1000字范文 > 激励 incentive英语短句 例句大全

激励 incentive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-06 10:36:51


激励 incentive英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on theincentive mechanisms for coal safety investment based on opportunism behavior tendency of the agent;基于代理人机会主义行为倾向的煤矿安全投资激励研究

2.Discussion on multidimensionalincentive mechanism building in hospital;多维度构建医院新型的激励机制刍议

3.Flood insurance contract design based onincentive mitigation;激励减灾的洪水保险契约设计


1.The method includes environmental motivation, institutional motivation, cultural motivation and adaptable motivation.柔性激励包括环境激励、度激励、化激励、变激励。

2.Entrepreneur Motivation: Institutional Motivation, Form Motivation and Motivation Forms;企业家激励:制度激励、形式激励与激励形式

3.RF excited ion laser射频激励离子激光器

4.propellant-actuated exactor激励发射药的激化装置

5.electric discharge excited gaseous laser放电激励气体激光器

6.put [set] spurs to a person给予某人刺激,激励某人

7.excitation mechanism激发机理;激发机制;激励机理;激励机制;兴奋机制

8.excite or arouse(a person or his feelings,etc)激励, 鼓励(某人);激发(某人的感情等)

9.Reinforcing inspiration direction and enhancing inspiration effect;增强激励针对性 提高企业激励效用

10.An Analysis of Distortion and Feedback of Incentives for Sale Force;销售人员的激励扭曲与反馈激励分析

11.Using Stimulation Theory to Promote the Efficiency of Stimulation-system for Hotel;运用激励理论提高酒店激励的有效性

12.The Development Trend of Motivation--The Trust-based Motivation;管理激励的发展趋向——基于信任的激励

13.Innovation of inspiration theory nowadays-self inspiration mode;新时期激励理念创新——自我激励模式

14.bootstrap driver自举激励器;阴极输出激励器;有仿真线路的激励器

15.On the Incompletion,Incentive Deviation and Intensity of Artificially-Designed Incentive System Within Organizations;组织内人工设计激励机制的不完备性、激励偏差与激励强度

16.Incentive Tour--the New Pattern of Employee Motivation in Modern Enterprises;奖励旅游——现代企业员工激励的新方式

17.An Analysis of the Motivation Issues in the Reward System of University Academic Research高校科研奖励机制中的激励问题分析

18.array drive assembly太阳能电池阵激励组件



1.The application ofmotivation in nursing management;激励在护理管理中的应用

2.Investigation and analysis of the head nurses needs ofmotivation;护士长激励需要的调查与分析

3.Intellectualsmotivation and salary management in enterprises;企业人才激励与薪酬管理


1.Discussion on the approach of diverseencouragement for the staff in hospital;试论医院人才的差异化激励

2.The Application ofencouragement theory in higher school teachers and scientific research management;浅议激励理论在高校教师和科研管理中的应用


1.The application ofstimulation theory in items management;激励理论在项目管理中的应用

2.On training and selecting CEO for state-owned enterprise and perfecting the mechanism ofstimulation, supervision and restriction;尽快完善国企经营者的培养选拔健全激励监督约束机制

3.A study of volunteersstimulation based on psychological demands;基于心理需求的志愿者激励研究


1.Establishing an effectiveencouragement system to provide power for development of enterprises;建立有效的激励机制为企业发展提供动力

2.Encourage and the Deal Turns the Target Analyze in the Common Colleges Experiment in the Volleyball Teaching;激励与量化目标在普通高校排球教学中的实验分析

3.On the application ofencourage in the development of teacher vocation;试论激励在教师专业发展中的应用


1.Research on the Excitation and ANP Evaluation Recycling Economy Development of Regions;区域循环经济发展的激励机制及ANP评价研究

2.A study of surface EMG signal modeling based on motoneuronexcitation;基于运动神经元激励的表面肌电信号仿真研究

3.Mixing Enhancement of a 2D Supersonic Mixing Layer Induced by Inflow Periodic Temperature Excitation;入流周期性温度激励下的二维超声速混合层混合增强


激励激起机械系统出现机械振动的随时间变化的外力或其他输入。如质量为m、偏心距为е的转子以匀角速度ω转动时,激励的力幅P=mеω 2,其垂直和水平分量分别为Psinωt和Pcosωt,即能激起转轴振动。随时间变化的位移、速度和加速度也能激起系统的振动。如地震时,地面沿水平和垂直两方向都有随时间变化的位移、速度和加速度,因而能激起地面物体的振动。激励一般分为周期性激励和非周期性激励。非周期性激励包括脉冲、阶跃和随机激励等。激励常用时间的函数表示,称激励函数。简谐激励函数Psinωt和Pcosωt是最简单的周期性激励。任意周期性激励函数可按傅里叶级数展成若干简谐激励函数之和。任意非周期性激励函数都可以看成是一系列脉冲函数或阶跃函数连续作用的结果。随机激励不能用确定的时间函数表示,须用统计方法描述。
