1000字范文 > 全封闭SF6组合电器 full seal SF6 combined electric equipment英语短句 例句大全

全封闭SF6组合电器 full seal SF6 combined electric equipment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-16 01:07:45


全封闭SF6组合电器 full seal SF6 combined electric equipment英语短句 例句大全

全封闭SF6组合电器,full seal SF6 combined electric equipment

1)full seal SF6 combined electric equipment全封闭SF6组合电器

1.Because of the characteristics of miniaturization, security and reliability thefull seal SF6 combined electric equipment is widely used in electric power system, through the technical and economic comparision, the synthetical costs of thefull seal SF6 combined electric equipment and the outdoors open distribution equipment are equal.全封闭SF6组合电器(GIS)设备因其小型化、无油化、安全性好、采用大块式地基沉降小、可靠性高的特点得到了大力推广使用;通过技术经济比较,综合造价与户外敞开式配电装置相当,具有良好的社会效益和经济效益。

2)GIS(gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear)SF6全封闭组合电器

3)totally-enclosed SF6 GISSF6全封闭组合电器GIS

4)SF6 gas insulative totally enclosed combined electric equipmentSF6气体绝缘全封闭组合电器

5)Gas-Insulated SwitchgearSF6封闭式组合电器(GIS)

6)gas insulated switchgear(GIS)全封闭组合电器

1.Taking as an example the above-norm moisture content of sulfur hexafluoride(SF_6) in 220 kV gas insulated switchgear(GIS) in Jiangmen Substation,this paper lists the major sources of the moisture content of SF_6 in GIS,and analyzes the test results of moisture content in operating GIS.结合江门变电站220 kV全封闭组合电器(GIS)中SF6气体水分含量超标的实例,列举GIS设备中SF6气体所含水分的主要来源,并对运行中GIS设备水分含量的测试结果进行分析,提出水分含量超标时现场的处理方法和措施。

2.The factors impacting the very fast transient overvoltage(VFTO) caused by the operation of disconnector in 500kV gas insulated switchgear(GIS) are analyzed, and an approach to suppress VFTO in GIS is given.分析了550kV全封闭组合电器(gas insulated switchgear,GIS)中隔离开关(disconnector,DS)操作时产生快速暂态过电压(very fast transient overvoltage,VFTO)的影响因素,提出了抑制GIS系统中VFTO的方法。


1.Analysis of Totally-enclosed Combined Electric Apparatus Structure and Its Present Problems全封闭组合电器结构分析及其存在的问题

2.Installation quality control of 750 kV GIS in high altitude area高海拔地区750kV全封闭组合电器(GIS)安装质量控制

3.Analysis on Factors Impacting Very Fast Transient Overvoltage in 550 kV GIS550kV全封闭组合电器快速暂态过电压影响因素分析

4.Study on Ultra-Wideband Antenna Detecting Partial Discharge in Gas Insulated Switchgears and Soft-hard Filter Suppressing Disturbance;全封闭组合电器局放超宽频天线检测与软硬滤波抑制干扰研究

5.Treatment and Analysis of Operation Defects for Gas Insulated Full-enclosed Combined Electrical Equipment气体绝缘全封闭组合电器的运行缺陷分析及处理

6.Study on Detection of Partial Discharge in Gas Insulated Substation by Inner-Sensing Method and Fractal Feature Extraction;全封闭组合电器局部放电信号内置传感检测和分形特征提取的研究

7.Design of straight separate switch in close assemble electric appliances;封闭组合电器中直线隔离开关的设计

8.Maintenance of 110kV SF_6 Gas-insulated Switchgear浅谈110kV SF_6封闭式组合电器检修

9.Design and Development of the On-line Monitoring System for Gas Insulated Switchgear;封闭式组合电器(GIS)在线监测系统的设计与研制

10.hermetically sealed condensing unit全封闭式压缩冷凝机组

11.ventilated totally-enclosed motor全封闭通风式电动机

12.totally enclosed fan-cooling motor全封闭扇冷式电动机

13.totally-enclosed type induction motor全封闭式感应电动机

14.The current transformer is fully enclosed and busbar structure. The secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin. It has a good ability of antipollution and moisture proof.本型电流互感器为全封闭母线式结构,二次绕组及铁芯均浇注在环氧树脂内,耐污染及潮湿。

