1000字范文 > 固定能耗 fixed energy consumption英语短句 例句大全

固定能耗 fixed energy consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-09 00:40:49


固定能耗 fixed energy consumption英语短句 例句大全

固定能耗,fixed energy consumption

1)fixed energy consumption固定能耗

1.Thefixed energy consumption takes 70% of the whole.结合中国某特大型客运站A站的旅客发送数据,在候车时间概率分布模型的基础上,按照等待时间的不同,对旅客发送最多日、节假日和普通工作日的扶梯配置、功率和能耗进行了细致分析,比较研究了等待时间为5、10、30s时的固定能耗和可变能耗。

2)stationary degeneration固定损耗

3)initial drain固定电耗

4)quantitative energy consumption能耗定量

5)energy consumption quota能耗定额

1.After comparing annual energy consumption per unit floor area with that per capita,the latter is selected as a basis for establishment ofenergy consumption quota for public buildings.通过比较单位建筑面积年能耗与人均年能耗,选用后者作为编制公共建筑能耗定额的基础。


1.Establishment of Energy Consumption Quota for Public Buildings Based on Statistical Data基于统计数据编制的公共建筑能耗定额

2.Energy consumption grading of cement plantGB/T16780-1997水泥企业能耗等级定额

3.Study on Investigation and Quota Method of Heating Energy Consumption我国供热能耗调查与定额方法的研究

4.Ascertainment of consumption forecast and repertory ration of spare parts;备件消耗预测与备件储备定额的确定

5.Material Consumptive Quota Calculation Management Subsystem in PDM;PDM中的材料消耗定额计算管理子系统

6.The Optimum Reward Level and the Rational Quota of Material Consumption and Their Delermination;最佳奖励水平与合理材料消耗定额及其确定

7.A study on the establishment of routine production activity based quota of coal mine material consumption基于作业的煤矿材料消耗定额制定研究

8.The Management of the Quota of Secondary Material Consumption in Process Digitalization System;工艺数字化系统中辅助材料消耗定额的管理

9.Discussion on Material Consume Ration Manage in the Coal Enterprises;试论物资消耗定额在煤炭行业中的管理作用

10.The Problems and their Countermeasures of Consuming Material Quota Control in Construction industry Groups;建设工业集团物资消耗定额管理的问题及对策

11.The Preliminary Research on Water Consumption,Quota of Irrigation and Drainage and Water Production Efficiency under Water-catching and Controllable Irrigation Technology of Rice蓄水控灌模式下水稻耗水量及灌排定额初探

12.The Study of Different Consumption between Actual and Budget Quota and Its Solution实际与预算定额消耗量差异的解决办法探讨

13.rating axle capactiy驱动桥额定桥荷能力

14.Power consumption quota and its counting and testing method in heat treating productionGB/T17358-1998热处理生产电耗定额及其计算和测定方法

15.Draw up the Consumption Quantum of Logistics Dominant Industry to Promote Fine Management;制定后勤服务主导行业消耗定额 推进精细化管理

16.Breastfeeding, in and of itself, is not a drain on physical energy, although most women do feel fatigued when pregnant.疲累在孕期中是正常的,哺乳并不一定会消耗母亲额外的体力。

17.Applications, production processes, consumption norms and technical specifications of diflubenzuron are introduced briefly.简要介绍了除虫脲的用途、生产过程、消耗定额、产品质量指标

18.Formulate Steel Coil Consumption Quota Method During SSAW Pipe Production and Its Application螺旋埋弧焊管生产过程卷板消耗定额编制方法及应用


stationary degeneration固定损耗

3)initial drain固定电耗

4)quantitative energy consumption能耗定量

5)energy consumption quota能耗定额

1.After comparing annual energy consumption per unit floor area with that per capita,the latter is selected as a basis for establishment ofenergy consumption quota for public buildings.通过比较单位建筑面积年能耗与人均年能耗,选用后者作为编制公共建筑能耗定额的基础。

6)low energy cure低能耗固着


