1000字范文 > 培养目标定位 orientation of cultivation goal英语短句 例句大全

培养目标定位 orientation of cultivation goal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-30 11:30:00


培养目标定位 orientation of cultivation goal英语短句 例句大全

培养目标定位,orientation of cultivation goal

1)orientation of cultivation goal培养目标定位


1.Orientation of training objectives of non-governmental university students of four-year program;民办院校本科学生培养目标定位探讨

2.Research on the Orientation about ZiJin College s Objective of Traning Students and the Curriculum;紫金学院人才培养目标定位与课程研究

3.Study on Train Object and Teaching of Secondary Vocational Education;“中等职业教育”培养目标定位及教学实施的研究

4.On the Orientation of Training the Talents of High Professional Logistics in Zhejiang Province;浙江省高职物流人才培养目标定位的几点思考

5.Critical Introspection on Localization of Talent-nurturing Target of Application-oriented University;应用型高校人才培养目标定位的批判性反思

6.Cultivation Objective of Triennium Comprehensive Humanities Educational Profession;三年制综合文科教育专业培养目标定位研究

7.The Educational Objects Orientation and Pattern Selection of the Teaching-research Universities;教学研究型大学人才培养目标定位与模式选择

8.Reflection on Orientation of Training Objective of E-Commerce Talents in Higher Vocational College;高职电子商务专业人才培养目标定位的思考

9.On Cultivating Talent in Finance and Economics by Appropriate Positioning合理定位培养目标 培养财经类应用型人才

10.On the Syllabus Construction for Training the Talent of National-defense Education:A Case Study of the People s Armed Forces School of Yunnan Nationalities University;论国防教育人才培养的课程目标定位

11.Study on the Cultivation Objective and Orientation of Higher Application Talents′;论本科应用型人才的培养目标与定位

12.Orientation of Training Objective for Engineering Sciences in Higher Vocational Education;高职教育工科类培养目标的定位探究

13.Cultivating the Capacity of Experiencing--on Chinese language Teaching Goal;感受力培养:语文教学目标定位思考

14.Goal and Orientation of Middle School Teachers Training;中学骨干教师培养工作的目标与定位

15.The Orientation and Cultivating Objective of the Automobile Engineering Speciality;浅议“车辆工程”专业的定位和培养目标

16.Silver Collar-A New Orientation for Hi-polytechnic Training Target;“银领”——高职人才培养目标的新定位

17.Development of Teacher Education and the Definition of Cultivating Goal in Teachers Colleges;教师教育发展与师专培养目标的定位

18.Locate reasonably,change views to realize the aim of educating talents;合理定位转变观念实现人才培养目标


professional training orientation人才培养目标定位

3)setting of training objectives培养目标设定

4)training goal培养目标

1.On the talenttraining goal and course system reform of electron speciality in higher normal institutions;高等师范院校电子类专业人才培养目标与课程体系改革构想

2.The Study of Training Goal of Geography Teachers in Normal Uniniversities under the Backgroung of Curriculum Reform;新课程改革背景下高师地理教师培养目标研究

3.Consideration of thetraining goal for PE undergraduates in China对我国本科体育教育专业培养目标的思考

5)Training target培养目标

1.Enlightenment of macroscopic circumstance change on construction of training target of high nursing education;宏观环境改变对构建高等护理教育培养目标的启示

2.On the innovation of training target and training standard for geography education in higher education institutes in the new era;新时期高师地理教育专业培养目标、规格探讨

3.On Talent Training Target and Standard in Higher Vocational Education;高职教育的培养目标和人才规格浅析

6)training objective培养目标

parison oftraining objectives of Chinese medicine major in higher institutions of Chinese medicine;高等中医药院校中医专业培养目标的比较

2.Research ontotraining objectives of undergraduate nursing program in higher education of Chinese medicine;中医药院校护理本科教育培养目标研究

3.An empirical study oftraining objectives for Chinese medical students;我国医学生培养目标的实证研究


导弹目标定位精度导弹目标定位精度missile target locating accuracydaodan mubiao dingwei lingdu导弹目标定位精度(皿sslle targeting“cctlracy)目标图上的导弹目标点与其实际位置的偏差度。一般指打定目标的战略导弹的目标定位精度。作战使用的前提条件之一,直接影响弹的命中精度和目标毁伤效果。目标详细显示导弹打一击目标I狗名称、位置状、高程、面积、组成分布、要害部位围地物、地貌等相关情况的专用地形匡常以目标所在国家或地区的相关地图绘资料为基础转绘而成。目标定位点在目标图上显示目标位置的精确坐韦视}」标性质可选择在目标的几何中心害部位或薄弱部位中心点。导弹目标精度在目标图上用经纬度偏差的多少瘫在实际应用中常将经纬度偏差换算为加以表示。决定导弹目标定位精度的︸越胭测爵貌形姗通蜘湍点要魂一尔脑腰因素有:月标所在国家或地区原地兀差,复制原地形图时产生的误差,制标图过程中在复制的原地形图上加绘和地形、地物时产生的误差,由原地坐标系转换成目标图使用的坐标系时的误差等。上述几种误差愈小,导弹目位精度愈高,反之,精度愈低。为提高目标定位精度,要尽可能选用精度高、性强的目标所在国家或地区的大比例形图及其相关测绘资料,利用多种渠取内容详实、便于目标定位的目标资米过侧地卫星及定位系统对目标定位点真实位置的误差进行验证,以进一步原图误差等。此外,使用先进的制图仪工具制作目标图、提高绘图人员的综质,也是减少随机误差、提高导弹目标精度的有效手段。(张明瑕泪晰捆舰淀礴障抛城通淇征挪嗦准|
