1000字范文 > 依法行政 administration by law英语短句 例句大全

依法行政 administration by law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-10 13:54:29


依法行政 administration by law英语短句 例句大全

依法行政,administration by law

1)administration by law依法行政

1.The basic research on system and non system ofadministration by law;依法行政的制度与非制度基础研究

2.Theadministration by law of local government of the western region after entry into WTO;加入WTO与西部地方政府依法行政


1.We must follow the law and be strict in performing our official duties.坚持依法行政,从严治政。

2.Improving the legality of government work ?推进政府依法行政。

3.On the Idea of Service People to Govern a Country by Law and Conduct Administration by Law;论依法治国与依法行政的“民本”理念

4.On the Measures of Governing the Country and Conducting the Administration according to Law;试论依法治国与依法行政的若干措施

5.We will support the government in fulfilling its legal functions and performing its official duties according to law.支持政府履行法定职能,依法行政;

6.Advocate Notion of Administrative Rule of Law,Toward the Governm ent By Law树立依法行政理念,推进行政法治进程

7.Expansion of the Meaning of Administration According to Law by Administrative License Law;《行政许可法》扩充了依法行政的内涵

8.Strengthen the execution of rural law administration and realize administration by law;加强农村行政执法 实现农村依法行政

9.Study on Administrative Factual Behavior under the Idea of Administration According to Law依法行政理念下的行政事实行为研究

10.We should conscientiously implement the basic principle of "running the country according to law", perform official duties lawfully and managing the government by high standards.认真贯彻依法治国方略,坚持依法行政,从严治政。

11.Enhances one of administrative efficiency ways:Legally administration;提高行政效率的途径之一——依法行政

12.Acception Cases Limits of Administrative ProceduralLaw and Administration by Law;试论行政诉讼的受案范围与依法行政

13.Administering According to Law Is The Only Way to Eliminate The Monopolization in Administration;依法行政是消除行政垄断的必由之路

14.On the Administration by law;行政主体在行政管理中必须自觉坚持依法行政

15.On Law Reservation and Law Superiority in Administration by Law;论依法行政中的法律优先与法律保留

16.accelerate the change of government functions, and raise the administrative level according to law;加快政府职能转变,提高依法行政水平;

17.The Core of Administration according to Law is Conducting Administration for People and Building the Chinese Communist Party for the Public;依法行政的核心是立党为公、执政为民

18.Administration according to Law and Promotion of Government s Performance;论依法行政在提升政府能力中的作用


administration according to law依法行政

1.Administration According to Law: How Far from Theory to Practice;依法行政:从理论到实践究竟有多远——重庆市依法行政实践状况调查报告

2.Expansion of the Meaning of Administration According to Law by Administrative License Law;《行政许可法》扩充了依法行政的内涵

3)legal administration依法行政

1.This paper deems it important to return to the peasants their basic right, strengthenlegal administration, regulate the procedure of land conversion and improve mechanism of supervision, ensuring the interests of the peasants in the land conversion.文章提出归还农民的基本权利,加强依法行政,规范土地流转(征用)程序,完善监督机制,确保土地流转不伤害农民,在维持其正常生活(生存)的基础上合理、有效地进行土地征用和流转。

2.At present, the illegal administration in the farmland lenvies in China mainly includes the following aspects; illegal authorization to lenvy, illegal implementation after legitimat authorization.加强依法行政的路径选择有:转变征收理念,增强依法征收的观念;完善农地征收制度;健全与完善农地征收法律程序;加大执法力度,依法严厉制裁农地征收中的违法行政人员。

3."The Implementation Outline of Advancing Legal Administration Thoroughly" released by the State Council, defines guidelines and basic demands oflegal administration, puts forward all kinds of systems and measures to carry outlegal administration, and advances the implementation oflegal administration.国务院发布《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,明确依法行政的指导思想和基本要求,提出落实依法行政的各项制度与措施,推进依法行政的实施与落实,但是与建设法治政府的要求以及依法行政的目标相比,还存在不少的差距,而强化政府责任是全面推进依法行政的关键,因此,必须完善政府责任体系,促进政府责任在依法行政进程中的实现,从而全面推进依法行政的贯彻落实。

4)administrating by law依法行政

1.The responsibility system of enforcing the administration law is an important ensuring measure ofadministrating by law.行政执法责任制是依法行政的重要保障。

2.The formation and implementation of The Law of China s Administration Approval meets the needs of promoting China sadministrating by law and realizing the validation, standardization and rationalization of the government s performance.《行政许可法》的制定与实施,适应了我国全面推进依法行政、实现政府行为的法律化、规范化和理性化的必然要求。

5)Administrating according to law依法行政

1.Administrating according to law involves the restriction of administrative rights.依法行政所涉及的是对行政权力的限制。

2.The effective implementing of the system of administrative permission plays a fundamental, critical and key role in standardizing, legalizing the administrating power and promoting administrating according to law in all -round way.行政许可制度的有效实施,在规范行政权力,把行政权力的行使法制化、规范化,全面推进依法行政过程中发挥着基础、关键和核心的作用。

3.Just procedure is a basic legal system of institutionalizing the nature of ruling by law and the core and the basis of administrating according to law.法治的本质是对公权利的限制和制约从而保障人权,正当程序是将法治的本质制度化运作的一项基本法律制度,是依法行政的核心和基础所在。

6)law-based administration依法行政

1.In the field of the government management,the requirement for the government to build the harmonious society is thelaw-based administration.在政府治理领域,和谐社会的基本特征对政府的要求就是依法行政。


