1000字范文 > 双脉冲MIG焊 synergic-pulsed MIG英语短句 例句大全

双脉冲MIG焊 synergic-pulsed MIG英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-29 07:59:38


双脉冲MIG焊 synergic-pulsed MIG英语短句 例句大全

双脉冲MIG焊,synergic-pulsed MIG

1)synergic-pulsed MIG双脉冲MIG焊

1.Effects of thesynergic-pulsed MIG welding on the microstructure and properties of 2195 Al-Li alloy welds双脉冲MIG焊对2195Al-Li合金焊缝组织及性能的影响


1.Study on expert database of double pulse MIG welding for Al-Si alloy铝硅合金双脉冲MIG焊专家数据库

2.Effects of the synergic-pulsed MIG welding on the microstructure and properties of 2195 Al-Li alloy welds双脉冲MIG焊对2195Al-Li合金焊缝组织及性能的影响

3.Influence of processing parameters on weld forming in double-pulse MIG welding of aluminum alloy工艺参数对铝合金双脉冲MIG焊焊缝成形的影响

4.The Study of Digital Controlled Double PMIG Welding Process for Aluminium Alloy;数字控制铝合金双脉冲MIG焊工艺的研究

5.Full Digital Control Strategy of Double Pulsed MIG/MAG Welding双脉冲MIG/MAG焊全数字控制策略

6.The Dynamic Simulation and Verification of the Tandem Pulsed MIG Welding;双丝脉冲MIG焊过程的动态仿真及试验验证

7.Finite Element Analysis of Temperature Field in Tandem Push-Pull Pulsed MIG Welding Process;双丝推挽式脉冲MIG焊接温度场的有限元模拟

8.Research on digital waveform contronl for integrative twin-wire pulsed MIG welding based on DSP基于DSP的一体化双丝脉冲MIG焊数字波控研究

9.Study of plused MIG welding power supply based on DSP基于DSP的脉冲MIG焊数字化焊机的研制

10.DSP Based Digital Control of Pulsed MIG;基于DSP的脉冲MIG焊全数字化控制

11.The Research of the Pulse MIG Welding-Equipment Digitized System Based on ARM;基于ARM的脉冲MIG焊数字化系统的研究

12.Digital Control System Design of Pulsed MIG;脉冲MIG焊全数字化控制系统研制

13.Analysis on Stability of Aluminum Alloy Pulse MIG Welding铝合金脉冲MIG焊过程稳定性分析

14.Control method of multi-wire MIG/MAG pulse welding多丝MIG/MAG脉冲焊接控制方法

15.Full digital control of I/I mode pulsed MIG welding based on triple closed loop control全数字控制I/I模式三闭环脉冲MIG焊

16.Waveform Control in Droplet Transfer Phase During Pulsed MIG Welding脉冲MIG焊熔滴过渡阶段的波形控制

17.Influence of Welding Parameters on Process Control of Meso-Spray Transfer in Pulsed-MIG Welding of Aluminum焊接参数对铝脉冲MIG焊亚射流过程控制的影响

18.Study of Robotic Intelligent Control System for Aluminum Alloy Pulsed MIG Welding Process;铝合金脉冲MIG机器人焊接智能控制系统研究


double wire pulsed MIG/MAG welding双丝脉冲MIG/MAG焊

1.Present situation and developing trend ofdouble wire pulsed MIG/MAG welding;双丝脉冲MIG/MAG焊的研究现状和发展方向

3)twin-wire pulsed MIG welding双丝脉冲MIG焊

1.Research on digital waveform contronl for integrativetwin-wire pulsed MIG welding based on DSP基于DSP的一体化双丝脉冲MIG焊数字波控研究

4)double pulsed MIG/MAG双脉冲MIG/MAG焊

1.Based on a wire feed at periodically varying,to make arc length constant and the welding process stable,a triple closed loop control model composed of arc length regulation,instantaneous voltage and current feedback is established fordouble pulsed MIG/MAG welding.对于双脉冲MIG/MAG焊,在基于变速送丝的基础上,为实现等弧长控制与过程稳定,提出了包括弧长稳定、电压和电流瞬时值反馈计算的三闭环控制模型。

5)pulsed MIG welding脉冲MIG焊

1.Design and simulation of intelligent PID controller for aluminum alloypulsed MIG welding process;铝合金脉冲MIG焊过程PID控制器设计与仿真

2.Research on a waveform control method forpulsed MIG welding based on DSP;一种基于DSP的脉冲MIG焊波形控制方法的研究

3.Situation and expectation onpulsed MIG welding control technique;脉冲MIG焊控制的研究现状与展望

6)pulsed metal inert-gas welding脉冲MIG焊

1.Identification of aluminum alloypulsed metal inert-gas welding dynamic process;铝合金脉冲MIG焊动态过程辨识

2.Median waveform control method forpulsed metal inert-gas welding;三种脉冲MIG焊中值波形控制方法研究

3.In order to control stable droplet transfer inpulsed metal inert-gas welding,the forward median waveform control method was proposed,which adding median current between the two peaks of pulse current.为了实现脉冲MIG焊熔滴过渡的稳定可控,设计了前中值波形控制工艺方法。


