1000字范文 > 国际法实践 practice of international law英语短句 例句大全

国际法实践 practice of international law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-02 05:56:11


国际法实践 practice of international law英语短句 例句大全

国际法实践,practice of international law

1)practice of international law国际法实践

1.During the American Civil War, the federal government made various effective achievements in thepractice of international law:from a series of struggles through international law to the “Alabama” civil war.美国内战期间 ,联邦政府为维护联邦的统一 ,进行了许多卓有成效的国际法实践 :从海上封锁的一系列国际法斗争到“亚拉巴马”号案对英国变相干涉内战的对抗。


1.On the Practice of International Law in the Civil War ofAmerica and Its Present Enlightenment;美国内战的国际法实践及其当代启示

2.Xinjiang-Russia Diplomacy during the Republic of China and Yang Zengxin s Practice in International Law;民国时期的新俄外交与杨增新的国际法实践

3.The Chinese Government"s Practice of International Law in Contemporary History under the Circumstances of the Impact of Political Culture政治文化影响下的当代中国国际法实践

4.Analysis of Teaching Method and Its Application to International Trade Practice;《国际贸易实务》教学方法的探索与实践

5.On Counter-claim in judicial Practice of the International Court of Justice;国际法院司法实践中的反诉问题研究

6.International Currency Law in Chinese Practice;国际货币法律适用问题及我国之实践

7.International Law s New Trend and China s Diplomatic Practice;国际法发展新动向及中国的外交实践

8.The Research on the Subject of International Criminal Law-from the Angle of the Practice of International Criminal Trials;国际刑法主体研究—从国际刑事审判实践的角度

9.On the Theory of Just War and Its Impacts on Modern International Law;正义战争论对现代国际法及国际实践的影响

10.The Theory and Practice of InternationalAnti-trust Law and its Inspiration;国际反垄断法的理论与实践及其启示

11.Constitutional Review on International Treaties in France;法国宪法实践中对国际条约的合宪性审查

12.Relationship between International Treaties and National Law:Its Practice in China;国际条约与国内法的关系及中国的实践

13.International Law in the Perspective of Classical Realism and its Influence in Practice;古典现实主义视野下的国际法及其实践影响

14.The Responsibility to Protect:Studies on the Judicial Practice of the International Court of Justice“保护的责任”:国际法院相关司法实践研究

15.In the View of the Practice of International Consolidated Supervision to Analyze the Improvement of the Banking Supervision Law of China;从国际并表监管实践析我国银行监管法的完善

16.A Study on the Nternational Legal Practices of Independent Guarantee System and Its Refrence to China;独立担保国际法律实践及其对我国的借鉴研究

17.International Private Law Research Institute:The Pushing Force of Statutorization and Codification of International Private Law--Revelation from the Practice of the Development of British International Private Law;国际私法研究机构:国际私法成文化法典化的推动力——英国国际私法发展的实践启示

18.Law and Practice about Judicial Review of International Commercial Arbitration;试论国际商事仲裁司法审查的理论与实践


international legal practices国际法律实践

1.The independent guarantee system is a frequently used credit guarantee system in the area of international financing and guarantee, it has acquired a far-ranging application since 1970s and many relevantinternational legal practices also came into being gradually.独立担保制度是目前在国际融资担保领域运用较多的一种信用担保制度,自二十世纪七十年代以来在国际上得到了较为广泛的应用并逐渐形成了许多相关国际法律实践。

3)International Judicial Practice国际司法实践

4)international practices国际实践

1.In this paper,the author probes into the concept of circulation economy,characteristics,principles andinternational practices;discusses the necessity to develop circulation economy in our country based on limited natural resources,current diseconomy growth mode and serious environmental problems,etc.探究循环经济的概念、原则、特征和国际实践情况,从我国有限的资源、粗放的经济增长方式及严重的环境问题等方面分析发展循环经济的必要性,提出我国发展循环经济的对策建议。

5)International Practice国际实践

1.Landscape Architecture asInternational Practice:Trends in Australia and China as a Client;澳大利亚景观建筑业的国际实践——趋势和在中国实践情况

2.This paper analyzes the nature of the Theory of Just War from its evolution and development, aiming to explore its impacts on modern international law and on international practice.该文从正义战争论的演进剖析其实质,进而探讨它对现代国际法与现代国际实践的影响,指出一国在国际关系中使用武力应当兼顾其道义性与合法性,并强调合法的战争才是当代真正意义上的正义战争。

6)practice of internationalization国际化实践

1.And in thepractice of internationalization also many problems are exposed when achievements are get.在取得明显成效的同时,各院校的国际化实践中也存在一些问题,应该引起重视。


