1000字范文 > 低温辐射 low temperature radiation英语短句 例句大全

低温辐射 low temperature radiation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-28 21:25:50


低温辐射 low temperature radiation英语短句 例句大全

低温辐射,low temperature radiation

1)low temperature radiation低温辐射

1.The electric heating film system forlow temperature radiation supply of heat is a new heating technology introduced from western developed countries, and it has the advantages of being energy-, space-,and water-saving,and smoke and noise contamination-free, and this makes it a good substitute for the traditional heating system.低温辐射供热电热膜系统是从西方发达国家引进的以电力为能源,通过红外线辐射传热的供暖新技术,具有节能、节地、节水、无烟尘和噪声污染等优点,是传统供暖系统的更新换代,对开拓电力市场促进电力增供扩销,改善人们生活质量具有十分重要的作用。

2.In this essay,thelow temperature radiation method of heating was introduced.介绍了低温辐射电热膜供热 (暖 )方式 ,阐明了它具有少占地、节能、保护环境、温度可调、舒适、宁静、有益健康等优势 ,是未来供暖的发展方向之

3.The surface temperature oflow temperature radiation panel isunder 80℃.1~100μm)放出的以辐射热为主的既舒适又节能的一种供暖方式,其中低温辐射板面温度低于80℃。


1.Selection of far infrared heating elements in low temperature resistance furnace低温辐射电热炉的远红外加热元件的选择

2.Application of Low Temperature Radialization Galvanothermy Membrane in Energy Conservation Architecture;低温辐射电热膜在节能建筑中的设计应用

3.The Measurement for the Photo-detector"s Absolute Spectral Responsivity Based on the Cryogenic Radiometer基于低温辐射计的探测器绝对光谱响应率测量


5.The Characteristic Analysis of Low-temperature hot-water radiant heating system and Low-temperature radiant electro thermal film heating system低温热水地板辐射与低温电热地膜辐射供热方式的特性分析

6.Study on the Control Strategies for Radiant Floor Heating Systems;低温地板辐射采暖系统调节性能研究

7.Simulation of Solar Energy Low Temperature Radiant Heating System;太阳能低温热水地板辐射系统的仿真

8.Analysis of the Low-temperature Hot Water Floor Panel Heating System;浅谈对低温地板辐射采暖的几点认识

9.Microwave Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-graft-poly(L-lactide) with Low Temperature under Normal Pressure;低温常压微波辐射下CS-g-PLLA的制备与性能研究

10.Economy Research on Low Temperature Hot-Water Radiant Floor Heating System;低温热水地面辐射采暖经济性分析研究

11.Study on the Low Temperature Hot Water FloorPanel Radiant Heating System by Solar Energy in QingHai;青海省太阳能低温热水地板辐射供暖系统研究

12.Study on the Low Temperature Hot Water Floor Panel Radiant Heating System by Solar Energy in Luoyang;洛阳市太阳能低温热水地板辐射采暖的研究

13.Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Low-temperature Radiant Floor Heating System;低温地板辐射采暖系统的数值模拟与参数优化

14.The Low Temperature Floor Radiation Heating Heat Transfer Studies and Designs the Application;低温地板辐射供暖的传热研究及设计应用

15.The Heat Transfer Analysis and Computation of Radiant Floor Heating System with Low Temperature Water;低温热水地板辐射采暖系统传热分析计算

16.Study on Actual Performance of the Low-Temperature Water Floor Radiant Heating System;低温地板辐射采暖系统的实际运行工况研究

17.Experiment Research of Low-Temp. Hot Water Radiant Floor Heating;低温热水地板辐射供暖传热的实验研究

18.The Analysis on Pipes Technique and Economic of Low Temperature Hot Water Floor Radiant Heating;低温热水地面辐射采暖管材技术经济分析


low-temperature radiation低温辐射

1.The exothermic cablelow-temperature radiation heating system is a new type of heating mode that is suitable to the variation of the urban energy structure.发热电缆低温辐射供暖是为适应城市能源结构的变化而出现的一种新型供暖方式。

2.The exothermic cablelow-temperature radiation heating system is a new type of heating mode that is suitable to the variation of the urban energy s tructure.发热电缆低温辐射供暖系统是为适应城市能源结构的变化而出现的一种新型供暖方式。

3)cryogenic radiometer低温辐射计

1.Optical adjustment incryogenic radiometer measurement system;低温辐射计测量系统中的光路调整

2.After comparing different infrared calibration methods based oncryogenic radiometer, We propose an infrared calibration method based oncryogenic radiometer using infrared source in combination with a monochromator as radiation source,cavity thermopiles detector andcryogenic radiometer as primary standard detectors.在比较国际上基于低温辐射计的红外辐射定标技术的基础上,提出了以红外光源结合单色仪为辐射源,及以腔式热电堆探测器和低温辐射计为标准探测器的红外辐射定标方案。

3.The results of highly accurate optical radiation calibration ofcryogenic radiometer have been compared between year of 1999 and .对1999年和采用不同测量光路情况下可见光波段低温辐射计高精度光辐射定标测量结果及其不确定度进行了比较。

4)Radiation technique at low temperature低温辐射技术

5)low temperature electric radiant heating panel低温辐射电热膜

6)low temperature hot water radiation低温热水辐射

1.In order to study the flow field distributed situation of the room withlow temperature hot water radiation heating system,the temperature field and the velocity field of some room are simulated by current more popular commercial CFD software FLUENT.为研究低温热水辐射采暖房间的流场分布情况,运用商用CFD软件FLUENT,对某一房间内的温度场和速度场进行了数值模拟。


低温辐射计低温辐射计cryogenic radiometerdM旧n fus同i低沮辐射计c耐~ter)一种电定标的、在液氮温度(4.2K)和真空中运行的绝对辐射计。世界上第一台低温辐射计是由T.J.奎恩和J.E.马丁在加世纪即年代中期设计的。作为一种热电型辐射计,其工作原理、测量范围均与绝对辐射计相同。但由于利用了低温超导等技术,降低了热损失,大大减小了侧t不确定度。低温辐射计的测量不确定度(1口)对测激光模式为0.仪峙%,对测光谱辐射模式为0.01%,被誉为“当今光辐射计量中最准确的基准”。其主要技术指标:响应度为2叼mw;时间常数小于加。;腔体吸收率大于0.哭旧9;年稳定性0.01%;液氦杜瓦致冷时间15h(1 .SL)至%h(4.2L);最小功率分辨率为snw。(吕正)
