1000字范文 > 电大定位 the Orientation of Radio and TV University英语短句 例句大全

电大定位 the Orientation of Radio and TV University英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-14 14:20:26


电大定位 the Orientation of Radio and TV University英语短句 例句大全

电大定位,the Orientation of Radio and TV University

1)the Orientation of Radio and TV University电大定位

1.An Analysis on the Trends of Campus-based Distance Education——A Reflection ofthe Orientation of Radio and TV University;远程教育校园化办学趋势分析——对电大定位问题的再思考


1.On the Positon of TVU,“the Experime ntal Projfect”and the Mid-term Assessment;谈谈电大定位和“试点项目”及其中期评估

2.Novel Transposition Technology for Stator Bars of Large Electric Generators;大型发电机定子线棒的新型换位技术

3.Discuss the localization and thinking of development of the radio and TVuniversity lightly;浅谈广播电视大学的定位和发展思路

4.Indentification of the Teacher’s Role in Distance Education;远程开放教育中电大教师的角色定位

5.The Initial Discussion on role of The Full Time Tutors of Basic Radio & TV University in Modrn Distance Open Eudcation System;略论基层电大专职辅导教师角色定位

6.Finding a Suitable Position,and Realizing Shanxi TV University Sustained Development;找准定位,实现山西电大的可持续发展

7.A New Transposed Connection for 0°/540°/0°Stator Bars of Large AC Machines大型交流发电机定子0°/540°/0°线棒的新换位联接

8.Analysis of the 0°/360°/0°Stator Bar TranSposition with Voids for Large A.C.Machines大型交流电机定子0°/360°/0°线棒空换位的分析

9.A Mapping of Rat Facial Motor Cortex by Intracortical Microstimulation;经颅微电流刺激定位大鼠皮层面部运动代表区

10.Scientifically Setting the Position and Clearly Displaying the Characteristics and Tightly Catch Hold of the Opportunity to Promote the Development of Radio & TV Universities;科学定位 彰显特色 抓住机遇 促进电大发展

11.The Redefinition of Role of Ningbo Radio & TV Universityin the Education Service Economical Society;教育服务经济社会中宁波电大的角色定位

12.Some thoughts on the positioning of RTVU libraries in modern distance and open education;电大图书馆在远程开放教育中的定位思考

13.Study on Precision Positioning Mechanism of Piezoelectric Actuator Based on the Principle of Triangulation Amplification基于三角放大原理的压电型精密定位机构研究

14.Simultaneous Determination of Arsenic Content in Rice by Microwave Digestion-Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis微波消解-微分电位溶出法测定大米中砷含量

15.On the Role Positioning of TVU in Constructing Learning Society电大在学习型社区构建中的角色定位探讨

16.Nano-positioning System with Large-scale Based on PZT Scanner基于压电陶瓷管扫描器的大范围纳米定位系统

17.Precise Locating Method for Centroid of Electron Beam with Large Diameter大直径电子束束斑质心精确定位方法研究

18.radiolocation mobile statio无线电定位移动电台


geodetic location大地定位

1.A new method for high resolution remote sensing image rectification andgeodetic location is proposed.通过这种金字塔结构的中间分辨率过渡,解决了最高分辨率与最低分辨率影像间对应特征很少的问题,实现了最高分辨率影像的纠正和大地定位。

3)university orientation大学定位

1.On the premise of the concept of the university and the connotation of the guiding ideas of running universities, the ideas from the macro to the micro fall into three parts: education values,university orientation and the aim of personnel training.本文以大学概念及大学办学指导思想的内涵为切入点 ,从理论上将大学办学指导思想自宏观到微观划分为三个层次 ,即作为教育价值观的办学指导思想 ,作为大学定位的办学指导思想及作为人才培养目标的办学指导思想 ,并从三个层面概览归纳了大学的办学指导思想 ,最后得出大学办学指导思想的三个特点 :同一性与多样性的统一、稳定性与灵活性的统一、客观性与主观性的统一。

2.Basically,theuniversity orientation is to look for differences,to identify them,as well as to display them.大学定位从根本上说就是要寻找差别、识别差别和显示差别。

3.From the end of the 20th century onwards,the university of orientation research begun to attract attention of scholars in China and thinking,but so far,people have the connotation of theuniversity orientation is still a lack of a unified understanding,making the course of the study in the "university orientation" concept The use of the existence of chaos.20世纪末大学定位的研究开始引起我国学者的关注和思考,然而到目前为止,人们对大学定位的内涵尚缺乏统一的认识,使得在研究过程中对"大学定位"这一概念的使用存在混乱。

4)university identity大学定位

1.On Americanuniversity identity and character development;美国大学定位与个性化发展

2.The research of theuniversity identity, particularly the multiversity identity, has the theoretic.随着大学重要性的日益增加和人们对于这种重要性的逐渐认识,关于大学定位的研究越来越引起人们的关注。

5)orientation of university大学定位

6)ground potential survey大地电位

1.Four fundamental methods are introduced,namely well temperature,ground potential survey,microearthquake and radioactivity isotope,which were used to monitor the fracture geometry of fractured coalbed methane wells in North China.介绍了井温测试法、放射性同位素法、大地电位测试法和微地震测试法监测煤层水力压裂裂缝的基本原理。


