1000字范文 > 学导结合 integration of learning and guidance英语短句 例句大全

学导结合 integration of learning and guidance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-16 10:33:54


学导结合 integration of learning and guidance英语短句 例句大全

学导结合,integration of learning and guidance

1)integration of learning and guidance学导结合

1.Based on the constructivism theory and the teaching philosophy ofintegration of learning and guidance, this paper puts forward the idea of module teaching design.在远程开放教育条件下,如何提高教学质量,本文运用建构理论,按照学导结合教学理念,提出了"模块化"教学设计思路,并从教学各环节进行分析,探讨教学总体设计方案。


1.On the Construction and Practice of the "1-2-3 Teaching Model";学导结合“123”教学模式的构建与实践

2.(chemistry) combining or causing to combine with iodine.(化学)与碘结合或者导致与碘结合。

3.On the Fabrication of Teaching Evaluation Mode of Combining Guided-study With Guided-research;论导学与导研相结合的大学教学评价模式构建

4.On the Teaching Target Orientation of Combining the Instruction of Learning and Research;论导学与导研相结合的大学教学目标取向

5.Moreover, this is the method by which the leaders combine leading and learning.这又是领导人员指导和学习相结合的方法。

6.Exerting the Function of the Guiding Teachers Improving the Effectiveness of the Working-learning Combination;发挥指导教师作用 提高工学结合效果

bination of "Predominance" and "Corpus" in Athletics Teaching;体育教学中“主导”与“主体”的有机结合

8.A Psychological Approach to Effective Memory on the Part of Students;怎样指导学生进行高效率记忆——结合心理学指导学生的外语学习

9.On the Career Guidance of Higher Vocational Students under the Education Mode of Studying while Working;谈工学结合教育模式下的高职学生的职业指导

10.Teaching Regulation of Combining Teacher s Main Guidance Function and Students Initiative;教师主导作用与学生主动性相结合的教学原则

11.Teaching with a Combination of Feelings and Reason: A Case Study of Teaching "An Introduction to Mao Zedong s Thought";情理结合的教学——《毛泽东思想概论》导论教学随感

12.Innovating the"Lead-in"Mode and Deepening the Combination learning with working创新“导入型”教学模式 深化工学结合进程

bining Superintendence with Evaluation and Serving Teaching,Teachers and Students--The Recognition of the Model of Teaching Superintendence in Colleges and Universities;督导评结合 服务教学与师生——高校教学督导运行模式的再认识

14.Second, guided by the market, we should promote the integration of production, teaching and research.二是以市场为导向,促进多种形式的产学研结合。

15.The Electrodeposition of Au and Pd Nanostructures on Conducting Polymers;导电聚合物膜上金、钯纳米结构的电化学沉积

16.Enterprise Leading: The Study on Combination of Working and Learning Personnel Training Mode in Vocational Education;企业主导:职业教育工学结合人才培养模式研究

17.Dynamic Modeling of the Linear Rolling Guide s Movable Joint;滚动直线导轨副可动结合部的动力学建模

18.Carry out the Tutorial System in Combination of Work and Study and Improve Students’ Competitive Capacity in Obtaining Employment;工学结合中推行导师制 提升高职生就业竞争力


integration of instruction and learning导学结合

3)associative derivation结合导子

1.It is shown that every Lie derivation of TUHF albebras T is the form D+τ, where D is anassociative derivation of T and τ is an linear map of T into its center which annihilates brackets of elements in T.证明了TUHF代数T上的Lie导子L形如D+τ,其中D是T上的结合导子,τ是从T到它的中心Z上的线性映射且零化T中的括积。

4)Guideway joint导轨结合部

1.Finite Element Analysis Method for Dynamic Characteristic of Guideway Joint in Machine Tools;机床导轨结合部动态特性的有限元分析方法

5)combination of production and study产学结合

6)integrative medicine结合医学


脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明药物名称:吗多明英文名:Molsidomine别名: 吗导敏;吗多明;吗斯酮胺;脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明外文名:Molsidomine 特点: 脉导敏是一种属于亚胺类化合物,其作用与硝酸盐相似。舌下含服1毫克,2~4分钟起作用,可阻止心绞痛发作。口服一次可持续6~7小时,剂量每天3次,每次2毫克。副作用包括头痛、头胀、脸部发热感等,但不多见。 适应症: 防治心绞痛的发作。 用量用法: 口服:1次1~2mg,1日2~3次,发作时舌下含服:1次2mg。喷雾吸入:每次揿吸1~2次(相当于本品0.2~0.4mg),每日次数酌定。 注意事项: 1.一般不良反应可有头痛、面部潮红、眩晕等,停药后可自行消失。 2.低血压、青光眼病人忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片1mg、2mg。 气雾剂:每瓶含42mg(可揿吸200次左右)。 类别:非选择性钙通道阻滞剂||防治心绞痛药
