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中考听力 | 中考英语听力冲刺训练46

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中考听力 | 中考英语听力冲刺训练46

中考听力训练46 来自初中英语学习 00:00 11:43






5.Who are the man’s parents staying with?

A. His sister.

B. His brother.

C. His friends.

6. Why doesn’t the man’s father like the city?

A. He likes to live alone.

B. He likes the country life.

C. He hates the noises.


7. Where are the speakers?

A. In a bookstore.

B. In a park.

C. In a cake shop.

8. What does the woman want to do?

A. To buy a birthday cake.

B. To borrow some books.

C. To get some money.


9. How often is the party held?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Three times a week.

10. What is the matter with the woman?

A. She can’t enjoy the party.

B. She can’t go to work.

C. She can’t fall asleep.


11. What will the man do with his cold?

A. Go to see a doctor.

B. Have chicken soup.

C. Have some milk.

12. Why won’t he take any medicine?

A. It’ll make him sleepy.

B. He doesn’t like medicine at all.

C. He has had enough breakfast.

13. What will he do?

A. Stay at home.

B. Go to buy some coffee.

C. Give a talk.


14. Where was the first International Friendship Camp held?

A. In China.

B. In Italy.

C. In the USA.

15. How long did the International Friendship Camp last in Beijing?

A. Ten days.

B. Two weeks.

C. A month.

16. How would Shirley describe some members of her host family?

A. Patient.

B. Clever.

C. Kind.



Trip Information

Where to go:

(17)_____ garden

When to go:

next (18)_____

When to meet:

at (19)_____

How to go there:

by (20)____

How long to get there:

about (21)_____ minutes



Number one

M: What’s your favourite food, Amy?

W: I like hamburgers best.

Number two

M: What can you see over there?

W: I can see a beautiful horse.

Number three

M: What did your father buy yesterday?

W: My father bought a nice sofa and I love it very much.

Number four

M: What does your brother often do when he is free?

W: Listen to the radio.



5.Who are the man’s parents staying with?

A. His sister.

B. His brother.

C. His friends.

6. Why doesn’t the man’s father like the city?

A. He likes to live alone.

B. He likes the country life.

C. He hates the noises.

M: Last month my parents moved to the city to live with my sister.

W: How do they like it?

M: My mother likes the life there, but my father doesn’t fall asleep because of the noises.

W: Perhaps he’ll be used to the noises soon.

M: I hope so.


7. Where are the speakers?

A. In a bookstore.

B. In a park.

C. In a cake shop.

8. What does the woman want to do?

A. To buy a birthday cake.

B. To borrow some books.

C. To get some money.

M: Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. I want a birthday cake for my daughter.

M: Which size do you want?

W: Size 14. How much is it?

M: 128 yuan.

W: That’s fine. I’ll take it.


9. How often is the party held?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Three times a week.

10. What is the matter with the woman ?

A. She can’t enjoy the party.

B. She can’t go to work.

C. She can’t fall asleep.

W: I know, Mr. Green, you’re having a party. But it’s midnight and the noise…

M: I’m sorry, Mrs White. I forgot the time.

W: You see, it’s quite difficult to fall asleep with so much noise. It happens every Sunday. It makes me tired during the day.

M: Well, we’ll stop right now.

W: Thanks.


11. What will he do with his cold?

A. Go to see a doctor.

B. Have chicken soup and coffee.

C. Have some milk.

12. Why won’t he take any medicine?

A. It’ll make him sleepy.

B. He doesn’t like medicine at all.

C. He has had enough breakfast.

13. What will he do?

A. Stay at home.

B. Go to buy some coffee.

C. Give a talk.

M: I have a cold and I ….

W: You ’d better stay at home and have a good rest.

M: I can’t do that. I h ave to take part in the important meeting.

W: Then take some

M: The medicine makes me sleepy. I have to give a report at the meeting.

W: Then I’ll make some chicken soup for you.

M: Chicken soup for breakfast?

W: Why not? It’s the only thing you’ll take for your cold.

M: Well, all right. But I want my coffee, too.


14. Where was the first International Friendship Camp held?

A. In China.

B. In Italy.

C. In the USA.

15. How long did the International Friendship Camp last in Beijing?

A. Ten days.

B. Two weeks.

C. A month.

16. How would Shirley describe some members of her host family?

A. Patient.

B. Clever.

C. Kind.

The International Friendship Camp began in the USA in 1967. It aims to help world peace by giving teenagers from different countries a chance to make friends.

Last year, the International Friendship Camp was held in Beijing. About 50 teenagers from around the world stayed with local families for two weeks. They had a great time. Antonio from Italy said, ’I didn’t expect Chinese teenagers to be so friendly. I thought they would be serious and hard-working, because they have a lot of exams. However, they are active and outgoing. They are similar to Italian teenagers.’ Shirley from Canada said, ’Some members of my host family can’t speak English but we have still become good friends. They are kind and generous.’



M:Morning, Betty!

W: Morning, Jack!

M: Betty, do you know that we are going to the bird garden?

W: Yes.

M: When are we going there?

W: Next Sunday.

M: That’s great! And how are we going there?

W: By bus.

M: How long does it take to get to the bird garden?

W: About 20 minutes.

M: Oh, I nearly forget. Where shall we meet?

W: We’ll meet at the gate of the bird garden at eight thirty.

M: Thank you very much.

W: You’re welcome.


1. C2. A3. B4. C

5. A6. C7. C8. A

9. A10. C 11. B12. A

13. C14. C15. B16. C

17. bird

18. Sunday

19. 8:30

20. bus

21. twenty / 20
