1000字范文 > 永磁同步电 permanent magnet synchronous motor英语短句 例句大全

永磁同步电 permanent magnet synchronous motor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-20 18:38:19


永磁同步电 permanent magnet synchronous motor英语短句 例句大全

永磁同步电,permanent magnet synchronous motor

1)permanent magnet synchronous motor永磁同步电

1.In this control system, a flux-oriented controlledpermanent magnet synchronous motor was first introduced as actuating motor, which is controlled by MCU.在分析了当前汽车电动助力转向系统的基础上,首次应用磁场定向控制的永磁同步电机作为该系统的执行电机,并由单片机进行控制,设计开发了电动助力转向控制系统的电子控制单元。

2.In this paper, the structure and operation of the principle ofpermanent magnet synchronous motor are described first, and then with the theory of vector control, linear and decoupling model ofpermanent magnet synchronous motor mathematical is established.本文首先对永磁同步电机的结构及运行原理进进行了阐述,并结合矢量控制理论建立了永磁同步电机的线性解耦数学模型,进而针对PCB数控钻床交流伺服系统建立了电流环、速度环、位置环三环控制系统,并依据控制理论对各个环节的PID参数进行了分析、设计,同时借助Matlab/Simulink软件验证了整个系统设计的正确性和合理性。


1.Finite Element Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor永磁同步电动机电磁场的有限元分析

2.Adaptive chaos synchronization for a type of permanent magnet synchronous motor一类永磁同步电机的自适应混沌同步

3.Research on Field Oriented Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor;永磁同步电动机磁场定向控制的研究

4.Research on Wide Flux Weakening Speed Range of Permanent Magent Synchronous Motor宽弱磁调速范围永磁同步电机的研究

5.Design and Research of Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor横向磁通永磁同步电动机设计与研究

6.The Analysis and Calculation of Magnetic Field for the Rotor of PM Synchronous Motor永磁同步电动机转子磁场分析与计算

7.Direct flux control of permanent magnet synchronous motors based on MTPF基于MTPF永磁同步电动机直接磁链控制

8.Optimal Design of No-Load Airgap Flux Density of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor永磁同步电机空载气隙磁密波形优化

9.The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Line-starting Research;永磁同步电动机异步起动过程的研究

10.3-D analysis of eddy current losses in permanent PMSM magnets永磁同步电动机中永磁体的三维涡流分析

11.Research on Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Machine Using in Gearless Elevator无齿轮电梯用永磁同步电动机的研究

12.The Maximum Torque per Ampere Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor永磁同步电动机最大转矩电流比控制

13.Calculation and Analysis of Electromagnetic Field in Line-start PMSM;自起动永磁同步电动机的电磁场计算与分析

14.Two-dimension Dynamic Electromagnetic Field Computing Software of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor;永磁同步电动机二维动态电磁场计算软件

15.Electromagnetic Field Analysis of Low Speed Disk Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor;盘式低速永磁同步电动机的电磁场分析

16.Research on Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise for Low-Power Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor小功率永磁同步电动机电磁振动与噪声研究

17.low-speed magneto synchronous motor永磁式低速同步电动机

18.Design and Research of Hybrid Excitation Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator;混合励磁永磁同步发电机的设计研究




2.Sensorless Control System forPMSM Based on Sliding Mode Technique;一种基于滑模观测器的低速大转矩永磁同步电动机无传感器控制方法研究

3.Full Sliding Mode Control ofPMSM;永磁同步电动机的完全滑模变结构控制

3)permanent magnet synchronous motor永磁同步电机

1.Study and Simulation of Direct Torque Control System for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor;永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统研究与仿真

2.RBF neural network based on-line discrimination and model reference self-adaptive control forpermanent magnet synchronous motors;基于RBF神经网络的永磁同步电机在线辨识与模型参考自适应控制

3.Direct torque control forpermanent magnet synchronous motor based on space voltage vector pulse width modulation;基于SVPWM的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制

4)permanent magnet synchronous motor永磁同步电动机

1.Controlling chaos inpermanent magnet synchronous motor via sliding mode scheme;永磁同步电动机中混沌运动的滑模变结构控制

2.Study on control ofpermanent magnet synchronous motor based on DSP;基于DSP的永磁同步电动机控制系统的研究

3.Based on neural networkpermanent magnet synchronous motor speed system simulation;基于神经网络永磁同步电动机调速系统的仿真研究


1.Study on high speed operation of sensorlessPMSM drive system;无传感器永磁同步电机调速系统高速运行性能研究

2.Design of novel intelligent vector controller forPMSM;永磁同步电机新型智能矢量控制器设计

3.Modeling and Simulation ofPMSM Vector Control System Based on MATLAB/Simulink&SimPowerSystems;基于MATLAB/Simulink&SimPowerSystems的永磁同步电机(PMSM)矢量控制系统建模与仿真


1.Design of Inverter Based on High SpeedPMSG;高速永磁同步发电机逆变电源设计

2.Influence of Skew Width and Non-Uniformity Air-Gap on Performance ofPMSG;斜槽宽度及非均匀气隙对永磁同步发电机性能的影响

3.Development on Dual-PWM Converter for Direct-driven Wind Power System Based onPMSG基于永磁同步发电机的直驱风电双脉宽调制变流器的研制


