1000字范文 > 依法治理 ruling by law英语短句 例句大全

依法治理 ruling by law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-30 02:05:49


依法治理 ruling by law英语短句 例句大全

依法治理,ruling by law

1)ruling by law依法治理

1.Study on Problems of Ruling by Law in Basic Social Units;基层社会自我管理与依法治理


1.Place and Function of Administration According to Law at Grass-Roots Level in Process ofAdministering a Country According to Law;基层依法治理在依法治国进程中的地位和作用

2.Ruling a country by law is a great social system project.依法治国是一项伟大的社会系统工程,依法治理是依法治国的具体化。

3.Cross-area According to law Rule Countermeasures Analyse with Zhan Jian;湛江市城乡结合部依法治理对策研究

4.Sufficiently Exercise the Procuratorial Function and Control the Commercial Bribery in Accordance with the Law;充分发挥检察职能依法治理商业贿赂

5.On Deng Xiaoping s Ideology of Punishing Corrup Crimes by Law;简论邓小平依法治理腐败的思想体系

6.On the Right Viewpoint of Rule by Law;依法治国的正确理念——依好法治国

7.Establishing the Concept of Governing the Country in Accordance with the Law Carrying on the Investigation According to the Law;树立依法治国理念依法实施侦查行为

8.On the Idea of Service People to Govern a Country by Law and Conduct Administration by Law;论依法治国与依法行政的“民本”理念

9.Thought on "Ruling the Country by Law" and "Ruling the Country by Virtue"关于“依法治国”与“以德治国”的理性思考

10.Advocate Notion of Administrative Rule of Law,Toward the Governm ent By Law树立依法行政理念,推进行政法治进程

11.Standardize Teaching with Law--The Study of the Legal Issues in Adult Higher Education;依法治教——成人教育管理的法律化规范

12.University Administration in Accordance with Law and the Legal System Building in University Safety Administration;依法治校与高校安全管理法制化建设

13.Fostering the idea of running colleges and universities by law and improving the administration;确立依法治校理念,提高高校管理水平

14.Ruling Our Country by Law to Buibl a Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会应坚持依法治国的法治理念

15.Establishing the socialist concept of being ruled by law, implementing the strategy of being ruled by law;树立社会主义法治理念,实施依法治国方略

16.On Dengxiaoping s Socialist Idea of Running the Country According to Law;论邓小平依法治国的社会主义法治理念

17.Study on the Rational Anticipation and Realistic Diversity of Taxation by Law;依法治税的理性预期和现实差异研究

18.Mangemeat by Law: The Essential Choice of Colleges in the 21th Century;依法治校:21世纪高校管理的必然选择


administration according to law at the grass roots level基层依法治理

3)governing a city in accordance with law城市依法治理

4)ruling the country by law依法治国

1.Developing Modern Law Awareness in Ruling the Country by Law;依法治国,必须树立现代法律意识

2.It involves a series of significant theoretical and practical problems,the relationships betweenruling the country by law and party s leadership are the theoretical and practical problems need to understand and process correctly.依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,是我党为全面推进社会主义现代化建设作出的一项重大决策,是我国的基本治国方略。

5)To rule medicine according law依法治医

1.To rule medicine according law and morality has its phases.依法治医与以德治医具有阶段性,依法治医与以德治医在国家实现法治的进程中具有不同的地位和作用。

6)self-governing by laws依法自治


