1000字范文 > 角色模拟 role playing英语短句 例句大全

角色模拟 role playing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-20 04:16:24


角色模拟 role playing英语短句 例句大全

角色模拟,role playing

1)role playing角色模拟

1.Application ofrole playing to HVAC undergraduate course teaching;角色模拟在暖通空调专业本科教学中的应用


1.Application of role playing to HVAC undergraduate course teaching角色模拟在暖通空调专业本科教学中的应用

2.Discussion on Simulated Teaching of Teachers Roles in the Course of Physical Education Teaching Materials and Teaching;中学体育教材教法课教师角色模拟教学新探

3.On Simulated Teachers Training of Teachers?College Students in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校师范生教师角色模拟训练初探

4.The Study on the Instruction Design of the Role-simulated-way of Cooperative Learning in Integrated Practical Curriculum;综合实践活动课程角色模拟式合作学习教学设计研究

5.Hierarchical Role-based Restricted Delegation Model and Simulation Analyzing基于层次角色的受限委托模型及模拟分析

6.The Modeling of Virtual Actor s Facial Expression Based on GA Algorithm;基于GA算法的虚拟角色面部表情建模研究

7.Features of Business Administration Teaching by Simulation and Transformation of Teacher s Role;论工商管理模拟教学特征及教师角色转化

8.On the Legal Mode of Protection to the Fictional Characters in the USA and Its Reference;美国保护虚拟角色的法律模式及其借鉴

9.Study and Application of Internet Moot Court Based on RBAC基于角色管理的网上模拟法庭的研究与应用

10.General Design of B2B E-commerce Simulation System Based on Role Interact Mode基于角色互动模式的B2B电子商务模拟系统总体设计

11.The Design and Implement of Electric commerce Virtual practice Environment Based on Role interact Mode;基于角色互动模式的电子商务虚拟实践环境的设计与实现

12.Agent-based Simulation for Matching and Interaction between Roles and Tasks Under Collaborative Work Environment协同工作下角色-任务匹配与互动多智能体模拟研究

13.Method for Modeling Virtual Plant System Based on Multi-agent and Role-cooperation in Opened Environment开放式环境下基于多Agent角色协作的虚拟植物建模方法

puter simulation for dyeing process计算机模拟染色过程

15.Behavior Assistant Designing Tool for Virtual Character Based on PFA基于PFA的虚拟角色行为辅助设计工具

16.Research on Avatar-included Virtual Environment Modeling and Testing角色参与的虚拟场景构造及测试研究

17.Round Angle Based on Move Modeling and Control基于旋转角度的角色运动建模与控制

18.Markov-Grey Simulating Model and Its Function Realizing;马尔可夫灰色模拟模型及其程序实现



3)role-play and simulation角色扮演与模拟

1.Letrole-play and simulation enter foreign language classrooms;让角色扮演与模拟走进外语课堂

4)Role-Project-Simulation system角色-项目-模拟(RPS)体系

5)role fictitious角色虚拟

1.There are two major points:one is therole fictitious,the other is the psychological expectation.文章着重分析角色虚拟、心理期待导致的受众认知偏差对传播效果的影响。

6)fictional characters虚拟角色

1.The case of "San Mao" brings broad debates on merchandising right infictional characters in the academic realm of intellectual property law."三毛"漫画形象纠纷案引起了我国知识产权法学界关于虚拟角色商品化权的广泛讨论。

2.As we are lack of the explicit provision in law and the suppo rting of theories, the judicial fulfillment has lost fair or unity in the judgment of cases relates to merchandising right infictional characters in our country.由于缺乏法律的明确规定和理论的支撑,司法实践对于已在我国出现的虚拟角色商品化权纠纷案件的审判或有失公平,或有失统一,对商品化权问题的研究逐渐受到我国学术界的关注。

3.Whetherfictional characters can be protected by copyright law? And how to protect them effectively? These problems have been discussed for a long time.虚拟角色能否受到著作权法的独立保护以及如何对其充分保护,理论界对这一问题进行了长期的争论和研究。


伴侣型婚姻角色伴侣型婚姻角色性社会学名。为现代婚姻角 色之一。夫妇共同分担家庭职责,男子要参加一些家务活动,教育子女,妻子也可从事学习和工作,以便取得资历,增加收入,获得进步。夫妇在性活动方面能共同体验到乐趣,双方感到性和谐。
