1000字范文 > 亲情英文怎么写_有关亲情的英文故事


时间:2024-05-03 06:49:56





Family love is like a cup of coffee, full of the rich aroma, drink a mouthful, make the person look cool, refreshing, let a person feel warm.

Kinship is a hand that is holding and never letting go. Applaud when you are successful, and when you fail, you will not hesitate to lend a hand to you. I opened the old photo album and found a photo of people with silver hair, short stature and thin physique, as if the wind would fall like a blow. She, my grandmother, is full of kinship with her.

Grandma is a thrifty person, parents send to the supplement refuse to eat, buy vegetables "haggle", also do not waste water and electricity. But my grandmother is very generous to me, I want to eat what, always buy me, also do not care about the price. When I was in primary school, I went to my grandma's house every day, and my grandma treated me like a waiter.

Remember one day, grandma come to my house for dinner, food is very rich, with a bowl of braise in soy sauce pig's feet, I don't like to eat fat, so in the process of eating, I also don't touch the bowl dish, grandma saw, said to me the benefits of all food, and caught a big fat in my bowl, said: "eat it, give you two dollars!" I say: "only 2 dollars, still not enough I sever the teeth, 20 pieces are similar!" Grandma listened, and did not say, took out 20 yuan of paper money, "pa" on the table to say: "eat!" The reader, as he did not think of a joke, the grandmother, but when the truth, said words like the water thrown out, cannot be recalled, helpless under, I have to eat this fat. Sure enough, my grandma gave me the money. She just wanted me to eat a piece of fat. No, I grew up with a bias. My grandmother thought I'd get rid of this habit and grow up healthy. The composition

Small one thing, full of thick family, lead me to the other side of happiness.


In a small mountain village, there was a tragic and heroic scene. In that little hut there was a fire, in which a mother died.

On that day, the mother and the child husband both in the home, suddenly started the fire, the fire is very big, the fire blocked the doorway. The mother suddenly remembered that there was a small mouth on the roof of the hut. She hurriedly let her husband climb up, and then let the child step on himself. She landed on one knee, then put her hand on it, and the child went up. The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and she and her eldest daughter were left alone, and the smoke was choking them. The mother was unable to stand on the ground, and finally she gave her all strength and strength to send the eldest daughter up...

Mother eventually failed to come out, when people go to the search for bodies, saw a recognition at the last moment of death, the mother of remained the action, a mother's love is great, whether some shock your heart?

Let's hear another story.

In one residential building, a mother hanged herself. People are very strange, although the two sons of the family are blind, but the family life is beautiful. Why commit suicide? Besides, she was a good mother. How could she leave her two handicapped sons and leave? In fact, before she died, she made a will, and after her death, she would donate her eyelashes to her two sons, so that they could see the light again! The son was crying at his mother's feet. The mother and her husband agreed to donate their eyelashes to the two sons after their death, but the mother couldn't wait. She knew that the child needed it, and for the sake of her children's future, she traded her death for the light of her sons, but she lost her mother's love.

The power of affection is great and selfless. Sacrifice for the sake of their loved ones, for the better of them. The parents lost their youth for us, but the gray hair. The happiness of the generation is not the result of the hard work of the previous generation. The affection is in our side, well, otherwise wait to slip away, can not find again! The composition

I read "the whole story of letting students feel affection".

After reading this book, I realized that my parents' love for children is selfless.

Read the story of life, then go into the story of life. A story, an inspiration, a touch of warmth, a touch. So the fast pace of life in the modern society, the reinforced concrete structures in the urban jungle, we seem to forget that once the tranquility of the love and devotion, more forget to taste the bitter and sweet of life, only reluctantly to lament the time went by, the dull life. Find a quiet corner for our soul! Open the book, feel the essence of life in every little story, and listen to the melody of the world in beautiful words.

Here's a little story:

A mother was working at home, her husband was on the phone, her three-year-old daughter was sleeping in a small bed while her grandmother was preparing dinner. The composition

When around 7:30, the grandma opened the door and found her granddaughter disappeared, quickly find, when heard the cries, the daughter's mother saw the child slipped down on the second floor platform, the mother saw also jumped, that my grandmother was in a hurry, the mother jumped to save the child, but not for a finger!

This book tells us that the love of our parents cannot be measured!


The domestic servant, a little fox from the mountain a few days ago. It is pitiful that little fox does not eat or drink. In order to save the little fox, the two old foxes bite the iron chain, chew the stake, and make a nest under the floor. The family of the fox finally moved taro, so he took the little fox's farm back to the fox, and with his father put it back in the valley. Here is the story of the little fox returning to the valley --

The little fox had just run a dozen meters away, and the old fox came running from somewhere, and he jumped around the little fox in high spirits, and then he ran to the depths of the forest.

Deep into the forest, the fox family stopped slowly. The neck of the two old foxes was closely intertwined with the fox. The old fox turned round, and put out his tongue on the cheek of the fox, and licked it, and used their forepaws to comb the little fox's short body hair.

Mother fox said, "boy, today is a day to celebrate. Look at your thin appearance, mother must be good to give you complement body." "Father fox said," go home first, and I'll catch some pheasant." Then he disappeared into the thick forest. The composition

The little fox and his mother went back to the cave, and the mother and son told each other what they wanted to say goodbye. Mother fox said: "the child, father, mother really despair, that damned iron chain son, damn big wooden stakes, we can not deal with it anyway." "Mother," said the fox, "it is very nice of the little boy, taro, but for him, I would have let the little mustache eat the wine." Mother fox said, "yes, the child is very kind. When the adults are not at home, he secretly sends us food and milk. When must we repay him well?"

A gust of wind from the mouth of the cave, father fox came back, and he carried back three pheasants. The little fox pounced on it and, holding on to one, gobbled it up. Father fox said: "baby, eat slowly, don't choke, dad will catch a few more." Then he went out into the cave again. At this time, the mother fox has already packed the table, set up the wine, it will wait for the fox father to come back, the whole family well to celebrate. The composition

Father fox came back, and he brought back two pheasants and a large wild duck. The whole family gathered around the table happily and ate a hearty meal.

The moon had crept up on the treetop. Two old foxes came to the mouth of the cave and held the little fox tightly in his arms, looking at the stars in the sky, telling them of their parting thoughts and slowly falling asleep.

A few days later, father fox took the fox up to the mountain to hunt. They chased a wild rabbit out of the forest to an empty grand canyon. All of a sudden, they heard a child tearing up his heart and lungs. He looked up and saw a wild dog chasing a little boy. The little boy was clinging to the cloth bag in his arms, his trousers torn, and the wild dog's blood running down his leg.

"Isn't this taro? The little fox was the first to recognize it. "It's him, it's him! "Said the old fox. "Child, we want to save him! I'll deal with it here. You go back and move." With that, the old fox cried, and the wild dog pounced on it. The little fox soon disappeared into the woods.
