1000字范文 > 专业技能人才 professional skilled talent英语短句 例句大全

专业技能人才 professional skilled talent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-27 05:40:05


专业技能人才 professional skilled talent英语短句 例句大全

专业技能人才,professional skilled talent

1)professional skilled talent专业技能人才

2)professional and technical personnel专业技术人才

1.Discussion on the outflow ofprofessional and technical personnel in state-owned enterprises;国有企业专业技术人才流失问题初探

2.Study on the Development of Professional and Technical Personnel of Public Institutions in Shapingba District, Chongqing;重庆市沙坪坝区事业单位专业技术人才开发研究

3.In this article,taken Jiangxi Province as an example,the author discuses the status ofprofessional and technical personnel at the township coal mines and the training mode ofprofessional and technical personnel at township coal mines.本文以江西省为例,对乡镇煤矿专业技术人才队伍现状及乡镇煤矿专业技术人才培养模式进行研究,为职业院校加快煤炭类专业人才培养提供参考。


1.Discussion on the outflow of professional and technical personnel in state-owned enterprises;国有企业专业技术人才流失问题初探

2.The Research of Professional Specialists Management and Ecological Effect of Talent;专业技术人才队伍建设与人才生态效应研究

3.Dispatching and training first-class professional and technical personnel for Xinjiang.为新疆输送和培养优秀专业技术人才。

4.About the Present Status of Professional Personnel in Putian and Reflection;莆田市专业技术人才队伍现状与思考

5.Research on Management Effectivness of Military Professional and Technical Human Resources军队专业技术人才管理效益评估研究

6.Professional and technical personnel in the new period in Jilin Province to develop countermeasures新时期吉林省专业技术人才开发对策

7.Research on construction of military technician team军队院校专业技术人才队伍建设探微

8.Research on "Special Training" of Ethnical Minority Professional and Technical Intelligent in Xinjiang;新疆少数民族科技专业技术人才“特殊培养”研究

9.Analysis of Hunan Agricultural Technical Talents Training--On the View of Agricultural Vocational and Technical Schools湖南农业基层专业技术人才培养探析——基于农业职业技术教育视角

10.Research on the Problem of Professionals System Building in Shipping Enterprise;航运企业专业技术人才队伍建设问题研究

11.A Comparative Study on Technical Professionals Competence Development;中外企业专业技术人才能力建设比较研究

12.A Discussion of professional and technical talents development and management of state-owned enterprises;国有企业专业技术人才开发与管理探讨

13.Establishment of Employment Quality System for Economic Management Professional Talents under Popular Education;经管专业技术人才就业质量体系的建立

14.A Study ofthe Present Situation and Policy Solution of the ProfessionalPersonnel in Ethnic Minority Regions: an Investigation Report of theContingent of the Professional Personnel in Ethnic Minority Regionsof Hunan Province, Hubei Provinc;民族地区专业技术人才现状与对策研究——湘鄂渝民族地区专业技术人才队伍调研报告

15.Continuing Education of Talents in Hospital from Microsoft Continuing Education Mode从微软模式谈医院专业技术人才的继续教育

16.The Cultivation of Educational Technology Professionals Visual Literacy;教育技术学专业人才视觉素养的培养

17.Discussion of garden professionals Vocational Technical Training Objectives on the training of professional people;高职园林技术专业人才培养目标探讨

18.Building-up of the talents developing pattern in Power supply and Utility Technology Major;供用电技术专业人才培养模式的构建


professional and technical personnel专业技术人才

1.Discussion on the outflow ofprofessional and technical personnel in state-owned enterprises;国有企业专业技术人才流失问题初探

2.Study on the Development of Professional and Technical Personnel of Public Institutions in Shapingba District, Chongqing;重庆市沙坪坝区事业单位专业技术人才开发研究

3.In this article,taken Jiangxi Province as an example,the author discuses the status ofprofessional and technical personnel at the township coal mines and the training mode ofprofessional and technical personnel at township coal mines.本文以江西省为例,对乡镇煤矿专业技术人才队伍现状及乡镇煤矿专业技术人才培养模式进行研究,为职业院校加快煤炭类专业人才培养提供参考。


1.In recent ten years, my hospital solves the problem of shortage of medicalprofessionals by introducingprofessionals from “society personnel market”.为了解决新形势下军队医院专业技术人才不足的问题,本院10余年来把目光瞄向社会人才的“大市场”,积极探索研究新形势下识才、引才、育才、用才、留才的新路子,以人事代理制为主引进地方多层次专业技术人员数百名,有力地促进了医院的全面建设发展,积累一定的实践经验。

4)specialized talent专业技术人才

1.This paper analyzes the relationship betweenspecialized talents demand and economic growth in Guangxi Province.通过分析广西专业技术人才需求与经济增长的关系,按照专业技术人才总量与经济总量相适应,人才需求结构与经济结构相适应的要求,建立对应的数学模型,给出未来十年间的广西专业技术人才需求总量和三大产业的人才需求量,同时做出简要分析。

2.specialized talents resource is knowledge guarantee and intellectual support of economic and social developments in Qinghai province.专业技术人才资源是青海省经济社会发展的知识保障和智力支持。

5)professional talents专业技术人才

1.Among the factors which affect quality of economic managementprofessional talents,the emphasis is put on employment quality.文章基于质量管理体系理论,针对目前大学毕业生就业难的现象,以经济管理专业技术人才为例,在众多影响经管专业技术人才质量因素分析中,重点研究了目前影响其就业环节质量的因素,并建立了管理质量体系,目的是对将合格的大学毕业生成功输送到工作岗位的管理过程进行探索。

6)professional personnel专业技术人才

1.Elaborating on the present status ofprofessional personnel in Putian,this essay points out the existing problems and analyses the relevant causes,and based on the actual conditions,puts forward countermeasures on the team construction ofprofessional personnel from four aspects.阐述现阶段莆田市专业技术人才队伍的现状,指出存在的问题并分析相关原因,根据实际情况,从四个方面提出专业技术人才队伍建设对策。

2.In line with investigating the present situation of theprofessional personnel in Enshi Tujia-Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hubei province, Xiangxi Tujia-Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan province and Qianjiang district of Chongqing municipality, this paper points out some problems in these regions.文章通过对湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州、湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州和重庆市黔江区三个民族地区专业技术人才现状的调研 ,认为上述三个民族地区专业技术人才数量不足 ,高级人才缺乏 ;人才结构与行业、地区分布不合理 ;人才流失严重 ,引进困难。


