1000字范文 > 脉冲激光焊 pulsed laser welding英语短句 例句大全

脉冲激光焊 pulsed laser welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-20 07:26:23


脉冲激光焊 pulsed laser welding英语短句 例句大全

脉冲激光焊,pulsed laser welding

1)pulsed laser welding脉冲激光焊

1.The application of neutral network method in building welding line shape model ofpulsed laser welding;神经网络在脉冲激光焊焊缝建模中的应用

2.Back Propagation neutral network is used to predict the shape of welding pool for the case ofpulsed laser welding in an aluminum alloy.利用BP神经网络对采用脉冲激光焊接工艺焊接铝时的熔池形状进行了预测,预测结果表明网络的最大输出相对误差不超过9%,说明该网络具有较强的映射能力,能满足预测要求。

3.The experiment result that 10Mn steel plate is welded by using Pulsed Laser Welding, is used to building a network model which forecast results of welding line shape of Pulsed Laser welding.介绍了利用BP网络建立脉冲激光焊焊缝形状模型。


1.Analysis on Microstructrue and Property of Welded Joint of Cu-Be Alloy C17200 by Pulse Laser WeldingC17200铍铜合金脉冲激光焊接头组织性能分析

2.Study of Charge Air Cooler Welding by Pulse Laser汽车发动机排气阀脉冲激光焊接实验研究

3.Effects of Laser Pulse Frequency and Scanning Mode on Welding Quality in Soldering by Fiber Laser脉冲频率及扫描方式对光纤激光软钎焊的影响

4.high pulse repetition rate laser高重复率脉冲激光器

5.switched repetitively-pulsed laser开关重复脉冲激光器

6.energy per pulse [laser game]每一脉冲能量〔激光游戏〕

7.high-intensity pulsed laser illumination高强度脉冲激光照明

8.pulsed metal vapor laser脉冲金属蒸汽激光器

9.giant-pulse ruby laser巨脉冲红宝石激光器

10.pulsed ruby laser脉冲式红宝石激光器

11.continuously pulsed copper halide laser连续脉冲卤化铜激光器

12.pulsed carbon dioxide lasers脉冲二氧化碳激光器

13.pulsed dielectric laser脉冲式电介质激光器

14.pulse repetition frequency [laser game]脉冲重复频率〔激光游戏〕

15.pulse mode [laser game]脉冲模式〔激光游戏〕

16.pulsed ultraviolet laser rangefinder脉冲紫外激光测距仪

17.ultraviolet pulse molecular nitrogen laser紫外脉冲氮分子激光器

18.Experiments of second harmonic generation of 9.3 μm pulsed CO_2 lasers9.3μm脉冲CO_2激光倍频实验


pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding脉冲YAG激光焊

1.The effects of pulsing parameters including pulse duration, frequency and energy of single pulse on heat conduction weld shape parameters, which are expressed by penetration depth, bead width and depth-to-width ratio duringpulsed Nd:YAG laser welding of 2 mm thick LF3 sheets under constant average power and welding speed, are studied.以2mm厚LF3铝合金薄板为对象,研究了在平均功率和焊接速度不变时脉冲YAG激光焊脉冲调制参数(脉宽、频率及单脉冲能量)对热导焊缝形状参数(熔深、熔宽及深宽比)的影响规律,并结合脉冲激光焊间断作用的特征,引入"有效峰值功率密度"综合考虑焊接速度、频率、脉宽以及光斑大小对焊缝形状参数的影响。

3)pulsed laser welding脉冲激光焊接

1.The characteristic ofpulsed laser welding process of small - size stainless steel sheets is studied and how welding parameters affect the penetration status and the width of welding line is specially analyzed.研究小尺寸不锈钢片脉冲激光焊接的特点,着重分析焊接参数对焊缝熔透状况和焊缝宽度的影响。

4)pulsed laser welding technique脉冲激光焊工艺

5)YAG-pulse laser weldingYAG脉冲激光焊接

1.A hollow cylindrical electrode was employed to detect the electrical signal of laser-induced plasma duringYAG-pulse laser welding of Al and 45~# steel.针对YAG脉冲激光焊接Al及45~#钢时产生的光致等离子体,采用空心圆电极探测等离子体电信号;建立探测器内等离子体区域分析的理论模型,并用试验加以验证。

6)pulsed laser welder脉冲激光焊接机


