1000字范文 > 老年脑梗死 gerontism cerebral infarction英语短句 例句大全

老年脑梗死 gerontism cerebral infarction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-16 06:48:49


老年脑梗死 gerontism cerebral infarction英语短句 例句大全

老年脑梗死,gerontism cerebral infarction

1)gerontism cerebral infarction老年脑梗死

1.Effect of menbranous milkvetch root parenteral solution on insulin resistance ofgerontism cerebral infarction in stage of recovery;黄芪注射液对老年脑梗死恢复期胰岛素抵抗的影响


1.The analysis of risk factors and clinical comparison in cerebral infarction between young adults and the elderly青年脑梗死与老年脑梗死的危险因素及临床特点对比分析

2.Applied comparison between TCD and SPECT in elderly patients with cerebral infarctionTCD与SPECT在老年脑梗死的应用比较

3.Correlation between the Level of Serum Uric Acid and Cerebral Infarction of Elder Patients老年脑梗死与血尿酸水平相关性研究

4.Influence of Nursing Intervention on sleeping Rhythm Derangement in senile Patients with cerebralInfarction老年脑梗死患者睡眠节律紊乱的护理干预研究

5.The relationship between the elderly cerebral infarction patients and their level of serum uric acid老年脑梗死患者与血尿酸水平相关性分析

6.Investigation of leptin and D-Dimer in senile cerebral infarction血清瘦素和D-二聚体与老年脑梗死关系的研究

7.Effect of Fastigial Nucleus Stimulation on the Senile Cerebral Infarction小脑顶核刺激辅助治疗老年脑梗死患者的效果观察

8.The Relationship of Gln-Arg 192 Polymorphism of Paranoxonase 1 to the Cerebral Infarction in the Elderly and the Blood Lipids屏氧酶基因192位Gln-Arg多态性与老年脑梗死及血脂的关系

9.Relationship between serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein level and carotid stenosis in old cerebral infarction patients老年脑梗死患者血清超敏C反应蛋白与颈动脉狭窄的关系

10.An Analysis of Correlative Factors of Patients with Silent Cerebral Infarction;老年无症状性脑梗死患者的临床研究

11.Relationship between aged patients with cerebral infarction and levels of serum lipids and uric acid老年人脑梗死与血脂、血尿酸关系探讨

12.Study on 96 aged cases with acute large area cerebral infarction老年急性大面积脑梗死96例临床分析

13.Serum uric in type 2 diabetes mellitus in elderly patients and in which complicated by infarction of the brain老年2型糖尿病及其合并脑梗死血尿酸水平

14.Clinical effect of edaravone on acute cerebral infarction in the elderly依达拉奉治疗老年急性脑梗死临床疗效观察

15.Microalbuminuria in senile acute ischemic stroke patients老年急性脑梗死与微量蛋白尿关系研究

16.The significance and change of levels of serum uric acid in elderly patients with acute cerebral infarction老年急性脑梗死患者血尿酸水平的变化及意义

17.Clinical Analysis of Sixteen Early Epileptic Seizures in Elderly with Acute Cerebral Infarction老年急性脑梗死早期痫性发作16例临床分析

18.The Clinical Study on Early Injury of Kidney in Senile Acute Ischemic Stroke Patiens老年急性脑梗死早期肾功能损害临床探讨


Senile cerebral infarction(SGI)老年人脑梗死

3)aged acute cerebral infarction老年急性脑梗死

1.Clinical research of Huangqi Injection combined with Shuxuetong Injection therapy onaged acute cerebral infarction;黄芪注射液联合疏血通治疗老年急性脑梗死的临床观察

4)senile cerebral infarction老年脑梗塞

5)Geriatric myocardial infarction老年心肌梗死

6)Youth"s acute cerebral infarction青年急性脑梗死


快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐药物名称:芬那露片英文名:Chlormezanone别名: 非脑尔;快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐外文名:Chlormezanone适应症: 1.精神紧张、恐惧、精神性神经病、慢性疲劳以及由焦虑、激动和某些疾病引起的烦躁、失眠等。 2.配合镇痛药治疗背酸、颈硬、骨痛、四肢酸痛、风湿性关节痛等。 3.其他:震颤性麻痹、震颤、瘫痪、血管硬化及脑震荡出血等。 用量用法: 口服:成人每次0.2g,1日3次;儿童用量酌减。 注意事项: 1.有嗜睡、潮红、药疹、厌食、抑郁等不良反应。 2.不宜与氯丙嗪类、单胺氧化酶抑制剂等合用。 规格: 片剂:每片0.2g。 注:参见"芬那露"类别:抗精神失常药
