1000字范文 > Earthquakes教案_高一英语教案


时间:2020-04-03 22:46:34



unit 4earthquakes

period 3grammar(the attributive clause (ⅰ)



this is the third teaching period of this unit. to test whether the students have grasped the important and difficult language points they learned in the last period, the teacher should first offer them some revision exercises. the pattern “not all. . . ”or “all. . . not. . . ” is a bit important, so special exercises should be designed.

this teaching period mainly deals with the grammar:the attributive clause introduced by that, which, who and whose. firstly, the teacher can ask the students to read the text a night the earth didn’t sleep, tick out the attributive clauses in the reading passage and translate them into chinese. secondly, summarize the usages of the attributive clause, especially the usages of relative pronouns:which, that, who, whom and whose by giving a lot of example sentences. thirdly, do the exercises in discovering useful structures on page 28 and more exercises for students to master the usages of which, that, who, whom and whose.

at the end of the class, ask the students to read the passage a safe home and do the exercises in using structures on page 64 and additional exercises for consolidation.


get the students to master the attributive clause introduced by that, which, who and whose.


enable the students learn how to use that, which, who and whose correctly.


1. task-based teaching and learning

2. cooperative learning and practice


a projector and other normal teaching tools


knowledge aims:

1. get the students to learn the attributive clause introduced by that, which, who and whose.

2. let the students learn different usages of that, which, who and whose.

ability aims:

1. enable the students to use attributive clauses to describe things and persons.

2. enable the students to know how to choose correct relative pronouns for attributive clauses.

emotional aims:

1. get the students to become interested in grammar learning.

2. develop the students’ sense of group cooperation.



→step 1 revision

1. check the homework exercises.

2. dictate some new words and expressions.

3. translate the sentences:



suggested answers:

1)not all bamboo can grow tall. /all bamboo can not grow tall.

2)none of them is/are good at dancing.

→step 2 reading and finding

turn to page 26 and read the text a night the earth didn’t sleep. tick out the attributive clauses in the reading passage and translate them into chinese.
