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论辩术 Dialectic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-25 02:06:30


论辩术 Dialectic英语短句 例句大全



1.Aristotle′s dialectic is the sum-up of the development of ancient Greek dialectic,however,its value and essence had been underestimated,even denied for a long time.亚里士多德是古希腊论辩术的集大成者,但对其论辩术的价值和性质,学术界往往持轻视甚至否定的态度,认为不过是一些琐碎的论辩技巧,并不能造就科学知识。


1.Anticipated Possibility Theory: a demonstrative way to limit the capital punishment;期待可能性论:作为抗制死刑的论辩术

2.Pragma-Dialectics: From a Perspective of Critical Thinking;语用论辩术——一种批判性思维视角

3.The art or practice of argumentation or controversy.争辩,辩论法争辩或辩论的艺术或做法

4.The art or practice of disputation and polemics.辩论术争论和辩论的艺术与技能

5.An academic exercise consisting of a formal debate or an oral defense of a thesis.辩论练习学术上的辩论练习,包括正式辩论或对一论点的口头辩论

6.The Art of Disputing in Zhuangbao s Meeting Mencius;试论《庄暴见孟子》一文的论辩艺术

7.Argument Arts Shaped in Debate--On the Formation and Features of Mencius Argument Arts;在论战中形成的论辩艺术——谈孟子辩术的形成及其特点

8.The Exploration of the Discussion about "Only One Chinese Nation";关于“中华民族是一个”学术论辩的考察

9.A Gist of a Narration About the Artistic Achievement of Han Meng School of Poetry Being Argued in the 20~(th) Century;20世纪韩孟诗派艺术成就论辩述要

10.The Dialectical Relationship between the Information Technology and Cultural Development;试论信息技术与文化发展的辩证关系

11.On Deng Xiaoping s Political Art;邓小平的政治艺术论——“按辩证法办事”

12.Dialectical Art Style in Liuji’s Yu Li Zi试论刘基《郁离子》辩证的艺术风格

13.On Dialectical Art Constructed by Artistic Conception of A Dream of Red Mansions试论《红楼梦》意境营造的辩证艺术

14.On Wang Chao-wen"s Dialectical Thoughts in Artistic Aesthetics浅论王朝闻辩证融合的艺术美学思想

15.We shouldn"t argue for the sake of arguing我们不应为辩论而辩论。

16.DON T GLOSS OVER UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR IN ACADEMIA: A Comment on "the Media, Public Opinion and Individuals in Academia;岂能为学术腐败辩护!——评《媒介舆论与学术个体》

17.Value of Learning Art of Chinese Ancient Argument to News Comments;古代论辩艺术对新闻评论改革创新的借鉴意义

18.On"Bian" and"Dang"--Debate Learning of Mohist School and Modern Theory of Debate;谈“辩”论“当”——墨家辩学与现代论辩理论



1.Aristotle contacted the teaching of theelocution practice very closely at the time of investigating the language feeling of argument.亚里士多德是紧密结合辩论术的教学实践探讨论证语感。

3)argumentation art辩论艺术

1.Mo Zi sargumentation art is the essence of ancient argumentation science of our country.墨子的辩论艺术是我国古代辩论科学的精华。

4)The New Dialectic新论辩术

5)the art of debating论辩艺术


1.Pragma-Dialectics: From a Perspective of Critical Thinking;语用论辩术——一种批判性思维视角


论辩1.议论辩驳。 2.文体的一种。
