1000字范文 > 弹性体 elastomer英语短句 例句大全

弹性体 elastomer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-12 09:00:28


弹性体 elastomer英语短句 例句大全



1.Synthesis of Polyurethane-epoxy Elastomer;聚氨酯-环氧树脂弹性体的合成

2.Structure and properties of polyurethaneelastomer based on diphenylmethane- 4,4′-diisocyanate/naphthalene-1,5-diisocyanate;基于MDI/NDI的聚氨酯弹性体的结构与性能

3.The research of CM and theelastomer altogether mixing modification;CM与弹性体共混改性的研究概况


1.nonlinear dynamics of elastic bodies弹性体非线性动力学

2.Adaptive Parameter Estimation for Transverse Vibration of the Flexible Missile弹性体导弹横向振动自适应参数估计

3.glass fibre reinforced elastomer玻璃纤维增强弹性体

4.Study on Stability of SBS Elastomer Modified Asphalt;SBS弹性体改性沥青体系稳定性研究

5.Magneto-Thermo-Elastic Waves in an Infinite Perfectly Conducting Elastic Solid With Energy Dissipation理想传导弹性体中能量耗散的磁-热-弹性波

6.Study on the Compatibilization of PP/TPU Blends聚丙烯/热塑性聚氨酯弹性体的相容性

7.Study on Thermoplastic Elastomor by Modifing Polyvinyl Chloride;改性PVC制备热塑性弹性体的研究

8.Modification Research of NR/PP Blended Thermoplastic Elastomer;NR/PP共混型热塑性弹性体的改性研究

9.Study on Preparation and Properties of PP/POE Thermoplastic ElastomerPP/POE热塑性弹性体的制备和性能研究

10.Preparation and Properties of Polybutene-1 Thermoplastic Elastomer聚丁烯-1热塑性弹性体的制备和性能

11.Study on Properties of HPVC/ABS Thermoplastic ElastomerHPVC/ABS热塑性弹性体性能研究

12.Study on the Performance of SEBS/PP Thermoplastic Elastomer and Its PreparationSEBS/PP热塑性弹性体的制备与性能研究

13.polyurethane thermoplastic elastomer聚氨基甲酸酯热塑性弹性体

14.Rheological Characteristics of Short Cellulose Fiber Filled Elastomer纤维素短纤维填充弹性体的流变特性

15.Novel Aliphatic Polyurea Elastomer Synthesized with A Modified Diamine改性二胺合成新型脂肪族聚脲弹性体

16.ideal elastic body理想弹性[塑性]体

17.elasticity of isotropic body各向同性体弹性力学

18.elasticity of anisotropics各向异性体弹性力学


elastic body弹性体

1.Dynamics analysis of multibody system based on geometric nonlinear characteristic ofelastic body;基于弹性体几何非线性的多体系统动力学分析

2.Mechanical study on theelastic body of a wrist force-torque sensor with finite element method;用有限元法对腕力传感器弹性体的力学分析


1.Microphase separation of poly(ether-ester)elastomers;聚醚酯弹性体的微相分离

2.Relation Between Structure and Characteristics of Elastomers Prepared byEthylene and 1-Butene Gas Oligamerization and Copolymerization with Highly Active Catalyst;新型高效催化剂乙烯/1-丁烯气相齐聚和共聚制备弹性体及其结构与性能关系

3.Performance of Soft Poly(vinyl chloride) Blended with Elastomers;弹性体改性软质聚氯乙烯性能的研究

4)elastic solid弹性体

1.Discussion about design methods of load cellelastic solid finite element;称重传感器弹性体有限元设计方法的探讨

2.Analysis and research of curved beamelastic solid finite element basing on Pro/E and ANSYS;基于Pro/E和ANSYS的弯曲梁弹性体有限元分析研究

3.As long as twenty years or more, a series of theory results to the problem of the ellipse crack in anelastic solid written by many foreign famous scholars (most of them are American), have been publishedone after another.长期以来,有关弹性体椭园片裂缝的问题,国外(以美国为主)很多学者在中已陆续发表了一系列的理论成果。

5)flexible body弹性体

6)flexible missile弹性体导弹

1.Robust controller designed forflexible missiles;弹性体导弹鲁棒控制器设计

2.In view of recent advances in the field offlexible missile dynamics, this dissertation investigates modeling and active vibration control offlexible missile.因此,对弹性体导弹进行振动控制研究便具有了重要的理论价值和实际应用意义。

3.There is a complex coupling relationship between transverse vibration and rigid motion of theflexible missiles.弹性体导弹的横向振动与刚体运动具有复杂的耦合关系,针对弹性体导弹高速飞行时产生的弹体横向振动,采用带尾部推力的欧拉-伯努力梁模型建立了弹性体导弹的横向振动模型。


