1000字范文 > 史前社会 prehistoric Society英语短句 例句大全

史前社会 prehistoric Society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-06 19:47:26


史前社会 prehistoric Society英语短句 例句大全

史前社会,prehistoric Society

1)prehistoric Society史前社会

1.The prehistoric society in China entered the chiefdom stage during the Huangdi period and became to form a chiefdom alliance.我国史前社会在黄帝时期就已进入酋邦阶段 ,并开始结成松散的酋邦联盟。

2)prehistoric human communities史前人类社会

3)social art BC史前社会艺术

4)social history context社会历史前提

5)social history社会史

1.Briefly on the Formation and Nature of Social History;略论社会史的形成及其品质

2.WEN Yi-duo s research on the bibliography ofsocial history conceived in Zhouyi;闻一多的《周易》社会史史料学研究

3.Studies on Liu Ming-chuan s entering political stratum from the view point ofsocial history;从社会史视角看刘铭传的入仕


1.From Social History to Regional Social History--The Examination of 20 Years Academic Experiences;从社会史到区域社会史——学术经历之检讨

2.Theory of Cold-war Society:Understanding China through Political and Social History Study;社会冷战论:在政治史、社会史研究中理解中国

3.Socialization of Labor: A Mason"s Employment Social History劳动社会化:一个石匠的就业社会史

4.The Research of Social History in History Teaching of Senior School;社会史在高中历史教学中的应用研究

5.Yen Fu’s Social View of History and the Turning of Modern History;严复社会史观的建构与近代史学转向

6.WEN Yi-duo s research on the bibliography of social history conceived in Zhouyi;闻一多的《周易》社会史史料学研究

7.The women history and the history of the sexual distinction, and the history of the economy and society are combined with eachother and also different from eachother.妇女史、社会性别史与经济—社会史既相互联系 ,又相互区别。

8.A Revolution in Regional Social History--Review of The ‘histories’ and ‘History’ by Zhao Shiyu;区域社会史的革命——评赵世瑜著《小历史与大历史》

9.General History and Special History;一般的历史与特殊的历史──—论侯外庐《中国古代社会史论》的历史地位

10.Man, Society and its History --A Bridf Logical Analysis of Social History;人、社会及其历史——社会历史的逻辑简析

11.That"s a history of organized gangsterdom.那是黑社会帮会史。

12.Social science is nothing but history.社会科学无非是历史。

13.History of Marxism Social Thought马克思主义社会思想史

14.History of Socialist Economy Thoughts社会主义经济思想史

15.China" s Socialist Economy中国社会主义经济简史

16.On National History Studies and the Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society;论国史研究与构建社会主义和谐社会

17.On the Theory of a Harmonious Socialist Society from the Perspective of Historical Materialism;从唯物史观看社会主义和谐社会理论

18.Relation between Historical Location,Social Contradiction and Harmonious Society;历史方位、社会矛盾与和谐社会的构建


prehistoric human communities史前人类社会

3)social art BC史前社会艺术

4)social history context社会历史前提

5)social history社会史

1.Briefly on the Formation and Nature of Social History;略论社会史的形成及其品质

2.WEN Yi-duo s research on the bibliography ofsocial history conceived in Zhouyi;闻一多的《周易》社会史史料学研究

3.Studies on Liu Ming-chuan s entering political stratum from the view point ofsocial history;从社会史视角看刘铭传的入仕

6)social history社会历史

1.The House of the Seven Gables:a romantic interpretation ofsocial history;《七个尖角阁的房子》:对社会历史的传奇式解读

2.A Perspective of Marxism to Theory of Traditional Chinese Social History;马克思主义视野下的中国传统社会历史理论

3.A reasonable understanding of technological essence should be based on thesocial history, .从根本上说,技术是一种特殊的社会历史现象,技术本质的认识应遵循社会历史的解释原则,技术的本质只能在历史生存论的基础上予以合理地解读。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
