1000字范文 > 鼠疫自然疫源性 Natural focus disease of plague英语短句 例句大全

鼠疫自然疫源性 Natural focus disease of plague英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-31 12:20:17


鼠疫自然疫源性 Natural focus disease of plague英语短句 例句大全

鼠疫自然疫源性,Natural focus disease of plague

1)Natural focus disease of plague鼠疫自然疫源性


1.Possibilities of Alashan desert enzootic plague territory existence阿拉善荒漠区鼠疫自然疫源性存在的可能性

2.Trend of developing of Mongolia gerbils Natural focus disease of plague in Damao达茂旗长爪鼠鼠疫自然疫源地的发展趋势

3.The Niche of 27 Kinds of Flea in NaturaI PIague Focus of Jianchuan , Yunnan Province剑川鼠疫自然疫源地27种蚤类生态位研究

4.Research on supervision of natural plague foci in China;我国鼠疫自然疫源地监测指标研究概况

5.Investigation on Animal Plague Natural Focus in Gobi Desert in Urumqi乌鲁木齐戈壁荒漠动物鼠疫自然疫源地调查

6.Epidemic situation of important natural-focus diseases in Yunnan Province,1999-1999~云南省重要自然疫源性疾病疫情分析

7.Outline of Investigation on Plague Natural Focus of Rhombomys opimus in Junggar Basin,Xinjiang新疆准噶尔盆地荒漠大沙鼠鼠疫自然疫源地调查研究概述

8.A study on law of activity of S.dauricus in Jilin province plague nature focus吉林省鼠疫自然疫源地达乌尔黄鼠活动规律的研究

9.Ectoparasites of Eothenomys miletus in the Focus of Plague in Northwest Yunnan滇西北鼠疫自然疫源地大绒鼠体表寄生虫研究(英文)

10.The investigation and analysis on the epizootiology in the Kang-Bao Plague natural foci, Hebei河北省康保鼠疫自然疫源地动物流行病学调查分析

11.Lists of the main hosts and parasitic fleas in plague natural foci of Inner Mongolia内蒙古鼠疫自然疫源地主要宿主及体表寄生蚤类名录

12.A 2-D minimal spanning tree model on the spatial structures of natural focal disease自然疫源性疾病疫源地空间结构的二维最小生成树模型及其应用

13.A Tick-borne Disease-Lyme Disease First Discovered in Anhui Province在安徽省新发现一种自然疫源性疾病——莱姆病

14.According to Genetic Features about Yersinia Pestis, the Analysis of the Character on Plauge Nature Focus of Yulong, Yunnan根据鼠疫耶尔森菌的遗传学特征分析云南玉龙鼠疫疫源地的性质

15.Study on the intervention with insecticide for killing flea in the plague nature foci in Leizhou island雷州半岛鼠疫疫源地预防性灭蚤的效果观察

16.The investigation of natural focus of tick-borne spotted fever in a military base某部驻区蜱传斑点热自然疫源地调查

17.Investigation on the natural focus of Lyme disease in Diebu county of Gansu province甘肃省迭部县莱姆病自然疫源地调查

18.an impermanent form of acquired immunity in which antibodies against a disease are acquired naturally (as through the placenta to an unborn child) or artificially (as by injection of antiserum).一种非永久性的后天免疫形式在此过程中病源抗体自然获得。


Plague natural foci鼠疫自然疫源地

1.Plague natural foci was confirmed using techniques of serology,bacteriology and gene diagnosis.目的确定云南玉龙县及古城区鼠疫自然疫源地的存在,提出防控策略。

3)Diseases source area of unguiculatus沙鼠鼠疫自然疫源地

4)Natur al foca自然疫源性

5)Natural focus disease自然疫源性疾病

6)epidemic focus自然疫源地

1.Objective To investigate theepidemic focus of angiostrongylaisis in coastal areas of Hainan Province and provide the basis for drawing up adequate strategy of control.结论海南省沿海地区存在广州管圆线虫病自然疫源地。


