1000字范文 > 泵送砼 pumping concrete英语短句 例句大全

泵送砼 pumping concrete英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-23 19:00:04


泵送砼 pumping concrete英语短句 例句大全

泵送砼,pumping concrete

1)pumping concrete泵送砼

1.Controlling crack measures in application ofready-mixpumping concrete;预拌泵送砼应用中裂缝控制措施

2.This paper expounds the reasons ofpumping concrete crack and its prevention measures.本文论述了泵送砼结构裂缝产生的原因及裂缝的具体裂缝的防治措施。

3.The cement, aggregate and intrusion aid are selected and the mixing ratio is tested in an effort to determine the optimum mix proportion to meet the construction technology requirements of using the high-labelpumping concrete in the main bridge pier on Jinan Yellow River Bridge No.对水泥、骨料、外加剂进行了选择及配比的试验,确定满足济南黄河二桥主桥墩身采用高标号泵送砼施工技术要求的最佳配合比。


1.The Research on Test for Pressure Bleeding and Properties of High Flowing Pump Concrete of C60;C60高流态泵送砼压力泌水及其性能试验研究

2.Proportioning Design and Construction Requirement for C35S8Ultra thick and Huge sized Pumping Concrete;C35S8超厚大体积泵送砼配比设计及施工要求

3.The Use Pump Over Horizontal Structure Surface Cracking has the Reason and the Prevention Measure使用泵送砼的水平结构表面裂缝产生原因及防治措施

4.The Quality Control on the Construction of Cantilever Beam Bridge with High Pier in Qinlian Expressway清连高速特大桥高墩砼泵送施工的控制

5.constant displacement pump均匀送料泵,计量泵

6.fuel-oil transfer pump燃油输送泵,输油泵

7.Research of the Remote Monitoring System for Concrete Pump Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器技术的砼泵远程监控系统研究

8.Demand of Concrete Pumping Capability and Supply Analysis of Pumping Capability of Concrete Pumps混凝土泵送能力需求与泵送机械的泵送能力供给分析

9.pumping temperature泵送温度下的液体比重

10.through-flowline pump-down pro-duction tool过出油管泵送采油工具

11.Rectification of the Difference in Compressivve Strength of Common Concrete Pumped and Not Pumped by the Method of Spring;泵送与非泵送普通混凝土回弹测强差异的修正

12.Analysis and Solution of the Pump Barrel Leak of Ethylene Delivery Pump乙烯输送泵泵壳泄漏故障分析及改造

13.The Dynamic Behavior of Slurry Transport by Single Pump or Two Pumps in Series;单泵及双泵串联泥沙输送动态特性研究

14.Performance Analysis and Experiment Study of Pumping System of Trailer Concrete Pump;拖式混凝土泵泵送系统性能分析与实验研究

15.Study of Screw Pump Heated in Pumping Process Based on Finite Element Method基于有限元分析的泵送过程螺杆泵受热研究

16.Causes of the Pump Blocking for Pump Concrete and the Preventive Measures泵送混凝土施工泵机堵塞原因分析及防治措施

17.Engine oil-Determination of borderline pumping temperatureGB/T9171-1988发动机油边界泵送温度测定法

18.The heart is a kind of natural pump that moves the blood around the body.心脏是一个天然泵,把血液输送到全身。


pumped concrete泵送砼

1.By using engineering example, this paper introduces in detail the t ec hnical process of thepumped concrete construction, and sums up and evaluates th e construction results.运用工程实例,详细地介绍了泵送砼施工的工艺流程,并对施工效果进行了总结和评价。

3)delivery pump by concrete砼输送泵

4)pumping out concrete construction泵送砼施工

5)pumping water-preventing concrete泵送防水砼

6)Fine coal dust高强泵送砼


隔膜泵与柱塞泵在涂装机械中的比较高压无气喷涂效率高,表面细腻平整,附着力强,涂料损耗少而得到建筑机械 船舶 家具等行业的广泛使用。高压无气喷涂机分为气动式无气喷涂机,电动式无气喷涂机(柱塞泵)和电动无气喷涂机(隔膜泵),由于气动式无气喷涂机需要带压缩空气源而限制了气动喷涂机的使用。现仅将电动柱塞无气喷涂机与电动隔膜无气喷涂机作比较,柱塞泵是将直流电动机带动柱塞复运动将涂料吸入,加压后排出,由于其柱塞裸露,且柱塞在涂料中工作,在涂料研磨作用下柱塞磨损非常快,一旦配备口径较大的喷嘴,其柱塞往复频率提高,加剧柱塞的磨损,机器寿命短。而更换柱塞价格非常昂贵,如果电压不正常也将直接导致工作直流电的不正常。另外,由于大幅来回往复运动,柱塞泵的工作脉动很大,使得喷涂不稳定,涂料喷上的墙面平整度就不够好。但柱塞泵初始吸料较快是其长处。隔膜式无气喷涂机(隔膜泵),其设计是在柱塞泵基础上得到了更大的改进,原理为用电动机带动活塞往复工作(注意,活塞并不直接接触涂料),再推动隔膜运动,将涂料吸收加压后推出,通过喷嘴喷向涂装物体,由于其活塞在防磨损的油中工作,工作环境大大优化,寿命大大提高,经过掺透硬化处理的活塞更是不易损坏,加上高分子材料制成的高抗绞隔膜更使隔膜泵寿命进一步提高。运行可靠是隔膜泵的又一长处,故障率极底,对电压要求底,对环境要求底,维修容易,维修费用仅为柱塞泵的五分之一左右。 隔膜泵性价比优,其优异的性能价格比将推动隔膜泵的推广。
