1000字范文 > 能量利用系数 energy utilization coefficient英语短句 例句大全

能量利用系数 energy utilization coefficient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-02 12:21:04


能量利用系数 energy utilization coefficient英语短句 例句大全

能量利用系数,energy utilization coefficient

1)energy utilization coefficient能量利用系数

1.With the tested result of natural ventilation system in an office building in Shanghai,analyses the irrationality of using theenergy utilization coefficient to evaluate natural ventilation.根据对上海一办公楼建筑通风系统的实测,分析了能量利用系数用于评价自然通风系统运行效果的不合理性。

2.A formula determining the initial velocity of scattered liquid by explosion and sampling range ofenergy utilization coefficient are given.通过实验分析了液体量、装药量、液体性质等对液体抛撒初期最大速度的影响 ,采用回归分析的方法得出爆炸抛撒的最大速度和装药量、装药直径以及液体比重有显著的相关关系 ,得出了爆炸抛撒初速度的计算公式和能量利用系数的取值范

2)availability factor,Coefficient of utilization,ratio of utilization,use factor,utillization factor利用系数<能>

3)energy utility system能量利用系统


1.Modularized Regenerating Energy Utilization System and Its Control Strategy模块化再生制动能量利用系统及其控制策略

2.The Energy Utilization Research on IGCC Polygeneration System;IGCC多联产系统能量利用的研究

3.Energy Analysis of High Temperature Air Combustion;高温空气燃烧系统的能量利用率分析

4.Research on Energy Balance of the Energy Recovery System in a Crane起重机液压能回收利用系统能量平衡研究

5.The Analysis of Gasification Process Effect on Multi-product System Energy Efficiency;气化过程对多联产系统能量利用率作用的分析

6.Energy Efficiency Optimization of Gathering and Transferring System on the Third Oil Mining Factory of the Daqing Oil Field;大庆采油三厂集输系统能量利用最优化研究

7.The Feasibility Analysis of Wind and Solar Energy Supplementary Used Distributional Energy System;风光互补利用的分布式能量系统可行性分析

8.Energy Comprehensive Utilization and Economy Study on Seawater Desalination System海水淡化系统能量综合利用与经济性研究

9.The Design of a New Flow for Saving the Energy of the Air Separation System with LNG Cold Energy利用LNG冷量的空分系统节能新流程设想方案

10.Energy cascaded utilization for cogeneration systems based on exergy analysis models基于平衡原理的热电联产系统能量梯级利用

11.a solar power system利用太阳能的动力系统

12.MSP430 ultra- low power consumption chip was adopted as the MCU of the controller inorder to adapt to the limited power supply and working space on the compressed air powered vehicles( CAPV).节流控制是一种不可逆的能量变化过程,存在较大的能量损失,不利于系统的高效利用。

13.Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on Improving the Energy Efficiency of Steam Injection System for Heavy Oil Recovery;提高稠油开采注汽系统能量利用率的理论分析与试验研究

14.Researches on Hydraulic System of a Controllable Railroad Vehicle Brake Based on Energy Recycle;基于能量再利用的铁道车辆可控停车器液压系统研究

15.Study of Highly Effective and Clean Utilization of Natural Gas Based on Dual Source Decentralized Energy System;基于双源分布式能量系统的天然气高效和清洁利用研究

16.Analysis for Energy Transition Efficiency of Cropping System in High Yield Region of Front Mountain Plain;山前平原高产区种植系统能量利用效率动态分析

17.Impact factors of photosynthesis energy utilization in the coastal fish ponds of Jiangsu Province滩涂池塘生态系统的光合能量利用及其影响因子

18.Research on Performance of BI/STIG System for Biomass Energy Utilization;生物质能利用BI/STIG系统性能的研究


availability factor,Coefficient of utilization,ratio of utilization,use factor,utillization factor利用系数<能>

3)energy utility system能量利用系统

4)coefficient of heat energy utilization热能利用系数

1.The calculation results show that the latter save 30% or so heat energy than the former, and thecoefficient of heat energy utilization of the latter is 123% of the former.经计算 ,在同样的处理量时 ,后者比前者可节省热能 34% ,热能利用系数可达前者的 1。

5)power coefficient风能利用系数

1.Then the selfoptimization control strategy was decided according to the feature of the windpower coefficient.首先研究风力发电机组的空气动力特性,确定风力发电机组的最优工作点以及在各种风速下的控制策略;然后参照风能利用系数的特点确定自寻优控制策略;最后讨论了发电机的两种控制方式,即转速控制方式和力矩控制方式,结合空气动力学确定对双馈电机所采取的控制环节以实现最优工作点跟踪。

2.A propulsion operating principle was put forward based on the lift operating principle,which introduces a blade-tip jet technique that can enhance thepower coefficient of wind turbines significantly,i.在水平轴风力机升力型工作原理的基础上提出一种新的推力型工作原理,提供一项显著提高风力机风能利用系数的桨尖喷气技术,即充分利用传统升力型风力机风轮旋转离心力在除去整流罩的空心轮毂内产生的低压,将轮毂前方的气体吸入,并通过中空的桨叶,再从桨尖处预先设置的切向孔中与旋转方向反向喷出,从而产生推动风轮旋转的“辅助”转矩,并使发电量和风能利用系数大大提高。

3.According to the matching characteristic of turbine and generator,refining blade parameters,thepower coefficient is higher when wind speed is lower than rated value,and thepower coefficient is lower in high winds.通过风轮与发电机的匹配,调整叶片参数,使之在小风时具有较高的风能利用系数,提高风力机的效率,在大风时具有较低的风能利用系数,从而达到大风时限速保护的目的。

6)electrical energy utilization factor电能利用系数


能量梯级利用(见总能系统)能量梯级利用(见总能系统)energy utilization gradiently:see total energy system曰,IJently)见总能系统、energy utiliZation gradi-
