1000字范文 > 建构意义 constructive role英语短句 例句大全

建构意义 constructive role英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-12 15:31:55


建构意义 constructive role英语短句 例句大全

建构意义,constructive role

1)constructive role建构意义

1.Emphasizing the numerousconstructive roles which the new philosophic.本论文从当前国内对这一课题研究的现状出发,以哲学上的主体性向主体间性转向为理论基石,以翻译研究三种范式的历史演进为线索,以三类不同性质的主体性的表现为理论视角,分析了翻译主体性研究的困惑,提出了哲学的主体间转向对翻译理论四方面的建构意义。


1.Psychological harmony construction significance of Kant s esthetics thoughts;康德美学思想中的心理和谐建构意义

2.Analysis of Constructivism on Security Dilemma and Significance between Sino-Japan;建构主义解析中日安全困境及其意义

3.Analysis on the Content and the Significance of Building a Socialist Harmonious Society;构建社会主义和谐社会的内涵及意义

4.The Meaning of Constructivist Rationality and Ecological Rationality in Economics;“建构”和“进化”理性主义的经济学意义

5.Existential Consciousness Construction and Its Cultural Meaning of the Chunxuan School in Taoism;道教重玄生存意识建构及其文化意义

6.Relevance: Construction and Reconstruction of Meanings in Fictional Communication关联性:小说交际中意义的建构与重构

7.The Theoretical Analysis of Logotherapy and the Constructive Route about Individual "Meaning;意义治疗的理论分析与个体“意义”的建构思路

8.Structuring the Logos of the Intermediary Idea on the Meaning of Space Interface;建构空间界面意义上的中介思想理念

9.Advertising Photography Significance of the Text of the Ad Space Construction;广告摄影对广告文本意义空间的建构

10.Experimental Research on the Chemistry Conception Constructive Learning in Senior Middle School;中学化学概念意义建构教学实验研究

11.Meaning Construction of Parody in English Print Advertisements;英文平面广告中仿拟现象的意义建构

12.Cognitive Meaning Construction in Emily Dickinson s Poems;艾米莉·狄金森诗歌的认知意义构建

13.Gaps-Filling: A Dynamic Construction of Meaning in Literary Translation;空缺填补:文学翻译中意义的动态建构

14.Reception and Meaning: Students Active Chinese Learning;接受与意义:学生语文学习的主动建构

15.Realizing "Meaning Construction "is the Terminal Target of Reading Teaching;实现“意义建构”是阅读教学的终极目标

16.On the Ideological Construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics;论中国特色社会主义意识形态的建构

17.The Significance and the Constructs Way of the Teachers Love in The Civilian-run Colleges and Universities;民办院校师爱的重要意义和构建路径

18.Establishment of Logistics Lab and its Significance;物流专业实验/实训室的构建及其意义


meaning construction意义建构

1.This text has discussed the methods and routes of carrying through physics teaching and network using themeaning construction learning theory.论述了利用意义建构学习理论进行物理教学和网络整合的方法和途径,阐述了网络环境下意义建构物理教学模式的优点。

2.Stereotypical relation is a very general operation, which plays a fundamental role in themeaning construction of natural language.徐盛桓所倡导的"常规关系分析理论",在自然语言的意义建构过程中起着至关重要的作用,是人们一种极其普遍的认知过程的反映。

3.The seemingly simplemeaning construction of nominal compounds turns out to be very complex indeed.名词性合成词的意义建构是一个看似简单,实际上非常复杂的过程。

3)significance construction意义建构

1.This research is trying to set the Shanghai Biennale as an example, exposing the process of itssignificance construction.本文试图以上海双年展为例,探索双年展意义建构的过程。

4)meaning construction意义构建

1.Primary Research on the Mechanism of Meaning Construction of Counterfactual Conditionals;试探反事实条件句的意义构建

2.Although parody,or nonce word,owing to its novel and creative usage,has drawn the attention of psychologists,rhetoricians and linguists,few of them explore itsmeaning construction and the big influence human cognitive ability exerts in the course of understanding from the perspective of cognition.很少有人从认知层面探究仿拟的意义构建和解读过程中人的认知能力所发挥的巨大作用。

3.The paper,from the view of cognition,investigates the culture influence on themeaning constructions of metaphor,which involves the relation among the cultural framework,the cognitive scheme and the correct understanding of metaphor.本文主要从认知角度探讨了隐喻意义构建中的文化制约现象,同时涉及文化模式、认知图式和隐喻意义构建之间的关系。

5)meaning of constructing构建意义

6)meaning constructing意义建构

1.Constructivist view of learning hasmeaning constructing as its core .建构主义学习观的中心是意义建构,它强调学习的主动性、社会性和情境性,要求学习者成为信息加工的主体和知识意义的主动建构者。


