1000字范文 > 服装人才 fashion talent英语短句 例句大全

服装人才 fashion talent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-24 16:38:52


服装人才 fashion talent英语短句 例句大全

服装人才,fashion talent

1)fashion talent服装人才


1.Discussion about the Training Model of Garment Personswith Ability Aimed to the Area Economy;以区域经济为目标的服装人才培养模式探讨

2.Apparel Brand Strategy and Clothing Education Personnel Training;服装品牌战略与服装教育的人才培养

3.A Tentative Analysis of How to Produce Artistic Design Talents for Modern Garment Industry;现代服装艺术设计人才培养思路初探

4.The Mode of Training Senior Professional Personnel in the Garment Designing Speciality;服装设计专业高职人才培养模式探讨

5.To integrate closely with practice and emphasize on training skills;服装专业高素质应用型人才培养初探

6.WTO and Strategy on the Talent in Textile Clothing Industry of Our City;WTO与我市纺织服装行业人才战略

7.Cultivating Excellent Fashion Designer Discussion about the Teaching--Way of Fashion Design;优秀服装设计人才的培养——服装设计教学方法之探讨

8.How to Cultivate Compound Talents of Costume Design Industry;基于产业背景下的复合型服装设计人才培养观

9.Ideas of talent cultivation to meet social demands in higher education of garment;服装高等教育培养适应社会需求人才的构想

10."Multi-dimensional" Training Mode for Innovative Talents of Costume Design and Engineering Specialty服装设计与工程专业创新人才“多维”培养模式

11.A Probe in Teaching into Cultivating Developable Talents in Fashion Design培养服装设计可持续发展人才的教学探索

12.Study and Practice of"2+1"Education Mode for Fashion Design Specialty in Higher Vocational Education;高职服装设计专业“2+1”人才培养模式的研究与实践

13.The Construction of Society Evaluation Indexes System on Performance of Logistics Talent Cultivation in Universities about Textile and Garment;纺织服装院校物流人才培养绩效社会评价指标体系的构建

14.A Primary Analysis and Study on the Foreign Trade Follow-up and Its Current Situation and the Requirement for the Foreign Trade Personals服装外贸跟单流程与现状及其人才要求的分析与探讨

15.Overcome the cognitive misunderstanding of talents and carry out the project of talented personnel;克服人才认识误区 着力实施人才工程

16.One who designs for or owns such an establishment.女装裁缝;女式服装店主为女式服装店设计拥有女式服装店的人

17.Discussion on the Construction of Professional Quality of Packaging and Decoration Design Professionals;谈包装装潢设计人才职业素质的构建

18.A wardrobe assistant, as for an actor.服装员照管服装柜的人,如为演员照管服装柜的人


Professional fashion personnel服装专业人才

3)the talent of costume design服装设计人才

4)applied clothing specialty talents应用型服装类专业人才

1.Finally it points that it should take serve the place economic development as the basis and promotes the cultivation ofapplied clothing specialty talents beginning from the connection between universities and place economic development.针对现今新型本科院校的增多,首先阐述了新型本科院校定位于应用型本科的原因,然后介绍了应用型服装类专业人才及其培养模式,最后从地方经济建设和高等院校的关系着手,指出应以服务地方经济建设为根本,促进应用型服装类专业人才的培养。

5)Talents of service服务人才

6)serve the talented人才服务


T型人才T型人才T type talent下型人才(T type talent)按知识结构区分出来的一种新型人才类型。用字母,’T”来表示他们的知识结构特点。“一”表示有广博的知识面,“}”表示知识的深度。两者的结合,既有较深的专业知识,又有广博的知识面,这类集深与博于一身的人才,就称之为T型人才。当前我国T型人才十分缺乏。随着社会主义现代化事业的发展,对T型人才要求更为迫切。因此,领导者应把培养T型人才作为战略重点,下大气力抓好。(李军撰王树茂审)
