1000字范文 > 生物课堂教学 biology classroom teaching英语短句 例句大全

生物课堂教学 biology classroom teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-23 03:37:45


生物课堂教学 biology classroom teaching英语短句 例句大全

生物课堂教学,biology classroom teaching

1)biology classroom teaching生物课堂教学


1.Try of "Happy Education" in the Teaching of the Living Things Classroom;“愉快教育”在生物课堂教学中的尝试

2.Transformation and Enlightenment of Evaluation on High School Biology Classroom Teaching;高中生物课堂教学评价的变革及启示

3.Applying the Multi-media Technique to Better the Teaching of Biology;利用多媒体技术 优化生物课堂教学

4.On Effective Introduction in Biology Classroom Teaching of Senior Middle School例谈高中生物课堂教学中的有效导入

5.Strategies for improving class teaching of biology探索提高生物课堂教学有效性的策略

6.ECO-TEACHING:A New Idea On ClassroomTeaching Reform;生态化教学:生物课堂教学改革的新思路

7.Culture of the Inquiring Ability in Biology Classroom Teaching in Middle School;中学生物课堂教学中学生问题意识的培养

8.On Developing and Sustaining Students Interest in Studying Biology;生物课堂教学中学生学习兴趣的激发与维持

9.On Biological Class Teaching Mode and New Concept of Curriculum;新课程理念下的生物课堂教学模式初探

10.The Design of Biology Classroom Teaching Goals on the Background of the New Curriculum;新课程背景下生物课堂教学目标的设计

11.The Problems With Applying CAI in Biology Teaching and Our Strategies;CAI课件辅助生物课堂教学的问题与对策

12.Research on Classroom Teaching Evaluation of High School Biology Against the Background of New Curriculum新课程背景下高中生物课堂教学评价的研究

13.Preliminary Research on the Introduction Design for Biology Teaching Guided by the New Teaching Concept;浅谈新教学理念下生物课堂教学的导入设计

14.The Methods of Cultivating Student s Environmental Behavior Through Biological Classroom Teaching;生物课堂教学中培养学生环境行为方法的研究

15.A Study of Students Innovative Ability Training in Biology Classroom Teaching;生物课堂教学中学生创新能力培养要素的研究

16.Biology Classroom Teaching and the Cultivation of Students Ability of Asking Questions;生物课堂教学与学生提出问题能力的培养

17.Discuss the Class Practice Teaching of Students in the Higher Normal College of Physics论高师物理专业学生的课堂教学实习

18.Experiences in Reform of Teaching Molecular Biology;分子生物学课堂教学改革的几点体会


"Topic-Inquiry-Learning" Teaching Mode初中生物课堂教学

3)teaching for postgraduates classes研究生课堂教学

4)classroom teaching ecology课堂教学生态

5)classroom teaching life-oriented课堂教学生活化

1.The paper expounds the meaning and function of ideological and moralclassroom teaching life-oriented in junior high shool and analyses the current situation, and raises the implementation st本文基于初中思想品德课堂教学实践,以《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的要求为主线,按照“问题的提出——问题提出的意义作用——问题解决策略——问题解决对策的反思”的思路,从初中思想品德课堂教学生活化的研究背景、研究价值、国内外研究现状、研究方法、理论基础出发界定了初中思想品德课堂教学生活化的涵义和主要内容;论述了实施初中思想品德课堂教学生活化的意义作用;对初中思想品德课堂教学生活化的现状进行分析;从教学目标、教学内容、教学方式、教学过程、教学评价等方面提出了实施初中思想品德课堂教学生活化的策略;最后,指出初中思想品德课堂教学生活化的个案操作及值得注意的地方。

6)Generation of Classroom Teaching课堂教学生成