15.The current transformer is fully enclosed. The primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin. It has a good ability of antipollution and moisture proof.本型电流互感器为全封闭结构,一、次绕组及铁芯均浇注在环氧树脂内,耐污染及潮湿。

16.The test apparatus is a physical arrangement of dampers, mixer, thermopile, and ducts, all properly sealed and insulated.测试装置是一个爱挑毛病的人,混合器,热电对列和管的实际安排,全部适当地封闭而且绝缘。

17.Hermetic motor--compressors for room air conditionersGB/T15765-1995房间空气调节器用全封闭型电动机--压缩机

18.Model Selection of Large Current Enclosed Bus-bar for Nuclear Power Unit核电机组大电流离相封闭母线的选型


GIS(gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear)SF6全封闭组合电器

3)totally-enclosed SF6 GISSF6全封闭组合电器GIS

4)SF6 gas insulative totally enclosed combined electric equipmentSF6气体绝缘全封闭组合电器

5)Gas-Insulated SwitchgearSF6封闭式组合电器(GIS)

6)gas insulated switchgear(GIS)全封闭组合电器

1.Taking as an example the above-norm moisture content of sulfur hexafluoride(SF_6) in 220 kV gas insulated switchgear(GIS) in Jiangmen Substation,this paper lists the major sources of the moisture content of SF_6 in GIS,and analyzes the test results of moisture content in operating GIS.结合江门变电站220 kV全封闭组合电器(GIS)中SF6气体水分含量超标的实例,列举GIS设备中SF6气体所含水分的主要来源,并对运行中GIS设备水分含量的测试结果进行分析,提出水分含量超标时现场的处理方法和措施。

2.The factors impacting the very fast transient overvoltage(VFTO) caused by the operation of disconnector in 500kV gas insulated switchgear(GIS) are analyzed, and an approach to suppress VFTO in GIS is given.分析了550kV全封闭组合电器(gas insulated switchgear,GIS)中隔离开关(disconnector,DS)操作时产生快速暂态过电压(very fast transient overvoltage,VFTO)的影响因素,提出了抑制GIS系统中VFTO的方法。


敞开式组合电器敞开式组合电器open type composite apparatus用场地少的特点。可减少变电所的占地面积,改善运辛环境,并可建成屋内变电所。常见的252 kV及以上的敞开式组合电器有以再离开关为主体和以断路器为主体的两种。前者包括咦流互感器、电缆终端等元件,其特点是隔离开关静触岁装在其他元件上,组合以后纵向长度小,机械稳定肥好。后者包括隔离插头、电流互感器等元件,其特点夫断路器采用小车式结构,隔离开关简化为一对隔离扛头.便于断路器与隔离开关之间实现机械联锁.防止招操作。如图l所示为钧.skV断路器一隔离开关组下电器。 ┌─┐ │贬│ └─┘┌────┐│膝。’j │└────┘ 图1 4O.skV敞开式组合电器中国在20世纪70年代已开发出ZHI系列以晰离开关为主体的敞开式组合电器产品,其电压等级二126、252、363 kV,有十多种组合形式。90年代出天愈来愈多的敞开式组合电器产品。在这些产品中.牛12一40. 5 kV的若干电器组合后.用树脂浇铸成整体形成系列产品。通常.此类产品由接受订货的工厂根创工程要求进行设计,选择合理的组合形式生产供货。2。世纪90年代中期瑞士ABI弓公司重点开发以功路器为主体户外126一550 kV敞开式组合电器,其「包括126一252 kV六氛化硫断路器、电流互感器、肠离插头的户外敞开式组合电器(。。mpa、、),采用小车J结构。126~550 kV SF6断路器、电子式组合光电电流电压传感器、隔离开关的户外敞开式组合电器(pas、)图2 252kV户外型敞开式组合电器(pass)ehongko{shl Zuhe d.oflql敞开式组合电器(open type“ompoaPParatus)外绝缘暴露在大气中的组合电器是将几种常规的高压电器按电气主接线要求有机出合为一体,在结构上相互依托借用,各电器元件仍f原有的技术性能和结构特点,但拆开以后部分设是能独立运行。敞开式组合电器相间距离和常规高正器相同,但是压缩了纵向尺寸.因此具有结构紧凑te它结持不电占二次采用擂件式结构(见图2)。它们都能取得节省占地的效果,而价格比气体绝蛛全属封闭开关设备(Gls)便宜.因此,在屋外高压和超高压配电装!中的应用将越来越广泛。
