1000字范文 > 生活用水 domestic water英语短句 例句大全

生活用水 domestic water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-30 17:29:07


生活用水 domestic water英语短句 例句大全

生活用水,domestic water

1)domestic water生活用水

1.Design of a new purification equipment fordomestic water;新型生活用水净化设备的设计

2.Impact on water price formation mechanism of public participation in water circular economy—Takedomestic water for residents in Guangzhou City as an example公众参与水循环经济对水价形成机制的影响——以广州市居民生活用水价格为例

3.In this paper, radon concentration level ofdomestic water in some main northwestern cities was reported, and indoor radon fromdomestic water supplies, radon concentration limit ofdomestic water, radiation harm ofdomestic water and controlled methods were analyzed.报道了西北主要城市生活用水中氡的浓度水平、分析了生活用水对室内氡的贡献、水氡浓度限值、水氡的辐射危害及危害防护措施等问题。


1.new water tube domestic boilers新的生活用水管锅炉

2.The water heater is not continuously supplied with potable water.本热水器没有始终使用生活用水。

3.POLYTHERM GMBH offers information to Heater systems in addition to Drinking water systems.提供生活用水、工业用水、饮用水系统及其它产品。

4.There is only enough spring water to supply the needs of the house,泉水只能满足家庭生活用水,

5.Purified water for drinking and domestic usage is the key elements of high quality life.使您的饮用水和生活用水都很洁净,是高生活品质的关键要素.

6.Study on Characteristics for Residential Use of Typical Small Towns and Water Quantity Forecast;典型小城镇生活用水特性研究及生活用水量预测

7.In 2001, 680 million tons of tap water was sold, including 530 million tons of domestic water;全年自来水售水量6.8亿吨,其中生活用水5.3亿吨;

8.Living water price of city & town residents and its structure analysis;城镇居民生活用水水价及水价结构分析

9.marine sewage treatment system船用生活污水处理装置

10.Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war.战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低.

11.Both the cost and the standard of living are lower before the war.战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低。

12.Both the cost and the standard of living be lower before the war战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低

13.The protection of ground sources for domestic and drinking water shall be strengthened.对生活饮用水地下水源应当加强保护。

14.Experimental Study on Reusing Domestic Sewage Treated for Scenic Water;生活污水回用于景观水体的试验研究

15.Analysis of Contents of Fluorine in Drinking Water in Huaibei City淮北市生活饮用水水氟含量检测分析

16.As the cost of living goes up, my standard of living goes down.由于生活费用上升,我的生活水平下降了。

17.Application of Processing Domestic Sewage by Bio-contact Oxidation Treatment生物接触氧化法处理生活污水的应用

18.Sanitary Quality of Drinking Water Analysis in Rural Areas of Heyuan河源市农村生活饮用水卫生现状分析


living water生活用水

1.Acceptance ability analyze of theliving water price level for Shihezi citizen;石河子市居民生活用水水价承受能力分析

2.Chemical cleaning of theliving water supply systems in hotel;宾馆生活用水系统的化学清洗

3.The paper analyses the characteristic ofliving water for urban resident, introduces the principle and the method establishing the water duty in Liaoning province.本文分析了城镇居民生活用水的特点,介绍了辽宁省城镇居民生活用水定额制定的原则、方法。

3)domestic water consumption生活用水

1.Based on the conception of rational volume of ecological water consumption,the total water consumption of Beijing City was divided into industrial water consumption,agricultural water consumption,domestic water consumption,tertiary industrial water consumption,and eco-environmental water consumption,and the benefits of water consumption of different parts were calculated.在“经济合理的生态用水量”概念及计算模型的基础上,以北京市为例,把该市的用水分为工业用水、农业用水、生活用水、第三产业用水、生态环境用水5个部分,分别计算各部分的用水效益,通过模型计算得出了符合北京市水资源实际情况的水资源分配数量。

2.According to the data of the water consumption of recent years, this paper analyzes on the present situation of thedomestic water consumption and water saving of Taiyuan City, points out the problems existing in the water consumption and water saving, and puts forward corresponding suggestions and measures.根据近年的用水资料,对太原市的生活用水、节水现状进行了分析,指出了用水、节水中存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议和措施。

4)domestic water use生活用水

1.In this paper, the evaluation index system for citydomestic water use is proposed.提出了城市生活用水考核的指标体系。

5)drinking water生活饮用水

1.The management ofdrinking water health in developed countries;发达国家生活饮用水的卫生管理

2.A method for determination of volatile organic compounds indrinking water by purge and trap in combination with gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry;吹扫捕集-气相色谱法测定生活饮用水中挥发性有机物

3.Investigation of water quality ofdrinking water in rural areas in Anhui;安徽省农村生活饮用水卫生现状调查

6)life drinking water生活饮用水

1.Analysis on the monitoring results oflife drinking water in Chuzhou City from 2002 to ;滁州市2002~生活饮用水卫生监测结果分析

2.Objective In order to improve sanitary supervision and monitoring of rurallife drinking water in Maanshan.目的研究农村生活饮用水卫生监督监测工作现况 ,探讨进一步改善和提高农村生活饮用水卫生监督监测工作的策略。

parison Tests are made onlife drinking water treatment by poly aluminium chloride aluminium sulfate.采用混凝法对生活饮用水的处理进行了聚合氯化铝和硫酸铝混凝效果对比试验。


生活用水生活用水domestic water useshenghuo yongshui生活用水(d~sti。water use)人类日常生活及其相关活动用水的总称。在城市包括居民住宅用水、市政公共用水、环境卫生绿化用水和建筑用水;在农村包括人畜用水。生活用水量标准按人计,单位为升/人·日。生活用水可分为城市和农村生活用水两大类。城市生活用水分为4种,其中居民住宅用水是指维持居民家庭日常生活的饮用、洗涤、冲厕所等用水;市政公共用水包括机关团体、商店、宾馆、服务行业、医院、影剧院、体育设施、展览馆、博物馆、大专院校、中小学、幼儿园等用水;城市环境用水是以改善城市环境为目的的用水,主要包括城市绿化、道路冲刷、公共厕所、公园湖泊、风景观赏、河道和环境保护中污水稀释用水;城市建筑用水包括城市建设临时设施和施工用水以及消防用水(参见彩图插页第34页)。农村生活用水包括家庭日常饮用、洗涤和牲畜用水。大牲畜用水定额约为农村人均生活用水量的50%;小牲畜用水定额约为大牲畜的50%。城市生活用水受城市性质、经济水平、气候、水源与水量、住房卫生设备完备程度、居民用水习惯和收费方式等因素影响,而城市规模的扩大和城市人口增加,特别是住房面积增加,各项公共服务设施增多,生活水平改善,用水标准不断提高等因素对城市生活用水增长影响较大。农村生活用水随农村工砌 广东丰顺利用热泉打民用井供生活用水(李明森摄)副业的发展、生活水平的提高、牲畜饲养量的增加而增长。虽然生活用水在总用水量中所占比重不大,但生活用水紧张时所造成的社会影响却很大,涉及千家万户,与人民的生活关系最为密切。因此,所有城市和农村都把生活用水作为第一保证的对象。(顾定法)
