1000字范文 > 企业大学员工 staff in Corporate Universities英语短句 例句大全

企业大学员工 staff in Corporate Universities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-04 17:51:04


企业大学员工 staff in Corporate Universities英语短句 例句大全

企业大学员工,staff in Corporate Universities

1)staff in Corporate Universities企业大学员工


1.Staff Development in Corporate Universities Using DTI借助远程教学机构(DTI)促进企业大学员工发展

2.Staff"s creativity is a fountainhead which the enterprise growsstrong.员工的创造力是企业发展壮大的源泉。

3.Remarks on Strengthening the Training of Staff;围绕企业做大做强 抓好员工教育培训

4.The working organ of the staff and workers" congress shall be the trade union committee of the enterprise.职工代表大会的工作机构是企业的工会委员会。

5.Research on the Management of the Leave of High Degree Employees;企业高学历员工离职管理的实证研究

6.Learning Staff--The Resource of The Enterprise s Kernel Competitive Capability;学习型员工——企业核心竞争力的源泉

7.Discussion about Managing Knowledge Workers in Large Construction Enterprises浅谈大型施工企业如何管理知识型员工

8.A Study on the Relationship between Perceived Job Insecurity and Self-Regulated Learning;企业员工工作不安全感与自主学习的关系研究

9.The cultivation and exploitation of learning employees of the property enterprise;物业管理企业学习型员工的培育与开发

10.Exploring Employees Learning Motivation and Learning Strategy in Training Given by Enterprises;企业培训中员工的学习动机与学习策略的探讨

11.As an important role that humen being plays in comtemporary enterprises, every enterprises has to face such challenge that talent draining brings.人是现代企业之魂,员工流失是每一个企业所面临的最大挑战。

12.The Research on Pnowledge Employee Motiration of National-Onmed Eneorprise;我国大型国有企业知识型员工激励研究

13.The Work Stress Analysis for Middle-Level Managers from Large-Sized SOEs;大型国有企业中层管理人员工作压力现状分析

14.Employee Satisfaction Research of a Large State Real Estate Company;大型国有房地产企业员工满意度分析研究

15.Found staff qualifications, job, age, enterprise identity and enterprise-scale have an impact on employee involvement.发现员工的学历、职位、工龄、企业属性和企业规模对员工参与有所影响。

16.Research on the Training Content Degree of the High Degree Employees in Private-owned Enterprises;民营企业高学历员工对企业培训满意度及相关对策研究

17.cost accountant [ clerk ](工商企业的)成本会计员

18.These efforts stem from our commitment to our People-Service-Profit corporate philosophy.这些承诺都源于我们的企业哲学:员工-服务-利润。


study enterprise employee企业员工的学习

3)enterprise staff企业员工

1.From three respects ofenterprise staff, management staff and decision staff, this paper discusses the safety quality that theenterprise staff of coal mine should have.从企业职工、管理人员和决策人员3个层面入手,对煤矿企业员工应具备的安全素质进行了论述。

2.Based on a large sample survey,the study offers detailed comparative analyses on job and life stress between public servants andenterprise staff in our country.该研究在大样本调查的基础上 ,对我国公务员和企业员工的工作生活压力状况作了较为细致的比较分析。

3.As the development of the society and the technology,enterprise staff’s adaptability is very important and the problem of organizational socialization has become one of the critical issues in the fields of human resource management.本研究以长沙地区企业员工为研究对象,采用深入访谈、问卷调查、因素分析等方法,通过对近1500名员工的调查,编制出长沙地区企业员工组织社会化内容问卷,探讨了长沙地区企业员工组织社会化内容的因素结构。

4)enterprise employees企业员工

1.Research into relationship between career plateau and job satisfaction ofenterprise employees;企业员工的“职业高原”和工作满意度的关系研究

2.Objective To investigate the status of appreciation and needs of technical training of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) among theenterprise employees and explore the methods for implementing effective CPR training among the employees.目的了解企业员工对心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)知识的认知及需求状况,探讨对企业员工进行CPR知识与技能培训的方法和意义。

3.From the perspective of behavior game, this paper has established a general mathematical model ofenterprise employees deviance based on timely punishment and proper punishment.从行为博弈的角度出发,建立了基于"适时惩罚"与"适度惩罚"的企业员工越轨行为惩罚机制的一般数学模型,涉及到惩罚时点、惩罚强度和惩罚成本等多个变量指标的测度与优化,为企业员工越轨行为惩罚机制的设计和评价提供了一个基础性的理论框架,能够为企业管理相关领域的研究和实践提供定量分析与统计观测的新方法。


1.Effectiveness analysis of AIDS prevention knowledge and health education amongemployees;企业员工艾滋病预防知识健康教育效果分析

2.In order to explore occupational adaptation stress and its influences on occupational health ofemployees.为了探讨企业员工的职业适应压力状况及其对职业健康的影响,使用问卷调查方式研究了307名企业员工。

3.This study investigates someemployees life satisfaction degree and some correlative factors in Chongqing by using the self-made “Life Satisfaction Degree Scale”.采用自编的生活满意度问卷,对重庆市278名企业员工生活满意度及其相关因素进行了调查。

6)enterprise employee企业员工

1.Confucius life thoughts and theenterprise employees education of philosophy of life;孔子的人生思想与企业员工的人生观教育

2.Analysis and Ponder over Improving Safety Awareness of Enterprise Employees提高企业员工安全素质的分析与思考

3.Based on the above analysis,some related countermeasures are proposed to decrease the drainage rate ofenterprise employees.企业发展要靠忠诚于企业的员工,而企业员工的流失,特别是优秀员工、核心员工的流失将会给企业带来很大的负面作用。


