1000字范文 > 紫茉莉属 mirabilis英语短句 例句大全

紫茉莉属 mirabilis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-24 12:56:40


紫茉莉属 mirabilis英语短句 例句大全



1.Pharmaceutical Research on Mirabilis L. in China国产紫茉莉属植物药学研究


1.any of several plants of the genus Mirabilis having flowers that open in late afternoon.傍晚开花的紫茉莉属植物。

2.a caryophyllaceous genus of the family Nyctaginaceae having only one species.紫茉莉科的一个属,只有一个种。

3.California four_o"clock with purple-red flowers.加利弗尼亚一种开紫红色花的紫茉莉。

4.Objective To determine the content of trigonelline in Radix Mirabilis.目的测定紫茉莉根中葫芦巴碱的含量。

5.shrubs and woody climbers mostly of tropical and temperate Old World: jasmine; jessamine.主要在热带和温带的旧大陆的灌木和木本攀缘植物;茉莉;茉莉属。

6.Effects of light intensities on the growth and Cd-accumulation of Mirabilis jalapa plants subjected to cadmium stress光照强度对紫茉莉生长和镉积累的影响

7.ISSR analysis of genetic variation of Mirabilis jalapa L. with different color flowers紫茉莉不同花色植株遗传变异的ISSR分析

8.Effects of Cadmium Stress on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Uptake of Mineral Elements in Mirabilis jalapa紫茉莉光合特性和矿质吸收对镉胁迫的响应

9.Study on Hypoglycemic Effect of Mirabilis jalapa on Adrenergic Model Mice紫茉莉对高血糖模型小鼠降血糖作用研究

10.Any of various plants of the genus Plumbago;leadwort.白花丹属植物一种白花丹属植物;欧洲蓝茉莉

11.any of several shrubs and vines of the genus Jasminum chiefly native to Asia.属于茉莉种的任何灌木和蔓生植物,原产于亚洲。

12.any of various spectacular plants of the genus Laelia having showy flowers in many colors.茉莉兰属的任何一种植物,花艳丽、具有各种颜色。

13.Nice week--Jasmine大周末--茉莉时尚

14.Experimental Study of ZiHuaMoLi on Anti Small Rat"s BPH and Its Effect of the Ki67、CD34 Antigen Presentation;紫花茉莉抗小鼠前列腺增生的实验研究及其对Ki67、CD34表达的影响

15.Ecophysiological Characteristics and Allelopathy of an Invasive Plant, Mirabilis Jalapa L.;入侵植物紫茉莉的生理生态特性和化感作用的初步研究

16.Effect of VA Mycorrhizal to Relationship between Shoot Apex Development and Peroxidase Changes in Mirabllis jalapa;VA菌根对紫茉莉苗端发育与过氧化物酶变化相互关系的影响

17.Effect of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi to Seedling Growth ofMirabilis Jalapaon the Condition of Non Sterilization;非灭菌条件下VA菌根真菌对紫茉莉幼苗生长的影响

18.Effects of cadmium stress on photosynthesis and antioxidant systems in Mirabilis jalapa under different light intensities不同光强下镉胁迫对紫茉莉光合作用和抗氧化系统的影响


Mirabilis jalapa紫茉莉

1.Invasion Characteristics and Invasion Risk Assessment ofMirabilis jalapa;紫茉莉入侵特性及其入侵风险评估

2.Effect of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi to Seedling Growth ofMirabilis Jalapaon the Condition of Non Sterilization;非灭菌条件下VA菌根真菌对紫茉莉幼苗生长的影响

3)Mirabilis jalapa L紫花茉莉

1.Effects of Agricultural Utilization of Sewage Sludge Compost on the Officinal Quality ofMirabilis jalapa L. and Soil Environment;污泥农用对药用植物紫花茉莉品质和土壤环境的影响

2.Study on the phytoremediation of zinc contaminated soil by officinalMirabilis jalapa L.;药用植物紫花茉莉对农用污泥锌污染的修复研究

4)mirabilis jalapa紫茉莉花

1.This paper probes into the extraction of the pigment frommirabilis jalapa and its stability.文章对紫茉莉花色素的提取及其稳定性进行了研究,主要是通过蒸馏水提取色素,用分光光度法测定其吸光度值,从而来判断紫茉莉花的稳定性及影响因素。

2.Senescing corolla of Four O′clock flower (Mirabilis jalapa L.紫茉莉花(Mirabilis jalapa L。


6)Mirabilis jalapa L紫茉莉

1.The genetic toxicity of an invasive plant,Mirabilis jalapa L.;入侵植物紫茉莉遗传毒性的初步研究

2.Bioactivity of Extracts and Fractions from Stem ofMirabilis jalapa L. to Pieris rapae L.;紫茉莉茎提取物及其萃取物对菜粉蝶幼虫的生物活性

3.Bioactivity of the Extracts from Stem ofMirabilis jalapa L.;紫茉莉茎提取物的生物活性研究


紫茉莉叶【通用名称】紫茉莉叶【其他名称】紫茉莉叶 (《峨嵋药植》) 【来源】为紫茉莉科植物紫茉莉的叶片,植物形态详"紫茉莉根"条。 【采集】秋季采。 【药理作用】紫茉莉叶或全草的水提取物(用乙醇沉淀后)1克生药/毫升至0.005毫升可使离体兔心的心振幅很快增大,心率加速,但很快即完全恢复。0.01毫升/公斤予猫注射,可引起血压迅速上升75%,随即恢复。在水浴中当浓度为0.013毫升(药液)/毫升(营养液)时,对豚鼠离体回肠无影响,0.002毫升/毫升对兔十二指肠的收缩幅度及张力均表现抑制。水提取物中物无生物碱反应,纸层分析认为存在儿茶酚胺,此成分可能为产生上述药理作用的有效物质。植物中曾分离出生物碱-葫芦巴碱,叶浸剂有利尿作用,可用于水肿,此植物有致泻作用(主要由于树脂成分所致),儿童吃其果实,可引起吐泻。 【性味】《南宁市药物志》:"甘,平。" 【功用主治】治痈疖,疥癣,创伤。 ①《峨嵋药植》:"茎叶煮内服,治虚弱症。" ②《广州植物志》:"叶汁治创伤;煎汤治疮毒。" ③《南宁市药物志》:"捣敷创伤,痈疮。" 【选方】治疥疮:紫茉莉鲜叶一握,洗净捣烂,绞汁抹患处。(《福建民间草药》)
