1000字范文 > 预拌商品混凝土 mixes in advance commercial tong英语短句 例句大全

预拌商品混凝土 mixes in advance commercial tong英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-27 11:29:30


预拌商品混凝土 mixes in advance commercial tong英语短句 例句大全

预拌商品混凝土,mixes in advance commercial tong

1)mixes in advance commercial tong预拌商品混凝土

bining with the problem of practical accommodation ofmixes in advance commercial tong is less than engineering practical demand,it analyzes and discusses the reasons why mixes in advance tong is less than demand and puts forward concrete methods which both of provider and demander can accept,in order to resolve the problem of concrete scarcity.针对预拌商品混凝土的实际供应量小于工程的实际需用量的问题,对预拌混凝土供应量小于需用量的原因进行分析探讨,并提出使供需双方都可以接受的具体方法,以期顺利解决缺少混凝土量的问题。

2)pumped ready-mixed concrete泵送预拌商品混凝土

3)premixed concrete预拌混凝土

1.Selective research ofpremixed concrete matching plan;预拌混凝土配比方案优选研究

2.Analysis on the causes ofpremixed concrete cracks during construction period and their preventive measures;预拌混凝土施工期裂缝成因分析及防治措施

3.Experiment to predict the strength ofpremixed concrete early and its application;预拌混凝土早期推定强度试验及其应用


1."Premix Concrete Co., Ltd."预拌混凝土有限公司

2.Application of prefabricated concrete based onMarkov chain in marketing prediction;Markov过程在预拌混凝土市场预测中应用

3.Technical specification for ready-mixed concrete预拌混凝土生产技术规程

4.Specification for quality control of ready mixed concrete for Chongqing重庆市预拌混凝土质量控制规程

5.Analysis on Quality Management of Ready-mixed Concrete Company;预拌混凝土公司的生产质量管理浅析

6.Establishment and management of stand-by mix proportions for ready-mixed concrete预拌混凝土备用配合比的建立与管理

7.Discussing of how the RMC companies implement the rules of Environmental Labelling预拌混凝土企业实施环境标志的探讨

8.Experimental study on the mine tailing sand used in ready-mixed concrete尾矿在预拌混凝土中应用的试验研究

9.On the Qualily Control and Management Measures of Precast Concrete浅议预拌混凝土质量管理与控制措施

10.Mixed sand concrete and the project applications混合砂配制预拌混凝土的试验和工程应用

11.Powder Micro-renewable waste concrete ready-mixed concrete for Experimental Research and Application废弃混凝土再生微细粉用于预拌混凝土的试验研究与应用

12.Optimize the Schedule of Dispatching RMC Trucks Based on Multi-Objective GA and Simulation;基于多目标遗传算法的预拌混凝土车辆调度

13.Research on Early Age Cracking of Ready-mixed Concrete Projects and Its Control Technology;预拌混凝土工程早期裂缝及其控制技术研究

14.Analysis of Ready Mixed Concrete Industry Based on Economics Theory;基于经济学理论的预拌混凝土行业分析

15.On the risk analysis and preventions in the management of the ready-mix concrete enterprises;浅谈预拌混凝土企业经营风险分析与防范

16.Industry alliance--inevitable trend for development of pre-mixing concrete industry in China;产业联盟——我国预拌混凝土产业发展的必然趋势

17.Strengthening the Management of Pre-mixed concrete and Ensuring the Quality of construction structure;加强预拌混凝土管理 确保建筑结构质量

18.The connection degree conalysis about the main adchines and equipments of ready-mixed concrete in our country;我国预拌混凝土主要机械设备的关联度分析


pumped ready-mixed concrete泵送预拌商品混凝土

3)premixed concrete预拌混凝土

1.Selective research ofpremixed concrete matching plan;预拌混凝土配比方案优选研究

2.Analysis on the causes ofpremixed concrete cracks during construction period and their preventive measures;预拌混凝土施工期裂缝成因分析及防治措施

3.Experiment to predict the strength ofpremixed concrete early and its application;预拌混凝土早期推定强度试验及其应用

4)Pre-mixed concrete预拌混凝土

1.Discussion on applying "Inspection and assessment standard for concrete strength" to pre-mixed concrete;预拌混凝土应用《混凝土强度检验评定标准》问题的讨论

2.Quality control of the pre-mixed concrete in Qingdao;青岛地区预拌混凝土产品的质量控制

3.Causes of pre-mixed concrete crack and its prevention;预拌混凝土裂缝的成因与防治

5)Ready-mixed concrete预拌混凝土

1.Analysis of loss side reasons for ready-mixed concrete supply and confirming methods for volume;预拌混凝土供应缺方原因与体积确定方法浅析

2.Exploration about standardized management on ready-mixed concrete;预拌混凝土企业规范化管理探索

3.Research on cement in ready-mixed concrete;对预拌混凝土使用水泥的思考

6)ready mixed concrete预拌混凝土

1.Large scale application of super fine slag powder inready mixed concrete;矿渣微粉在预拌混凝土中大规模应用

2.Winter construction technology and quality control measurement ofready mixed concrete;预拌混凝土冬期施工技术及质量控制措施

3.The production and application of C60 high-performanceready mixed concrete;C60高性能预拌混凝土的生产及应用


预拌混凝土在工厂或车间集中搅伴运送到建筑工地的混凝土。多作为商品出售,故也称商品混凝土。混凝土集中搅拌有利于采用先进的工艺技术,实行专业化生产管理。设备利用率高,计量准确,因而产品质量好、材料消耗少、工效高、成本较低,又能改善劳动条件,减少环境污染。预拌混凝土厂分固定式、半移动式和移动式三种。固定式预拌混凝土工厂 规模较大,每小时产量一般为 100~120米3。固定式预拌混凝土工厂按工艺流程又可分为单阶式和双阶式两类。①典型的单阶式工厂是一座混凝土搅拌楼,通常分为五、六层,工艺流程自上而下。顶部是贮料层,运入各种骨料及水泥并分别存在贮料斗内。水由管道送入水箱。其下为配料层,有控制室及自动配料秤,将水泥、各种骨料和水按比例称量。再下为搅拌层,装有搅拌机,配好的原材料经过料斗卸入搅拌机拌和均匀后卸入出料斗,通向底层装入各种运输车辆;运往灌筑地点。②双阶式工厂的特点是低料仓,原材料分两次提升。厂房高度降低,平面布置灵活,可节省投资。半移动式预拌混凝土工厂 一般采用简易厂房,生产设备可以拆卸,转移后再组装。每小时产量一般为60~80米3。移动式预拌混凝土工厂 厂内不设搅拌系统,把砂、石和水泥的贮仓、称量和传送系统均组装在一个钢结构装置内。将配合好的干料装入混凝土搅拌输送车,注入拌和用水,边走边拌,运到施工现场。工艺先进的厂应用电子技术自动控制物料的称量和进料、选择合适的配合比、测试砂的含水量并调整材料用量、显示贮仓料位、生产系统联动互锁和故障报警等。
