1000字范文 > 大学聚落 university settlement英语短句 例句大全

大学聚落 university settlement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 10:41:38


大学聚落 university settlement英语短句 例句大全

大学聚落,university settlement

1)university settlement大学聚落

1.Idea ofuniversity settlement comes from the perspectiveof settlement.在聚落视角下提出大学聚落理念,从整体的人居环境以及宏观的城市层面下看待大学自身发展问题,并依据哲学金字塔思维方式,构建大学聚落层级理论体系,从区域、空间、实体三个层面构建大学聚落环境设计的策略与方法。

2.The idea ofuniversity settlement which comes from the perspective of settlement has been introduced into the process of the planning of campus.将聚落视角下的大学聚落理论,引入到大学校园规划中。

2)Approach to University Settlement大学聚落研究

3)settlement geography聚落地理学

1.The development of Geographical Information System has provided technical means for developing and analysis ofsettlement geography,and has changed old qualitative depiction for the quantitative analysis.地理信息系统技术的发展,为聚落地理学的发展研究提供了技术手段,使传统的定性描述过渡到了量化分析。

4)large-scale and prehistorical settlement史前大型聚落

5)historical coenogeography历史聚落地理学


1.Analysis on the ecological sense of chinese traditionalsettlement;试析中国传统聚落中的生态观

2.Park Taking Sculpture As the Theme The"Settlement"of City Sculpture;雕塑主题公园——城市雕塑的“聚落”

3.Analysis of traditionalsettlement and folk house characteristics in Ningbo area of East Zhejiang;浙东宁波地区传统聚落与民居特色探析


1.From Settlement to Village:the growing process of new villages in Ming and Qing dynasty of East China;从聚落到村落:明清华北新兴村落的生长过程

2.Agrestic Environment & Space Conformation the Analysis of Space Conformation in Jingsheng Agrestic Settlement;乡土环境与聚落形态——静升乡土聚落空间形态分析

3.The Primitive Check on the Settlement Clusters Group and the Center Settlement Clusters of the Late Yangshao Culture Distributing from Tianshui to Zhengzhou;天水至郑州间仰韶文化晚期聚落群与中心聚落的初步考察

4.Active settlement space--The practice of university settlement in the campus planning of Sichuan Art Vocational College活力聚落空间——四川职业艺术学院总体规划中的聚落理论实践

5.Not only are they congested, they are aged.这些聚落不仅拥挤,而且很古老。

6.The Research of the Settlements for Defensive "Bao Zhai" Along the Great Wall on Ming Dynasty in Yulin Area榆林地区明长城军事堡寨聚落研究

7.An Exploration of the Settlement Pattern in the Proceeding of State"s Forming in Early Xia Dynasty早夏国家形成时期的聚落形态考察

8.The Southern of Ningxia Rural Settlements Space Research;宁夏南部地区乡村聚落空间形态研究

9.The Investigation and Study on Settlement Design of Huashan Village in Zhenjiang;镇江华山村聚落环境设计调查与研究

10.The Research of Culture Inherited Conformation in Shanggantang Village;文化传承下的上甘棠村聚落形态研究

11.The Research on Local Traditional Constructing Behaviour and Forms of Blocks in Settlements;论地方传统建设行为与聚落街区形态

12.The Primary Study about the Evolution Settlement Pattern Structure in Chenggu County Shangyuanguan;城固县上元观古镇聚落形态演变初探

13.The Comparison of the Traditional "Bao Zhai" Settlement in Shanjin and Mingan Area;晋陕、闽赣地域传统堡寨聚落比较研究

14.Research in the Comparison with the Present Conditions and Development of the Tribe of the Yongchang Ancient-post-road;永昌古驿道聚落现状、发展对比研究

15.Research on the Tourism Development of Different Settlement Forms in Guizhou;贵州不同聚落形态旅游业的发展研究

16.The Research and Application of Traditional Residential Settlement in Ningbo;宁波地区民居聚落特征的研究及应用

17.The Settlement and the People Residence Appearance Analysis in Liang Village of Pingyao County;平遥梁村的聚落形态和民居形态分析

18.The Research of Military Fortresses of Nine Defense Areas Along the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty;明长城“九边”重镇军事防御性聚落研究


Approach to University Settlement大学聚落研究

3)settlement geography聚落地理学

1.The development of Geographical Information System has provided technical means for developing and analysis ofsettlement geography,and has changed old qualitative depiction for the quantitative analysis.地理信息系统技术的发展,为聚落地理学的发展研究提供了技术手段,使传统的定性描述过渡到了量化分析。

4)large-scale and prehistorical settlement史前大型聚落

5)historical coenogeography历史聚落地理学


1.Analysis on the ecological sense of chinese traditionalsettlement;试析中国传统聚落中的生态观

2.Park Taking Sculpture As the Theme The"Settlement"of City Sculpture;雕塑主题公园——城市雕塑的“聚落”

3.Analysis of traditionalsettlement and folk house characteristics in Ningbo area of East Zhejiang;浙东宁波地区传统聚落与民居特色探析


成都社会大学是民盟成都市委主办的一所民办大学成都社会大学是民盟成都市委主办的一所民办大学梦 成都社会大学是民盟成 都市委主办的一所民办 大学胡文琪供稿
