡村治理体制机制,是建设社会主义新农村的重要内容和必要保障,是构建社会主义和谐社会的迫切需要。

3.For the need of fitting in the agreement of Uruguay multilateral trading negotiation and entering into WTO, overseas national oil and petrochemical companies proceed a series of reform of the system and mechanism in the early of the nineties.为适应乌拉圭多边贸易谈判的约定和转入WTO的需要,90年代初期以来国外国家石油石化公司进行了一系列的体制机制改革。


