1000字范文 > ━═╬※ 在有人爱你之前 请好好地爱自己 ※╬═━

━═╬※ 在有人爱你之前 请好好地爱自己 ※╬═━

时间:2018-08-23 23:49:42


━═╬※ 在有人爱你之前 请好好地爱自己 ※╬═━




#Life is the most regrettable, it is easy to give up what should not be given up;


# Don't always be wronged because of accommodating others, there are not many people in this world worthy of you always bending over.


#Heart is a person's wings, and the world is as big as the heart is.


#Instead of escaping, it is better to be the hope you want to see in your heart.


#Some people do n’t forget because they are reluctant; others have to forget because they are not worth it.


#Please love yourself before someone loves you.



#Things will definitely get better, either you find it better with yourself, or it finds you in a better way.


#Live in the worst of times and soon have the best liberation.


#If life is always sunny, you have long become a desert.


# Don't pretend to be strong, occasionally like a child is also good.



#When you no longer believe in love, stop and wait quietly, let the next love come naturally and tell you what love is.


#Leave the best of yourself to the last person who knows you best.


# Don't let the future of you, hate yourself now.

━═╬※ 在有人爱你之前,请好好地爱自己 ※╬═━
